
766 B

# Aliases
alias ls="ls --color=auto"
# Show all the things when using gcc
alias gcc="gcc -Wall"
# Keybinds
# ^L clears screen (by default only ^[^L)
bind ^L=clear-screen
# Prompt
# Prompt colour strings. To save typing them out every time I want to use them!
export text_black=''
export text_red=''
export text_green=''
export text_brown=''
export text_blue=''
export text_purple=''
export text_cyan=''
export text_white=''
export end_format=''
# PS1="${text_brown}$(get_username)@$(get_hostname)${end_format} $(get_cwd) % "
# PS1="^[31m${USER:=$(id -un)}""@${HOSTNAME:=$(hostname)} "\$PWD" % "
# PS1="hi"
PS1="${text_brown}${USER:=$(id -un)}@${HOSTNAME:=$(hostname)}${end_format} \${PWD/\/home\/cren/\~} % "