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2017-02-20 23:39:22 +00:00
font = Ibm Plex Sans 9
2017-07-15 00:06:57 +00:00
markup = full
2017-09-11 03:37:55 +00:00
format = "%s\n%b"
sort = yes # Sort messages by urgency.
indicate_hidden = no # Show how many messages are hidden.
#alignment = left # Message alignment: "left" "center" "right".
bounce_freq = 0 # Always set to 0
2017-07-15 00:06:57 +00:00
show_age_threshold = -1
word_wrap = yes # Split into multiple lines
ignore_newline = no # Ignore newlines '\n' in notifications.
2017-07-15 00:06:57 +00:00
# The geometry of the window:
# [{width}]x{height}[+/-{x}+/-{y}]
# The geometry of the message window.
# The height is measured in number of notifications everything else
# in pixels. If the width is omitted but the height is given
# ("-geometry x2"), the message window expands over the whole screen
# (dmenu-like). If width is 0, the window expands to the longest
# message displayed. A positive x is measured from the left, a
# negative from the right side of the screen. Y is measured from
# the top and down respectively.
# The width can be negative. In this case the actual width is the
# screen width minus the width defined in within the geometry option.
geometry = "400x8-10+30"
title = Dunst # Define window title
class = Dunst # Define window class
shrink = yes # Shrink window, or set to 0
transparency = 0 # Needs compton or similar
idle_threshold = 120 # Keep messages for how long
monitor = 0 # what monitor to use
2017-07-15 00:06:57 +00:00
follow = mouse
stack_duplicates = true # Merge multiple similar notifications
2017-09-11 03:37:55 +00:00
hide_duplicate_count = true
2017-07-15 00:06:57 +00:00
sticky_history = no
history_length = 16
show_indicators = no
2017-02-20 23:39:22 +00:00
# The spacing between lines. If smaller than font height,
# it will get raised to the font height.
2017-07-15 00:06:57 +00:00
line_height = 0
2017-02-23 03:30:07 +00:00
# The height of the entire notification. If smaller than the
# font height and padding combined, it will be raised to the
# font height and padding.
2017-07-15 00:06:57 +00:00
notification_height = 0
2017-02-23 03:30:07 +00:00
2017-09-04 19:19:36 +00:00
separator_height = 2
padding = 12 # Padding between text and separator.
2017-07-15 00:06:57 +00:00
horizontal_padding = 10
2017-02-20 23:39:22 +00:00
2017-07-15 00:06:57 +00:00
# Define a color for the separator.
# * auto: dunst tries to find a color fitting to the background;
# * foreground: use the same color as the foreground;
# * frame: use the same color as the frame;
# * anything else will be interpreted as a X color.
separator_color = frame
2017-02-20 23:39:22 +00:00
2017-07-15 00:06:57 +00:00
startup_notification = false
dmenu = /usr/bin/dmenu -p dunst:
browser = /usr/bin/firefox -new-tab
icon_position = left # Align icons left/right/off
max_icon_size = 0
2017-07-15 00:06:57 +00:00
# Paths to default icons.
icon_path = /usr/share/icons/Papirus-Dark/16x16@2x/apps/:/usr/share/icons/Papirus-Dark/16x16@2x/categories/:/usr/share/icons/Papirus-Dark/16x16@2x/devices/:/usr/share/icons/Papirus-Dark/16x16@2x/emblems/:/usr/share/icons/Papirus-Dark/16x16@2x/mimetypes/:/usr/share/icons/Papirus-Dark/16x16@2x/places/:/usr/share/icons/Papirus-Dark/16x16@2x/status/
2017-07-15 00:06:57 +00:00
# Always run rule-defined scripts, even if the notification is suppressed
always_run_script = true
2017-09-04 19:19:36 +00:00
frame_width = 1
2017-07-15 00:06:57 +00:00
per_monitor_dpi = false
2017-02-20 23:39:22 +00:00
2017-09-19 04:24:56 +00:00
#close = mod1+space
#close_all = mod1+shift+space
#history = ctrl+h
2017-09-19 04:24:56 +00:00
#context = mod1+shift+period
2017-02-20 23:39:22 +00:00
background = "#212121"
foreground = "#e8d0c0"
2017-12-04 03:04:11 +00:00
frame_color = "#212121"
timeout = 5
2017-02-20 23:39:22 +00:00
background = "#101010"
foreground = "#e8d0c0"
2018-01-25 23:37:48 +00:00
frame_color = "#215d9c"
timeout = 10
2017-02-20 23:39:22 +00:00
2017-07-15 00:06:57 +00:00
background = "#fb4245"
foreground = "#131313"
2017-07-15 00:06:57 +00:00
frame_color = "#ff6c5f"
timeout = 60
2017-07-15 00:06:57 +00:00
2017-03-19 13:01:55 +00:00
# vim: ft=cfg