
303 lines
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2018-12-24 19:51:52 +00:00
#! /usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Copy;
use File::Path;
use Cwd qw/abs_path/;
use Term::ANSIColor;
use Getopt::Long;
use lib "$ENV{DGL_CONF_HOME}/lib";
use DGLMan;
my %OPT;
GetOptions(\%OPT, "match=s", "skip=s", "confirm", "target=s")
or die "Bad command line: @ARGV\n";
die "DGL chroot not specified in environment\n" unless $CHROOT;
my @COPY_TARGETS = ([ 'dgamelaunch.conf', '//etc' ],
[ 'utils/', '//usr/lib/cgi-bin' ],
[ 'utils/', '//usr/lib/cgi-bin' ],
[ 'utils/webtiles', '//etc/init.d' ],
[ '', "/crawl-master/webserver" ],
[ 'chroot/data/menus/*.txt', "/dgldir/data/menus" ],
[ 'chroot/data/*.{rc,macro}', "/dgldir/data" ],
[ 'chroot/bin/*.sh', '/bin' ],
[ 'chroot/sbin/*.sh', '/sbin' ]);
if ($OPT{match}) {
@COPY_TARGETS = grep($$_[0] =~ /\Q$OPT{match}/, @COPY_TARGETS);
if ($OPT{skip}) {
@COPY_TARGETS = grep($$_[0] !~ /\Q$OPT{skip}/, @COPY_TARGETS);
if ($OPT{target}) {
die "--target specified, but more than one file to publish\n"
$COPY_TARGETS[0][1] = $OPT{target};
sub change_stat($@) {
my ($dst, @src) = @_;
my $changed = 0;
my @changed;
my $new = 0;
my @new;
for my $file (@src) {
my $target = target_file($dst, $file);
if (-l $target) {
return "ERR: $target is a symlink";
my $src_text = source_file_text($file);
if (-f $target) {
my $dst_text = file_text($target);
if ($src_text ne $dst_text) {
push @changed, basename($target);
} else {
push @new, basename($file);
return { new => \@new,
changed => \@changed };
sub change_exists($) {
my $stat = shift;
return @{$$stat{new}} || @{$$stat{changed}};
sub change_summary($) {
my $stat = shift;
my @report;
my @new = @{$$stat{new}};
my @changed = @{$$stat{changed}};
my $new = scalar(@new);
my $changed = scalar(@changed);
push @report, neutral_text("$new new: @new") if @new;
push @report, neutral_text("$changed changed: @changed") if @changed;
@report? join(', ', @report) : 'no change'
sub publishee_summary($) {
my ($src, $dst) = @{$_[0]};
my @files = glob($src);
$dst = qualify_directory($dst);
my $change_stat = change_stat($dst, @files);
if (@files == 1 && $files[0] eq $src) {
("$src -> $dst (" . change_summary($change_stat) . ")",
} else {
("$src (" . scalar(@files) . " files) -> $dst (" .
change_summary($change_stat) . ")",
sub summarize_publishees() {
my $index = 0;
print "These are the publish copy targets:\n";
my $dirty;
for my $copy_target (@COPY_TARGETS) {
my ($summary, $stat) = publishee_summary($copy_target);
print("$index) $summary\n");
$dirty = 1 if change_exists($stat);
my $copy_count = 0;
sub nth_copy() {
++$copy_count . ") ";
sub qualify_directory($) {
my $dir = shift;
if ($dir =~ m{^//}) {
$dir =~ s{^/}{};
} else {
sub substitute_variable($$) {
my ($file, $var) = @_;
die "$file refers to unknown variable $var.\n" unless $ENV{$var};
sub file_needs_banner($) {
my $filename = shift;
$filename =~ /(?:dgamelaunch\.conf|\.sh|\.pl)$/
sub file_banner($) {
my $filename = shift;
my $basename = basename($filename);
my $source_file = abs_path($filename);
return <<BANNER;
# This file ($basename) is automatically generated from $source_file.
# Do NOT edit this file; edit $source_file instead, and
# use `dgl publish` to publish your changes.
sub file_add_banner($$) {
my ($filename, $text) = @_;
if ($text =~ /^#!.*\n/) {
$text =~ s/(^#!.*\n)/$1 . file_banner($filename)/e;
} else {
$text =~ s/^/file_banner($filename)/e;
sub substitute_variables($$) {
my ($filename, $text) = @_;
$text = file_add_banner($filename, $text) if file_needs_banner($filename);
$text =~ s/%%(\w+)%%/ substitute_variable($filename, $1) /ge;
sub basename($) {
my $file = shift;
my ($basename) = $file =~ m{.*/(.*)};
$basename || $file
sub target_file($$) {
my ($dst, $src) = @_;
my $basename = basename($src);
sub file_text($) {
my $source_file = shift;
open my $inf, '<', $source_file or die "Can't read $source_file: $!\n";
binmode $inf;
my $text = do { local $/; <$inf> };
close $inf;
sub source_file_text($) {
my $source_file = shift;
substitute_variables($source_file, file_text($source_file))
sub copy_file($$) {
my ($source_file, $dst) = @_;
my $target_file = target_file($dst, $source_file);
if (-l $target_file) {
die "Can't copy $source_file -> $target_file: destination is a symlink\n";
my $text = source_file_text($source_file);
my $target_tmp = "$target_file.tmp";
open my $outf, '>', $target_tmp or die "Can't write $target_tmp: $!\n";
print $outf $text;
close $outf;
if (-x $source_file) {
chmod 0755, $target_tmp or
die "Couldn't +x $target_tmp when copying $source_file -> $dst" ;
rename $target_tmp, $target_file or
die "Couldn't copy $source_file -> $target_file\n";
sub copy_files($$) {
my ($src, $dst) = @_;
my @files = glob($src);
if (!@files) {
die "Can't find files to copy for $src\n";
$dst = qualify_directory($dst);
if (!-d($dst)) {
mkpath($dst) or die "Couldn't create $dst\n";
my @quoted_files = map("\Q$_", @files);
print(nth_copy() . "@files -> $dst ");
eval {
for my $file (@files) {
copy_file($file, $dst) or
die "Failed to copy $file -> $dst: $!\n";
say_good(" [OK]\n");
if ($@) {
say_bad(" [ERR]\n\n");
die $@;
sub copy_targets(@) {
print "Copying files:\n";
for my $copy_target (@_) {
copy_files($copy_target->[0], $copy_target->[1]);
print "Publishing DGL config files:\n\n";
my $dirty = summarize_publishees();
print "\n";
my $want_publish = $OPT{confirm};
if (!$want_publish) {
if ($dirty) {
To publish the new dgl config, run this command as root:
@{ [ emphasized_text('dgl publish --confirm') ] }
else {
say_coloured('bold green', <<INSYNC);
DGL config is in sync.
exit 0;
if ($< != 0) {
print STDERR "** This script must be run as root to publish changes **\n";
exit 1;
print "\nAll done.\n";