cosmic-backup/gopher/Kors Recovered Datafiles/historical_log.txt

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After years of misadventures and close calls, keeping his head down
for over a decade after the Fall of the Empire, Kor had worked a
string of pointless jobs on planets that all started to look the
same. Occasional word of Innominate will pop up to vex regimes and
corporations across the Galaxy, none of the mysterious group's
members have been confirmed to be captured. Only a few people have
ever met Kor, he was sure no one could connect the dots to a
mysterious figure who helped expose Imperial war crimes to the
everyman mechanic/engineer Kor Novablast. Even the Novagold family
had failed to reach out, either due to inability to find their son
or disinterest, perhaps they have their own post-war problems, who
Kor had been the resident mechanic of a sleazy used ship salesman
on the planet Lantillies. Snuurrt, a Caaramon of ill-repute who
read a series of Holos on how to trick customers into thinking you
are agreeing with them while actually fleecing him, had tasked Kor
with fixing a ship that, by all rights, should have been melted as
scrap instead of polished for sale. "The Steel Lady" was soon painted
beside the entry hatch (It sounded better than Snuurrts suggestion
about "Sexy leopards" - a clear marketing ploy, and the original
name "The Sog-Soggoth Lady")
It was a GX-1 short hauler built right there on planet Lantillies,
which was upgraded with a Class-1 hyperdrive of questionable
ethical and legal origin - anything faster and it would undoubtedly
be illegal aftermarket modding. The hack job resulted in a rather
significant issue; the hyperdrive functions, but it pulls too much
power from the hypermatter fuel injector, requiring over-frequent
refueling. Kor was busy trying his best to make sure it wouldn't
Kor had been working for days and nights on this ship to get it in
sellable condition, sleeping in the labyrinthian bowels of the
ship, out of sight of Snuurrt and anyone else who might interrupt.
One day Kor awoke with an all-too familiar feeling in his gut - he
was in space - somebody had taken The Steel Lady off-planet. He
soon found himself amongst new faces:
Cyrus McCain - The Lady's new Captain.
Duhah - a blue-skinned mystic, hidden beneath a pile of robes
Liahra - a medic with a military past.
The ship had been sold, and Lantillies and Kor's parts bin were far
The ship landed somewhere in the Roche asteroid belt, and soon
purchased Ninedee, a display-model 9D-88 welding unit, from the
Roache Hive. It was on this asteroid that the crew was attacked by
a pair of bounty hunters, after a brief gun fight, Ninedee smashed
one of the attackers over the head instantly killing him while
Duhah incapacitated the other. The Verpine's Mandalorean gaurds
were soon on the scene and arrested the remaining assailant.
On Arcan we took a job with Yorseg to smuggle droid protocols to Issagra.
They were hidden in a crate of nuts, which were much enjoyed by the
crew. In transit, we dropped out of hyperspace -- asteroids had
been placed in the proscribed route. It was here that we found our
controls non-responsive and were set upon by pirates, under the
command of Jarrusk. Outmanned and outgunned, dead in space, they
took Yorseg's contraband without touching anything else in our
On Issagra Station we explained our situation to our client, after
some investigation it was found that Jarrusk was working for
Yorseg, and had placed a bounty on our ship. As customary, we took
on more work, including passage for Faisel Exoleap and his 2
droids. After leaving the station, the ship went into hyperspace.
This was a bad idea. After jumping from planet to planet, making
deliveries as The Lady was hired to do, Kor desperately tried to
hold the ship together.
Kor once badly damaged his hands in an explosion of steam, but
despite his hard work the hyperdrive finally became in-operable.
The ship lost all power. Floating adrift through space, the crew
had plenty of time to think but not enough food to do it for long.
Soon an ancient (lude) statue was found amongst Exoleap's "luggage"
with enough gold gilding to repair the burnt-out wiring. We were
fortunate enough to pilot the ship to Madman Mooney's used
spaceship sales, located on a small asteroid nearby.
The Steel Lady was sold, the proceeds of this transaction were used
to purchase The Silver Falcon. Moments after the transation took
place, the faulty hyperdrive exploded, completely obliterating Mad
Man Mooney's asteroid and all inhabitants.