cosmic-backup/gopher/Holden-22/Broadcasting Attempt 044.txt

22 lines
677 B

# Broadcasting
Calling for any help in the outer space.
Calling for any help in the outer space.
This is Phaedrus. I'm the captain of Holden-22 (Type A).
Our ship wrecked on a planet called Brinxtar on a white dwarf
system close to Andromeda, that's what I remember since the
Astrogation system suddenly stop responding.
Whe're still trying to scan the area but the controls aren't responding well.
We have food for 1 month left, if no help seems to appear we will
need to further explore the planet.
The surface seens to have a lot of underground caves complexes and
pools of acid, we don't know what acid is this though.
I hope this message reaches somebody.