#!/usr/bin/pdmenu title:Cosmic Voyage # desktop The space over which the menus appear. # title The line at the top of the screen. # base The line at the bottom of the screen. # menu The normal color of text in a menu. # selbar The selection bar in the menu, when over normal text. # shadow The shadow of a window # menuhot The color of text in a menu that is a hotkey. # selbarhot The color of a hotkey when the selection bar is over it. # unselmenu The color of a menu window that is not currently active. # possible colors # (bg valid) (fg only) # black gray # red brightred # green brightgreen # brown yellow # blue brightblue # magenta brightmagenta # cyan brightcyan # lightgray white #Set a pleasing color scheme. color:desktop:white:black color:title:white:red color:base:lightgray:red color:menu:lightgray:blue color:selbar:lightgray:red color:shadow:gray:black color:menuhot:white:blue color:selbarhot:white:red color:unselmenu:lightgray:black #this is a comment menu:main:Main Menu:Cosmic Voyage Menu System v1.0 show:Cosmic _Tools..::cosmic show:_Communication..::comms show:_Fun & Games..::games nop exec:_Wiki::/usr/local/bin/wiki exec:_FAQ::/usr/local/bin/faq nop exit:E_xit menu:comms:Communication:Reach out and touch someone exec:_Mail (alpine)::/usr/bin/alpine exec:_Mail (mutt)::/usr/bin/mutt exec:tilde _net news (forums)::/usr/local/bin/news exec:_bbj (Bulletin Butter & Jelly!)::/usr/local/bin/bbj exec:_fellowsh::clear;/usr/local/bin/fellowsh exec:_IRC (weechat)::/usr/local/bin/chat group:_Finger.. exec::makemenu: \ echo "menu:finger:Finger:Finger other cosmic users"; \ for u in `/usr/local/bin/voyagers | sort`; do \ echo "exec:$u:truncate:/usr/bin/finger ${u}@cosmic.voyage"; \ done; \ echo "nop"; \ echo "exec:_Remote User:truncate,edit:/usr/bin/finger \"~user name:~\""; \ echo "nop"; \ echo "exit:E_xit" show:::finger remove:::finger endgroup group:_Talk.. exec::makemenu: \ echo "menu:talk:Talk:Talk to other users"; \ for u in `/usr/bin/who | /usr/bin/cut -f 1 -d " "| /usr/bin/sort -u `; do \ echo "exec:$u::/usr/local/bin/ytalk $u"; \ done; \ echo "nop"; \ echo "exit:E_xit" show:::talk remove:::talk endgroup group:_Unison (folder sync).. exec::makemenu: \ echo "menu:unison:Unison:Synchronize folders to other systems"; \ for f in ~/.unison/*.prf; do \ profile="$(basename $f)"; \ profile="${profile%.*}"; \ echo "exec:profile\: $profile::/usr/bin/unison $profile"; \ done; \ echo "exec:_New command:truncate,edit:/usr/bin/unison \"~[ships/] [ssh\://remote/folder]:~\""; \ echo "nop"; \ echo "exit:E_xit" show:::unison remove:::unison endgroup nop exit:E_xit menu:games:Fun & Games:Games and fun distractions exec:_Allegra::/usr/bin/rlwrap nc localhost 1822 exec:_Among Sus::/usr/bin/rlwrap nc sus.tildeverse.org 1234 exec:_Bastard Tetris::/usr/games/bastet exec:_Botany::/usr/local/bin/botany exec:_cbonsai::/usr/local/bin/cbonsai --live group:_Crossword.. exec::makemenu: \ echo "menu:crossword:Crossword:Play Crossword Puzzles"; \ for c in `/usr/local/bin/crossword`; do \ echo "exec:$c::/usr/local/bin/crossword ${c}"; \ done; \ echo "nop"; \ echo "exit:E_xit" show:::crossword remove:::crossword endgroup exec:_Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup::/usr/local/bin/dcss exec:_Fortune:truncate:/usr/games/fortune | par -w 60 exec:_Freesweep::/usr/games/freesweep exec:_Gorched::/snap/bin/gorched exec:Greed::/usr/games/greed exec:_I Ching::/usr/games/iching exec:_JPL Horizons::telnet horizons.jpl.nasa.gov 6775 exec:_Moon Buggy::/usr/games/moon-buggy exec:_Nethack::/usr/games/nethack-console exec:_SLASHEM (Nethack clone)::/usr/games/slashem exec:_Space Invaders::/usr/games/ninvaders exec:_Sudoku::/usr/games/nudoku exec:_Tron::ssh sshtron.zachlatta.com exec:_Zangband::/usr/games/zangband exec:2048::/usr/games/2048 nop exit:_Back to main menu.. menu:cosmic:Cosmic Tools:Tools related to the cosmic voyage story exec:_QEC browser::/usr/local/bin/qec exec:_Recent QEC logs:truncate:/usr/local/bin/latest exec:_Rate of QEC logs:truncate:/usr/local/bin/rate exec:High _Scores:truncate:/usr/local/bin/scores | column -t -s, nop show:_Write a new message..::write exec:_Log a new message::/usr/local/bin/log exec:_Gemini capsule regeneration:truncate:/usr/local/bin/gemini exec:_Dictionary/Thesaurus..:truncate,edit:/usr/bin/sdcv -n --utf8-output "~word:~" nop exec:_Author and Ship Lists:truncate,edit:/usr/local/bin/roster "~user or ship name (or blank for all):~" exec:_Create a new ship::/usr/local/bin/ship nop exit:_Back to main menu.. # write a message menu preproc:/usr/local/bin/menu_write