2023-02-27 13:55:26 +00:00

204 lines
9.3 KiB

import os, mimetypes, subprocess, urllib.parse, time, tempfile
from import JetforceApplication, Response, Status
from pathlib import Path
from functools import wraps
# The amount of recent entries to show on the homepage
# Ships whose descriptions need to be quoted in a pre text block. Key is ship name, value is alt text.
"": """An ascii banner split in two halves. The left half reads "" in a figlet font. The right half lists the server as AnonServ 0.9.infinity, the readable frontends as QEC, Gemini, Gopher, and Web, as well as listing Email as a write-only frontend. The description under these listings reads "'Sup losers, it's your boy Phantom Override back at it again. They got us once but they'll never find us out amongst the stars. Lose lose." At the bottom of the banner it lists the email address for submissions, which is""",
"": """An ascii banner split in two uneven halves. The left half reads "" in a cool figlet-esque font. The right half reads "Back from the grave after 400 years, you can't find us but keep on tryin'. An anonymous QEC retransmit service: put it here, it never ever goes away. Just send us your stuff on 182.2 KHz. Use QEC: How did we get the name? Very easily! Where are we? Here, there, everywhere. Greets snowcrash, acidburn, lordnikon. countzero, get lost. Special to exclusive services: do you think this is some kind of game? Traffic analysis, for babies. You will never find us but keep trying. Busy time: 39882 failed attacks, and counting! You can't stop the signal"."""
# Utility lambda to get line count
LINE_COUNT = lambda fn: int((["/usr/bin/wc","-l",fn],stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout or b"-1 somethingswrong").decode("utf-8").split()[0])
class DefaultToGopher(JetforceApplication):
GOPHER_ROOT = Path("/var/gopher")
def default_callback(self, request, **_):
Defaults to serving a file out of /var/gopher if one exists.
Since the app itself defines analogues for the gophermap CGI-esques that cosmic
itself uses, we'll only end up here if we're trying to serve some file that
exists on gopher (or if it's a bad request but that's the job of check_request).
Implementation loosely based on
# make sure we can handle this request (since that's the only other reason we'd be here)
if (resp:=self.check_request(request)): return resp
# normalize the request path
filename = Path(os.path.normpath(urllib.parse.unquote(request.path.strip("/"))))
# cowardly refuse to serve file outside of gopher root
if filename.is_absolute() or str(filename).startswith(".."):
return Response(Status.BAD_REQUEST,"Detected path traversal")
# find filesystem path
fs_path = self.GOPHER_ROOT / filename
# check readability
if not os.access(fs_path, os.R_OK):
return Response(Status.NOT_FOUND,"Not Found")
except OSError:
return Response(Status.NOT_FOUND)
if fs_path.is_file():
mimetype = mimetypes.guess_type(fs_path,strict=False)[0] or "application/octet-stream"
if str(fs_path).endswith("gophermap"): mimetype = "text/gophermap"
if any([str(fs_path).endswith(x) for x in ("LICENSE","AUTHOR",".description")]): mimetype = "text/plain"
return Response(Status.SUCCESS,mimetype,self.load_file(fs_path))
else: # don't bother with directory listings
return Response(Status.NOT_FOUND,"Not Found")
def load_file(self,path):
with open(path) as f:
while (
yield data
def check_request(self,request):
if any([
request.port and request.port!=request.environ["SERVER_PORT"]
return Response(Status.PROXY_REQUEST_REFUSED,"Proxy Request Refused")
def abstract_listing_generator(listing_file,header_file=None,header_text=None,limit_line_count=False,filter_line=lambda raw_line: True,count_from_end=True):
Handles listing pages.
`listing_file` is the file to read as the listing.
There are two ways to give a header to the listing:
- `header_file` is the filename of a file to send as the header.
- `header_text` is text to send as the header.
If they are both provided, `header_file` is sent first, then `header_text`.
`limit_line_count` is either False (no limit to line count) or the number of
lines to send at most.
`filter_line` is a function that returns False when a line should be skipped.
`count_from_end` affects the line number generation. If it is True, the line
numbers are generated in reverse order (like in most listings). Otherwise, the
line numbers are generated forwards (like in ship listings).
if header_file is not None:
with open(header_file) as hdr_f:
if header_text is not None:
yield header_text
yield "\n\n"
total_line_count = LINE_COUNT(listing_file)
with open(listing_file) as f:
line_count = 0
while (line_count:=line_count+1) and (line:=f.readline()):
if limit_line_count and line_count>limit_line_count: return
if not filter_line(line): continue
log_name, log_link = line[1:].strip().split("\t")
if count_from_end:
log_num = total_line_count-line_count
log_num = line_count
log_num += 1 # account for numbers starting at 1 and not 0
log_link = urllib.parse.quote(log_link,safe='/')
yield f"=> {log_link} {log_num} >> {log_name}\n"
def listing_generator(**kwargs):
"""Use the normal listing file."""
return abstract_listing_generator("/var/gopher/listing.gophermap",**kwargs)
def reverse_listing_generator(**kwargs):
Use the normal listing file but in reverse. Uses some trickery to (hopefully
efficiently) reverse the listing file.
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile("r",encoding="utf-8") as f:"tac /var/gopher/listing.gophermap > ",shell=True)
yield from abstract_listing_generator(,count_from_end=False,**kwargs)
def count_entries(ship):
count = 0
with open("/var/gopher/listing.gophermap") as f:
for line in f:
if line.startswith("0"+ship): count+=1
return count
def wrap_response(mimetype="text/gemini"):
def __wrapfunc(f):
def __wrapper(*args,**kwargs):
rv = f(*args,**kwargs)
if type(rv)!=Response: return Response(Status.SUCCESS,"text/gemini",rv)
return rv
return __wrapper
return __wrapfunc
app = DefaultToGopher()
def index(request):
return listing_generator(header_file="/var/cosmic/templates/geminiintro.tmpl",limit_line_count=RECENT_ENTRIES_COUNT)
def log(request):
return listing_generator(header_text="RS001 Log Entries (Newest First):")
def ships(request):
yield "# Ships and Outposts\n\n"
for ship in sorted(os.listdir("/var/gopher")):
if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join("/var/gopher",ship)): continue
if ship in ("ships","log"): continue
entries = count_entries(ship)
if entries==0: continue
urlencoded = urllib.parse.quote(ship,safe='')
yield f"=> /ships/{urlencoded}/ {ship} ({entries!s})\n"
def ship(request,ship=None):
if ship is None: return Response(Status.BAD_REQUEST,"Bad Request")
ship_unquoted = urllib.parse.unquote(ship)
urlencoded = urllib.parse.quote(ship,safe='')
if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join("/var/gopher",ship_unquoted)): return Response(Status.NOT_FOUND,"Not Found")
def __generator():
description = os.path.join("/var/gopher",ship_unquoted,".description")
if os.path.exists(description):
if ship_unquoted in DESC_PRE_SHIPS:
yield "```"
yield DESC_PRE_SHIPS[ship_unquoted]
yield "\n"
yield from app.load_file(description)
if ship_unquoted in DESC_PRE_SHIPS:
yield "```"
yield "\n"
if os.path.exists(os.path.join("/var/gopher",ship_unquoted,"AUTHOR")):
yield f"=> /{urlencoded}/AUTHOR Author {ship_unquoted}\n"
yield f"# {ship_unquoted} - Ship Log\n"
yield from reverse_listing_generator(filter_line=lambda line: line.startswith("0"+ship_unquoted))
yield '\n\n'
year = time.strftime("%Y")
author_file = os.path.join("/var/gopher",ship_unquoted,"AUTHOR")
if os.path.exists(author_file):
with open(author_file) as f:
author = f.readline().strip()
yield f"=> /{urlencoded}/AUTHOR © {year} {author}\n"
username = (["/usr/bin/stat","-c","%U",os.path.join("/var/gopher",ship_unquoted)],stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout or b"unknown").decode("utf-8").strip()
yield f"© {year} {username}\n"
license_file = os.path.join("/var/gopher",ship_unquoted,"LICENSE")
if os.path.exists(license_file):
with open(license_file) as f:
license_name = f.readline().strip()
yield f"=> /{urlencoded}/LICENSE {license_name}\n"
yield "All rights reserved.\n"
return __generator()
def feeds(request,format="atom"):
def __generator():
with open(os.path.join("/var/gopher",format+".xml")) as f:
for line in f:
yield line.replace("gopher://","gemini://").replace("<link>gopher://","<link>gemini://")
return Response(Status.SUCCESS,f"application/{format}+xml",__generator())