#! /usr/bin/perl # # Allows DGL admin users to trigger rebuilds of trunk or stable. use CGI qw/:standard/; use MIME::Base64; use DBI; my $DGL = "/home/crawl-dev/dgamelaunch-config/bin/dgl"; my $DB = "%%LOGIN_DB%%"; my $CONTENT_DIR = '%%SAVE_DUMPDIR%%/'; my $AUTH_REALM = 'CSZO developer account'; sub request_auth() { print(header(-type => 'text/html', -status => '401 Authorization Required', -WWW_Authenticate => "Basic realm=\"$AUTH_REALM\""), start_html('CSZO rebuild trigger'), p('Must authenticate to trigger rebuilds.'), end_html); return undef; } sub match_password($$) { my ($plain, $crypt) = @_; my $cc = crypt($plain, $crypt); return crypt($plain, $crypt) eq $crypt; } sub valid_user($$) { my ($user, $password) = @_; my $db = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=$DB", '', '') or die "Can't open auth db: $DB\n"; my $st = $db->prepare(<execute($user); my $row = $st->fetchrow_arrayref; # Should have at least one row. return defined($row) && match_password($password, $row->[1]); } sub valid_auth($) { my $header = shift; return unless $header =~ s/^Basic //; my $decoded = decode_base64($header); my ($user, $password) = $decoded =~ /(.*?):(.*)/; valid_user($user, $password) } sub authenticate() { my $auth_header = http('Authorization'); return request_auth() unless $auth_header && valid_auth($auth_header); 1 } sub file_bytes($) { my $file = shift; open my $inf, '<', $file; binmode $inf; my $content = do { local $/; <$inf> }; close $inf; $content } sub serve_file() { my ($file) = param('file'); my $absfile = "$CONTENT_DIR/$file"; if ($file =~ /[.]{2}/ || $file !~ /^[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+$/ || $file !~ /\.(?:tar\.bz2|cs)$/ || !-r $absfile) { print(header(-status => '404 Not Found'), start_html, p("Could not find $absfile"), end_html); return; } print(header(-type => 'application/octet-stream'), file_bytes($absfile)); } sub do_update($;$) { my $branch = shift; my $specific = $_[0] or $branch; local $| = 1; print(header(-type => 'text/html', -WWW_Authenticate => "Basic realm=\"$AUTH_REALM\""), start_html('CSZO rebuild trigger'), p("Rebuilding $specific. . .")); print "
  open my $olderr, ">&STDERR";
  open STDERR, ">&STDOUT";
  system(qw(sudo -u crawl-dev), $DGL, "update-$branch", @_);
  print "
"; if ($?) { my $msg; if ($? == -1) { $msg = "could not execute: $?"; } elsif ($? & 0xff) { $msg = "signal " . ($? & 0xff); } else { $msg = "returned " . ($? >> 8); } print p({-style => 'background-color: #ffcccc;'}, "Failed: $msg"); } else { print p("Done!"); } print end_html; open STDERR, $olderr; } sub do_prompt(@) { print(header(-type => 'text/html', -WWW_Authenticate => "Basic realm=\"$AUTH_REALM\""), start_html('CSZO rebuild trigger'), start_form, p('Select a version'), popup_menu(-name => 'v', -values => [ @_ ]), submit, end_form, end_html); } sub do_fail($) { my $msg = shift; print(header(-type => 'text/html', -status => '403 Forbidden', -WWW_Authenticate => "Basic realm=\"$AUTH_REALM\""), start_html('CSZO rebuild trigger'), start_form, p({-style=>'background-color: #ffcccc;'}, $msg), popup_menu(-name => 'v', -values => @_), submit, end_form, end_html); } sub main() { return unless authenticate(); my $ver = param('v'); if (not $ver) { do_prompt 'trunk', '0.27', '0.26', '0.25', '0.24', '0.23', '0.22', '0.21', '0.20'; } elsif ($ver eq 'trunk') { do_update 'trunk'; } elsif ($ver =~ /^0.2[01234567]$/) { do_update 'stable', $ver; } else { do_fail "Unknown version " . escapeHTML($ver); } } main();