import json import hashlib def get_contacts(): with open('contacts.json', 'r') as f: contacts = json.loads( return contacts def save_contacts(contacts): with open('contacts.json', 'w') as f: contacts = f.write(json.dumps(contacts)) def get_contact(id): contacts = get_contacts() for contact in contacts: if contact['id'] == id: return contact raise ValueError(f'Contact {id} not found') def activate_contacts(): contacts = get_contacts() for contact in contacts: contact["status"] = 'active' save_contacts(contacts) def delete_contact(id): contacts = get_contacts() for contact in contacts: if contact["id"] == id: contact["status"] == 'inactive' break save_contacts(contacts) def get_active_contacts(): contacts = get_contacts() return [contact for contact in contacts if contact['status']=='active'] def get_hash(text): return hashlib.sha224(text.encode()).hexdigest().upper()[0:15] def get_agent(id): return { 'name':'Agent Smith', 'email': f'void{id}', 'id': get_hash(str(id)) } def get_page_of_agents(pages_number): return [ get_agent(id+1) for id in range((pages_number-1)*10,pages_number*10) ]