Spacemacs tweaks

This commit is contained in:
dctrud 2019-03-18 20:28:18 -05:00
parent df29246daf
commit d700d66683

View File

@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ values."
auto-completion-return-key-behavior nil
auto-completion-tab-key-behavior 'complete
@ -51,17 +52,20 @@ values."
(markdown :variables
markdown-live-preview-engine 'vmd)
(python :variables
python-test-runner 'pytest)
(spell-checking :variables
enable-flyspell-auto-completion t)
;; List of additional packages that will be installed without being
;; wrapped in a layer. If you need some configuration for these
@ -156,7 +160,8 @@ values."
;; List of themes, the first of the list is loaded when spacemacs starts.
;; Press <SPC> T n to cycle to the next theme in the list (works great
;; with 2 themes variants, one dark and one light)
dotspacemacs-themes '(monokai)
dotspacemacs-themes '(sanityinc-tomorrow-night
;dotspacemacs-mode-line-theme '(spacemacs :separator wave :separator-scale 1.5)
dotspacemacs-mode-line-theme '(spacemacs :separator-scale 1.5)
;; If non nil the cursor color matches the state color in GUI Emacs.
@ -405,7 +410,7 @@ you should place your code here."
(setq org-deadline-warning-days 7)
;;show me tasks scheduled or due in next fortnight
(setq org-agenda-span (quote fortnight))
;; Agenga Settings
;; Agenda Settings
(defun dct/org-skip-subtree-if-priority (priority)
"Skip an agenda subtree if it has a priority of PRIORITY. PRIORITY may be one of the characters ?A, ?B, or ?C."
(let ((subtree-end (save-excursion (org-end-of-subtree t)))
@ -506,9 +511,37 @@ This function is called at the very end of Spacemacs initialization."
;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
[default bold shadow italic underline bold bold-italic bold])
(vector "#d6d6d6" "#c82829" "#718c00" "#eab700" "#4271ae" "#8959a8" "#3e999f" "#4d4d4c"))
'(beacon-color "#c82829")
'(evil-want-Y-yank-to-eol nil)
'(fci-rule-color "#d6d6d6")
'(flycheck-color-mode-line-face-to-color (quote mode-line-buffer-id))
'(frame-background-mode (quote light))
'(vc-annotate-background nil)
(org-projectile org-category-capture org-present org-pomodoro alert log4e gntp org-mime org-download org-brain helm-org-rifle gnuplot evil-org yapfify ws-butler winum which-key volatile-highlights vmd-mode uuidgen use-package toc-org spaceline powerline smeargle restart-emacs rainbow-delimiters pyvenv pytest pyenv-mode py-isort popwin pony-mode pip-requirements persp-mode pcre2el paradox spinner orgit org-plus-contrib org-bullets open-junk-file neotree move-text mmm-mode markdown-toc markdown-mode magit-gitflow macrostep lorem-ipsum live-py-mode linum-relative link-hint insert-shebang indent-guide hydra hy-mode dash-functional hungry-delete hl-todo highlight-parentheses highlight-numbers parent-mode highlight-indentation helm-themes helm-swoop helm-pydoc helm-projectile helm-mode-manager helm-make projectile pkg-info epl helm-gitignore request helm-flx helm-descbinds helm-company helm-c-yasnippet helm-ag google-translate golden-ratio go-guru go-eldoc gitignore-mode gitconfig-mode gitattributes-mode git-timemachine git-messenger git-link git-gutter-fringe+ git-gutter-fringe fringe-helper git-gutter+ git-gutter gh-md fuzzy flyspell-popup flyspell-correct-helm flyspell-correct flx-ido flx fish-mode fill-column-indicator fancy-battery eyebrowse expand-region exec-path-from-shell evil-visualstar evil-visual-mark-mode evil-unimpaired evil-tutor evil-surround evil-search-highlight-persist highlight evil-numbers evil-mc evil-matchit evil-magit magit magit-popup git-commit with-editor evil-lisp-state smartparens evil-indent-plus evil-iedit-state iedit evil-exchange evil-escape evil-ediff evil-commentary evil-args evil-anzu anzu evil goto-chg undo-tree eval-sexp-fu elisp-slime-nav dumb-jump dokuwiki-mode diminish diff-hl deft define-word cython-mode company-statistics company-shell company-go go-mode company-anaconda company column-enforce-mode clean-aindent-mode bind-map bind-key auto-yasnippet yasnippet auto-highlight-symbol auto-dictionary auto-compile packed anaconda-mode pythonic f dash s aggressive-indent adaptive-wrap ace-window ace-link ace-jump-helm-line helm avy helm-core async ac-ispell auto-complete popup))))
((20 . "#c82829")
(40 . "#f5871f")
(60 . "#eab700")
(80 . "#718c00")
(100 . "#3e999f")
(120 . "#4271ae")
(140 . "#8959a8")
(160 . "#c82829")
(180 . "#f5871f")
(200 . "#eab700")
(220 . "#718c00")
(240 . "#3e999f")
(260 . "#4271ae")
(280 . "#8959a8")
(300 . "#c82829")
(320 . "#f5871f")
(340 . "#eab700")
(360 . "#718c00"))))
'(vc-annotate-very-old-color nil))
;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom.
;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
@ -516,18 +549,4 @@ This function is called at the very end of Spacemacs initialization."
;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom.
;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
(yapfify ws-butler winum which-key volatile-highlights vmd-mode uuidgen use-package toc-org spaceline powerline smeargle restart-emacs rainbow-delimiters pyvenv pytest pyenv-mode py-isort popwin pony-mode pip-requirements persp-mode pcre2el paradox spinner orgit org-plus-contrib org-bullets open-junk-file neotree move-text mmm-mode markdown-toc markdown-mode magit-gitflow macrostep lorem-ipsum live-py-mode linum-relative link-hint insert-shebang indent-guide hydra hy-mode dash-functional hungry-delete hl-todo highlight-parentheses highlight-numbers parent-mode highlight-indentation helm-themes helm-swoop helm-pydoc helm-projectile helm-mode-manager helm-make projectile pkg-info epl helm-gitignore request helm-flx helm-descbinds helm-company helm-c-yasnippet helm-ag google-translate golden-ratio go-guru go-eldoc gitignore-mode gitconfig-mode gitattributes-mode git-timemachine git-messenger git-link git-gutter-fringe+ git-gutter-fringe fringe-helper git-gutter+ git-gutter gh-md fuzzy flyspell-popup flyspell-correct-helm flyspell-correct flx-ido flx fish-mode fill-column-indicator fancy-battery eyebrowse expand-region exec-path-from-shell evil-visualstar evil-visual-mark-mode evil-unimpaired evil-tutor evil-surround evil-search-highlight-persist highlight evil-numbers evil-mc evil-matchit evil-magit magit magit-popup git-commit with-editor evil-lisp-state smartparens evil-indent-plus evil-iedit-state iedit evil-exchange evil-escape evil-ediff evil-commentary evil-args evil-anzu anzu evil goto-chg undo-tree eval-sexp-fu elisp-slime-nav dumb-jump dokuwiki-mode diminish diff-hl deft define-word cython-mode company-statistics company-shell company-go go-mode company-anaconda company column-enforce-mode clean-aindent-mode bind-map bind-key auto-yasnippet yasnippet auto-highlight-symbol auto-dictionary auto-compile packed anaconda-mode pythonic f dash s aggressive-indent adaptive-wrap ace-window ace-link ace-jump-helm-line helm avy helm-core async ac-ispell auto-complete popup))))
;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom.
;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.