#!/bin/sh if [ "$3" = "latest" ]; then echo "The latest messages logged to the QEC:" /usr/local/bin/latest exit 0 fi if [ "$3" = "time" ]; then echo The time is... d="$(date -u)" beatTAI=$(echo "x = ($(date +%s)) % 86400; scale=3; x / 86.4" | bc) j=$(echo "x = $(date +%s); scale=5; x / 86400 + 2440587.5" | bc) printf "Gregorian Date : %s\n" "$d" printf "beatTAI : %s\n" "$beatTAI" printf "Julian Date : %s\n" "$j" exit 0 fi if [ "$3" = "ping" ]; then echo "PONG!" ping -c 5 "$2" exit 0 fi if [ "$3" = "fortune" ]; then /usr/games/fortune exit 0 fi if [ "$3" = "uptime" ]; then /usr/bin/uptime exit 0 fi if [ "$3" = "changelog" ]; then head -n 30 /var/wiki/changelog.html | awk '/^ / { print $0 }' echo " ..." exit 0 fi # shellcheck source=log # shellcheck disable=SC1091 . /etc/efingerd/log cat <