Fork 0

Descubri que me faltaban agregar un monton de archivos.

Mis vecinos no me dejan dormir con su musica de mierda, y mientras
editaba cosas ayer me di cuenta que hay varios archivos que no tenia
agregados aca. asi que me puse a solucionarlo.
This commit is contained in:
deadguy 2021-02-20 06:55:36 -03:00
parent 1f1fa23221
commit 20d3316dba
Signed by: dgy
GPG Key ID: 37CA55B52CF63730
29 changed files with 1215 additions and 243 deletions

.config/alsa/asoundrc Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
pcm.!default {
type plug
slave { pcm "pulse" }
pcm.pulse {
type pulse
ctl.mixer0 {
type hw
card 0

.config/bspwm/2bspwmrc Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
pri=$(bspc query -M --names | awk NR==1)
sec=$(bspc query -M --names | awk NR==2)
bspc monitor "$pri" -d 1 2 3 4 5
bspc monitor "$sec" -d 6 7 8 9 10
bspc config -m "$pri" top_padding 0
bspc config -m "$pri" bottom_padding 0
bspc config -m "$sec" top_padding 3
bspc config -m "$sec" bottom_padding 23
bspc config border_width 2
bspc config window_gap 6
bspc config split_ratio 0.5
# Opciones
bspc config gapless_monocle true
bspc config ignore_ewmh_focus true
bspc config pointer_follows_focus true
bspc config removal_adjustment true
bspc config single_monocle false
bspc config borderless_monocle false
bspc config remove_unplugged_monitors false
bspc config remove_disabled_monitors false
bspc config honor_size_hints false
bspc config directional_focus_tightness low
bspc config automatic_scheme longest_side
bspc config initial_polarity second_child
bspc config click_to_focus any
bspc config pointer_modifier mod4
bspc config pointer_action1 resize_side
bspc config pointer_action2 resize_corner
bspc config pointer_action3 move
# xrdb
get_xrdb() {
xrdb -query | awk -v pat="$1" '$0~pat {print $2}'
# Colores
bspc config normal_border_color "$(get_xrdb color0)"
bspc config focused_border_color "$(get_xrdb color3)"
bspc config active_border_color "$(get_xrdb color8)"
bspc config presel_feedback_color "$(get_xrdb color6)"
# Flotantes
bspc rule -a QjackCtl state=floating
bspc rule -a mpv state=floating
bspc rule -a Alacritty:flota state=floating
bspc rule -a Sxiv:flota state=floating
bspc rule -a Firefox:Browser state=floating
bspc rule -a Firefox:Navigator state=tiled desktop='^6'
bspc rule -a Zathura state=tiled
bspc rule -a gzdoom state=fullscreen
unclutter --jitter 30 --timeout 3 --ignore-scrolling &
randbg &

.config/elinks/elinks.conf Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,532 @@
## ELinks 0.14.0 configuration file
## This is ELinks configuration file. You can edit it manually,
## if you wish so; this file is edited by ELinks when you save
## options through UI, however only option values will be altered
## and missing options will be added at the end of file; if option
## is not written in this file, but in some file included from it,
## it is NOT counted as missing. Note that all your formatting,
## own comments and so on will be kept as-is.
## Obviously, if you don't like what ELinks is going to do with
## this file, you can change it by altering the config.saving_style
## option. Come on, aren't we friendly guys after all?
# Automatically saved options
## config
# Configuration handling options.
## config.saving_style_w [0|1]
# This is internal option used when displaying a warning about obsolete
# config.saving_style. You shouldn't touch it.
set config.saving_style_w = 1
## terminal
# Terminal options.
## terminal.tmux-256color
# Options specific to this terminal type (according to $TERM value).
## terminal.tmux-256color.underline [0|1]
set terminal.tmux-256color.underline = 1
## terminal.tmux-256color.italic [0|1]
set terminal.tmux-256color.italic = 1
## terminal.tmux-256color.colors <num>
set terminal.tmux-256color.colors = 4
## terminal.tmux-256color.utf_8_io [0|1]
set terminal.tmux-256color.utf_8_io = 1
## terminal.tmux-256color.type <num>
set terminal.tmux-256color.type = 2
## ui
# User interface options.
## ui.language <language>
# Language of user interface. 'System' means that the language will be
# extracted from the environment dynamically.
set ui.language = "System"
# Automatically saved options
## terminal
# Terminal options.
## terminal.tmux-256color
# Options specific to this terminal type (according to $TERM value).
## terminal.tmux-256color.transparency [0|1]
set terminal.tmux-256color.transparency = 1
# Automatically saved options
## connection
# Connection options.
## connection.ssl
# SSL options.
## connection.ssl.https_by_default [0|1]
# Use HTTPS when a URL scheme is not provided.
set connection.ssl.https_by_default = 1
## cookies
# Cookies options.
## cookies.accept_policy <num>
# Cookies accepting policy:
# 0 is accept no cookies
# 1 is ask for confirmation before accepting cookie
# 2 is accept all cookies
set cookies.accept_policy = 0
## cookies.max_age <num>
# Cookie maximum age (in days):
# -1 is use cookie's expiration date if any
# 0 is force expiration at the end of session, ignoring
# cookie's expiration date
# 1+ is use cookie's expiration date, but limit age to the
# given number of days
set cookies.max_age = 0
## cookies.save [0|1]
# Whether cookies should be loaded from and saved to disk.
set cookies.save = 0
## document
# Document options.
## document.browse
# Document browsing options (mainly interactivity).
## document.browse.links
# Options for handling of links to other documents.
## document.browse.links.active_link
# Options for the active link.
## document.browse.links.active_link.underline [0|1]
# Underline the active link.
set document.browse.links.active_link.underline = 1
## document.browse.links.target_blank <num>
# Define how to handle links having target=_blank set:
# 0 means open link in current tab
# 1 means open link in new tab in foreground
# 2 means open link in new tab in background
# 3 means open link in new window
set document.browse.links.target_blank = 2
## document.browse.links.wraparound [0|1]
# When pressing 'down' on the last link, jump to the first one, and vice
# versa.
set document.browse.links.wraparound = 1
## ui
# User interface options.
## ui.clock
# Digital clock in the status bar.
## ui.clock.enable [0|1]
# Whether to display a digital clock in the status bar.
set ui.clock.enable = 0
## ui.colors
# Default user interface color settings.
## ui.colors.color
# Color settings for color terminal.
## ui.colors.color.mainmenu
# Main menu bar colors.
## ui.colors.color.mainmenu.normal
# Unselected main menu bar item colors.
## ui.colors.color.mainmenu.normal.text <color|#rrggbb>
# Default text color.
set ui.colors.color.mainmenu.normal.text = "gray90"
## ui.colors.color.mainmenu.normal.background <color|#rrggbb>
# Default background color.
set ui.colors.color.mainmenu.normal.background = "black"
## ui.colors.color.menu
# Menu bar colors.
## ui.colors.color.menu.normal
# Unselected menu item colors.
## ui.colors.color.menu.normal.text <color|#rrggbb>
# Default text color.
set ui.colors.color.menu.normal.text = "gray75"
## ui.colors.color.menu.normal.background <color|#rrggbb>
# Default background color.
set ui.colors.color.menu.normal.background = "black"
## ui.colors.color.menu.frame
# Menu frame colors.
## ui.colors.color.menu.frame.text <color|#rrggbb>
# Default text color.
set ui.colors.color.menu.frame.text = "gray75"
## ui.colors.color.menu.frame.background <color|#rrggbb>
# Default background color.
set ui.colors.color.menu.frame.background = "black"
# Automatically saved options
## ui
# User interface options.
## ui.colors
# Default user interface color settings.
## ui.colors.color
# Color settings for color terminal.
## ui.colors.color.mainmenu
# Main menu bar colors.
## ui.colors.color.mainmenu.selected
# Selected main menu bar item colors.
## ui.colors.color.mainmenu.selected.text <color|#rrggbb>
# Default text color.
set ui.colors.color.mainmenu.selected.text = "green"
## ui.colors.color.mainmenu.hotkey
# Main menu hotkey colors.
## ui.colors.color.mainmenu.hotkey.selected
# Main menu selected hotkey colors.
## ui.colors.color.mainmenu.hotkey.selected.background <color|#rrggbb>
# Default background color.
set ui.colors.color.mainmenu.hotkey.selected.background = "black"
## ui.colors.color.menu
# Menu bar colors.
## ui.colors.color.menu.selected
# Selected menu item colors.
## ui.colors.color.menu.selected.background <color|#rrggbb>
# Default background color.
set ui.colors.color.menu.selected.background = "lime"
## ui.colors.color.dialog
# Dialog colors.
## ui.colors.color.dialog.generic
# Generic dialog colors.
## ui.colors.color.dialog.generic.text <color|#rrggbb>
# Default text color.
set ui.colors.color.dialog.generic.text = "white"
## ui.colors.color.dialog.generic.background <color|#rrggbb>
# Default background color.
set ui.colors.color.dialog.generic.background = "black"
## ui.colors.color.dialog.frame
# Dialog frame colors.
## ui.colors.color.dialog.frame.text <color|#rrggbb>
# Default text color.
set ui.colors.color.dialog.frame.text = "gray50"
## ui.colors.color.dialog.frame.background <color|#rrggbb>
# Default background color.
set ui.colors.color.dialog.frame.background = "black"
## ui.colors.color.dialog.title
# Dialog title colors.
## ui.colors.color.dialog.title.text <color|#rrggbb>
# Default text color.
set ui.colors.color.dialog.title.text = "orange"
## ui.colors.color.dialog.title.background <color|#rrggbb>
# Default background color.
set ui.colors.color.dialog.title.background = "black"
## ui.colors.color.dialog.text
# Dialog text colors.
## ui.colors.color.dialog.text.text <color|#rrggbb>
# Default text color.
set ui.colors.color.dialog.text.text = "white"
## ui.colors.color.dialog.text.background <color|#rrggbb>
# Default background color.
set ui.colors.color.dialog.text.background = "black"
## ui.colors.color.dialog.field
# Dialog text field colors.
## ui.colors.color.dialog.field.background <color|#rrggbb>
# Default background color.
set ui.colors.color.dialog.field.background = "darkblue"
## ui.colors.color.dialog.field-text
# Dialog field text colors.
## ui.colors.color.dialog.field-text.background <color|#rrggbb>
# Default background color.
set ui.colors.color.dialog.field-text.background = "darkblue"
## ui.colors.color.title
# Title bar colors.
## ui.colors.color.title.title-bar
# Generic title bar colors.
## ui.colors.color.title.title-bar.text <color|#rrggbb>
# Default text color.
set ui.colors.color.title.title-bar.text = "gray90"
## ui.colors.color.title.title-bar.background <color|#rrggbb>
# Default background color.
set ui.colors.color.title.title-bar.background = "black"
## ui.colors.color.title.title-text
# Title bar text colors.
## ui.colors.color.title.title-text.text <color|#rrggbb>
# Default text color.
set ui.colors.color.title.title-text.text = "gray90"
## ui.colors.color.title.title-text.background <color|#rrggbb>
# Default background color.
set ui.colors.color.title.title-text.background = "black"
## ui.colors.color.status
# Status bar colors.
## ui.colors.color.status.showip-text
# Status bar show ip text colors.
## ui.colors.color.status.showip-text.text <color|#rrggbb>
# Default text color.
set ui.colors.color.status.showip-text.text = "aqua"
## ui.colors.color.status.showip-text.background <color|#rrggbb>
# Default background color.
set ui.colors.color.status.showip-text.background = "black"
## ui.colors.color.status.status-bar
# Generic status bar colors.
## ui.colors.color.status.status-bar.text <color|#rrggbb>
# Default text color.
set ui.colors.color.status.status-bar.text = "gray90"
## ui.colors.color.status.status-bar.background <color|#rrggbb>
# Default background color.
set ui.colors.color.status.status-bar.background = "black"
## ui.colors.color.status.status-text
# Status bar text colors.
## ui.colors.color.status.status-text.text <color|#rrggbb>
# Default text color.
set ui.colors.color.status.status-text.text = "gray90"
## ui.colors.color.status.status-text.background <color|#rrggbb>
# Default background color.
set ui.colors.color.status.status-text.background = "black"
## ui.colors.color.tabs
# Tabs bar colors.
## ui.colors.color.tabs.selected
# Selected tab colors.
## ui.colors.color.tabs.selected.text <color|#rrggbb>
# Default text color.
set ui.colors.color.tabs.selected.text = "black"
## ui.colors.color.tabs.separator
# Tab separator colors.
## ui.colors.color.tabs.separator.text <color|#rrggbb>
# Default text color.
set ui.colors.color.tabs.separator.text = "black"
## ui.colors.color.tabs.separator.background <color|#rrggbb>
# Default background color.
set ui.colors.color.tabs.separator.background = "black"
## ui.dialogs
# Dialogs-specific appearance and behaviour settings.
## ui.dialogs.underline_button_shortcuts [0|1]
# Whether to underline button shortcuts to make them more visible. Requires
# that underlining is enabled for the terminal.
set ui.dialogs.underline_button_shortcuts = 1
## ui.sessions
# Sessions settings.
## ui.sessions.auto_restore [0|1]
# Automatically restore the session at start.
# This feature requires bookmark support.
set ui.sessions.auto_restore = 1
## ui.sessions.auto_save [0|1]
# Automatically save the session when quitting.
# This feature requires bookmark support.
set ui.sessions.auto_save = 1
## ui.tabs
# Window tabs settings.
## ui.tabs.top [0|1]
# Whether display tab bar at top like other browsers do.
set ui.tabs.top = 1
## ui.show_ip [0|1]
# Whether to display IP of the document in the status bar.
set ui.show_ip = 0
# Automatically saved options
## ui
# User interface options.
## ui.colors
# Default user interface color settings.
## ui.colors.color
# Color settings for color terminal.
## ui.colors.color.mainmenu
# Main menu bar colors.
## ui.colors.color.mainmenu.hotkey
# Main menu hotkey colors.
## ui.colors.color.mainmenu.hotkey.selected
# Main menu selected hotkey colors.
## ui.colors.color.mainmenu.hotkey.selected.text <color|#rrggbb>
# Default text color.
set ui.colors.color.mainmenu.hotkey.selected.text = "white"
## ui.colors.color.menu
# Menu bar colors.
## ui.colors.color.menu.hotkey
# Menu item hotkey colors.
## ui.colors.color.menu.hotkey.normal
# Menu item unselected hotkey colors.
## ui.colors.color.menu.hotkey.normal.text <color|#rrggbb>
# Default text color.
set ui.colors.color.menu.hotkey.normal.text = "black"
## ui.colors.color.menu.hotkey.normal.background <color|#rrggbb>
# Default background color.
set ui.colors.color.menu.hotkey.normal.background = "lightgreen"
## ui.colors.color.menu.hotkey.selected
# Menu item selected hotkey colors.
## ui.colors.color.menu.hotkey.selected.text <color|#rrggbb>
# Default text color.
set ui.colors.color.menu.hotkey.selected.text = "white"
## ui.colors.color.menu.hotkey.selected.background <color|#rrggbb>
# Default background color.
set ui.colors.color.menu.hotkey.selected.background = "green"

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ set color256
set preview
set previewer lfview
# All other settings need to go above this comment because reasons
set icons
# set icons
w=$(tput cols)

.config/rofi/config.rasi Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
configuration {
modi: "run,drun,window";
drun-display-format: "{name}";
drun-match-fields: "name,exec";
theme: "dmenu";
display-run: "%";
display-drun: "$";
display-window: " ";
pid: "/tmp/rofi_pid";
icon-theme: "haiku";

.config/rofi/dmenu.rasi Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
* ROFI Color theme
* User: Qball
* Copyright: Dave Davenport
* {
background-color: #080808;
border-color: #faa030;
text-color: #b3b1ad;
urgent-color: #e53714;
font: "System Charcoal 11.5";
#window {
anchor: south;
location: south;
width: 99.2%;
children: [ horibox ];
#horibox {
orientation: horizontal;
children: [ prompt, listview ];
#listview {
layout: horizontal;
spacing: 5px;
lines: 10;
#prompt {
padding: 5px 10px;
background-color: @background-color;
text-color: @border-color;
#element {
padding: 5px 10px;
#element normal.urgent {
text-color: @urgent-color;
#element selected.urgent {
background-color: @urgent-color;
#element selected {
background-color: @border-color;
text-color: @background-color;

.config/rofi/dprompt.rasi Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
* {
background-color: #080808;
border-color: #faa030;
text-color: #b3b1ad;
urgent-color: #e53714;
font: "System Charcoal 11.5";
#window {
anchor: south;
location: south;
width: 99.2%;
children: [ horibox ];
#horibox {
orientation: horizontal;
children: [ prompt, entry, listview ];
#listview {
layout: horizontal;
spacing: 0px;
lines: 30;
#entry {
expand: false;
width: 70em;
padding: 5px;
margin: 0px;
#prompt {
padding: 5px 10px;
background-color: @background-color;
text-color: @border-color;
#element {
padding: 5px 10px;
margin: 0px;
#element normal.urgent {
text-color: @urgent-color;
#element selected.urgent {
background-color: @urgent-color;
#element selected {
background-color: @border-color;
text-color: @background-color;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
* ROFI Color theme
* User: Qball
* Copyright: Dave Davenport
* {
background-color: #080808;
border-color: #faa030;
text-color: #b3b1ad;
urgent-color: #e53714;
font: "System Charcoal 11.5";
#window {
anchor: south;
location: south;
width: 99.2%;
children: [ horibox ];
#horibox {
orientation: horizontal;
children: [ prompt, entry, listview ];
#listview {
layout: horizontal;
spacing: 0px;
lines: 30;
#entry {
expand: false;
width: 12em;
padding: 5px;
#prompt {
padding: 5px 10px;
background-color: @background-color;
text-color: @border-color;
#element {
padding: 5px 10px;
#element normal.urgent {
text-color: @urgent-color;
#element selected.urgent {
background-color: @urgent-color;
#element selected {
background-color: @border-color;
text-color: @background-color;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
/* global settings and color variables */
* {
maincolor: #fccb00;
highlight: bold #fccb00;
urgentcolor: #e53714;
fgwhite: #d8d8d8;
blackdarkest: #380000;
font: "System Charcoal 12";
background-color: @fgwhite;
window {
background-color: @fgwhite;
anchor: northwest;
location: northwest;
width: 20%;
mainbox {
background-color: @fgwhite;
children: [inputbar, message, listview];
message {
padding: 6px 10px;
textbox {
listview {
fixed-height: false;
dynamic: true;
scrollbar: false;
cycle: true;
spacing: 0px;
padding: 1px 0px 0px 0px;
margin: 0px 0px 1px 0px;
background: @fgwhite;
element {
padding: 2px 15px;
element normal.normal {
padding: 0px 15px;
background-color: @fgwhite;
text-color: @blackdarkest;
element normal.urgent {
background-color: @fgwhite;
text-color: @urgentcolor;
element normal.active {
background-color: @fgwhite;
text-color: @maincolor;
element selected.normal {
background-color: @blackdarkest;
text-color: @fgwhite;
element selected.urgent {
background-color: @urgentcolor;
text-color: @blackdarkest;
element selected.active {
background-color: @maincolor;
text-color: @blackdarkest;
button {
background-color: @maincolor;
text-color: @blackdarkest;
button selected {
text-color: @maincolor;
inputbar {
background-color: @fgwhite;
spacing: 0px;
prompt {
padding:6px 9px;
background-color: @maincolor;
entry {
padding:6px 10px;
case-indicator {
padding:6px 10px;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
# CLI Straw Viewer 0.1.2 - configuration file
our $CONFIG = {
api_host => "auto",
auto_captions => 0,
autoplay_mode => 0,
cache_dir => "/tmp/straw-viewer",
colors => 1,
comments_order => "top",
confirm => 0,
convert_cmd => "ffmpeg -i *IN* *OUT*",
convert_to => undef,
cookie_file => undef,
copy_caption => 0,
custom_layout => 1,
custom_layout_format => [
{ align => "right", color => "bold", text => "*NO*.", width => 3 },
{ align => "left", color => "bold blue", text => "*TITLE*", width => "55%" },
{ align => "left", color => "yellow", text => "*AUTHOR*", width => "15%" },
{ align => "right", color => "green", text => "*AGE_SHORT*", width => 3 },
{ align => "right", color => "blue", text => "*TIME*", width => 8 },
dash_mp4_audio => 1,
dash_segmented => 1,
dash_support => 1,
date => undef,
debug => 0,
download_and_play => 0,
download_with_wget => 1,
downloads_dir => "$ENV{HOME}/vid",
env_proxy => 1,
fat32safe => 1,
ffmpeg_cmd => "/bin/ffmpeg",
fullscreen => 0,
get_captions => 0,
get_term_width => 1,
hfr => 1,
highlight_color => "bold",
highlight_watched => 1,
history => 0,
history_file => "/tmp/straw-viewer/cli-history.txt",
history_limit => 1,
http_proxy => undef,
ignore_av1 => 0,
interactive => 1,
keep_original_video => 0,
maxResults => 30,
merge_into_mkv => 1,
merge_into_mkv_args => "-loglevel warning -c:s srt -c:v copy -c:a copy -disposition:s forced",
merge_with_captions => 1,
order => undef,
page => 1,
prefer_av1 => 0,
prefer_mp4 => 0,
region => undef,
remember_watched => 0,
remove_played_file => 0,
resolution => "best",
results_fixed_width => 0,
results_with_colors => 1,
results_with_details => 0,
show_video_info => 1,
skip_if_exists => 1,
skip_watched => 0,
srt_languages => ["en", "es"],
subscriptions_order => "relevance",
thousand_separator => ".",
timeout => undef,
user_agent => undef,
video_filename_format => "*FTITLE* - *ID*.*FORMAT*",
video_player_selected => "mpv",
video_players => {
mpv => {
arg => "--really-quiet --force-media-title=*TITLE* --no-ytdl",
audio => "--audio-file=*AUDIO*",
cmd => "/bin/mpv",
fs => "--fullscreen",
novideo => "--no-video",
srt => "--sub-file=*SUB*",
vlc => {
arg => "--quiet --play-and-exit --no-video-title-show --input-title-format=*TITLE*",
audio => "--input-slave=*AUDIO*",
cmd => "vlc",
fs => "--fullscreen",
novideo => "--intf=dummy --novideo",
srt => "--sub-file=*SUB*",
videoCaption => undef,
videoDefinition => undef,
videoDimension => undef,
videoDuration => undef,
videoLicense => undef,
watched_file => "/tmp/straw-viewer/watched.txt",
wget_cmd => "/bin/wget",
youtube_video_url => "https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/watch?v=%s",
ytdl => 1,
ytdl_cmd => "/bin/youtube-dl",

View File

@ -25,12 +25,12 @@ setopt MULTIOS # Write to multiple descriptors.
setopt AUTO_PARAM_SLASH # Tab completing directory appends a slash
# hash tmux 2>/dev/null && source "${ZDOTDIR}"/tmux.zsh
hash tmux 2>/dev/null && source "${ZDOTDIR}"/tmux.zsh
foreach programa (
) {
source /usr/share/$programa

View File

@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
if [[ -n $DISPLAY ]]; then
export LF_ICONS="\
di= :\
fi= :\
ln= :\
or= :\
ex= :\
.git= :\
Desktop= :\
Documents= :\
Downloads= :\
Music= :\
Pictures= :\
Public= :\
Templates= :\
Videos= :\
mail= :\
.mail= :\
.cache= :\
.config= :\
trash= :\
Trash= :\
bin= :\
hexagons= :\
xresources= :\
xinitrc= :\
.bashprofile= :\
.zprofile= :\
.bashrc= :\
.zshrc= :\
.zshenv= :\
.dmrc= :\
.ds_store= :\
.fasd= :\
.gitconfig= :\
.gitignore= :\
gitignore= :\
.jack-settings= :\
.mime.types= :\
.pam_environment= :\
.profile= :\
.recently-used= :\
.selected_editor= :\
.vimrc= :\
config= :\
favicon.ico= :\
gruntfile.coffee= :\
gruntfile.js= :\
gruntfile.ls= :\
gulpfile.coffee= :\
gulpfile.js= :\
gulpfile.ls= :\
ini= :\
ledger= :\
mimeapps.list= :\
node_modules= :\
procfile= :\
react.jsx= :\
user-dirs.dirs= :\
Makefile= :\
TODO= :\
*.vim= :\
*.dmg= :\
*.toml= :\
*.m3u= :\
*.pls= :\
*.yaml= :\
*.yml= :\
*.wad=ﰁ :\
*.WAD=ﰁ :\
*.pk3= :\
*.doc= :\
*.docx= :\
*.webp= :\
*.bib=﬜ :\
*.7z= :\
*.ai= :\
*.apk= :\
*.avi= :\
*.bat= :\
*.bmp= :\
*.bz2= :\
*.c= :\
*.c++= :\
*.cab= :\
*.cbr= :\
*.cbz= :\
*.cc= :\
*.clj= :\
*.cljc= :\
*.cljs= :\
*.coffee= :\
*.conf= :\
*.cp= :\
*.cpio= :\
*.cpp= :\
*.css= :\
*.cxx= :\
*.d= :\
*.dart= :\
*.db= :\
*.deb= :\
*.diff= :\
*.dump= :\
*.edn= :\
*.ejs= :\
*.epub= :\
*.erl= :\
*.exe= :\
*.f#= :\
*.fish= :\
*.flac= :\
*.flv= :\
*.fs= :\
*.fsi= :\
*.fsscript= :\
*.fsx= :\
*.gem= :\
*.gif= :\
*.go= :\
*.gz= :\
*.gzip= :\
*.hbs= :\
*.hrl= :\
*.hs= :\
*.htm= :\
*.html= :\
*.ico= :\
*.ini= :\
*.java= :\
*.jl= :\
*.jpeg= :\
*.jpg= :\
*.js= :\
*.json= :\
*.jsx= :\
*.less= :\
*.lha= :\
*.lhs= :\
*.log= :\
*.lua= :\
*.lzh= :\
*.lzma= :\
*.m4a= :\
*.markdown= :\
*.md= :\
*.mkv= :\
*.mov= :\
*.mp3= :\
*.mp4= :\
*.mpeg= :\
*.mpg= :\
*.mustache= :\
*.ogg= :\
*.pdf= :\
*.php= :\
*.pl= :\
*.pm= :\
*.png= :\
*.psb= :\
*.psd= :\
*.py= :\
*.pyc= :\
*.pyd= :\
*.pyo= :\
*.rar= :\
*.rb= :\
*.rc= :\
*.rlib= :\
*.rpm= :\
*.rs= :\
*.rss= :\
*.scala= :\
*.scss= :\
*.sh= :\
*.slim= :\
*.sln= :\
*.sql= :\
*.styl= :\
*.suo= :\
*.t= :\
*.tar= :\
*.tgz= :\
*.ts= :\
*.twig= :\
*.wav= :\
*.webm= :\
*.xml= :\
*.xul= :\
*.xz= :\
*.zip= :\
*.zsh= :\
*.kra= :\
*.xcf= :\
*.go= :\
*.tex= :\
*.txt= :\
*.lock= :\
*.h= :\
*.o= :\
*.blend= :\
*.1= :\
*.jar= :\
*.desktop= :\
*.mk= :\
*.torrent= :\
*.added= :\
*.pem= :\
*.svg= :\
*.scd= :\
*.theme= :\
*.iso= :\
*.mid= :\
*.url= :\
*.part= :\
*.nfo= :\
*.pd= :\
*.ttf= :\
*.otf= :\
*.bdf= :\
*.pcf= :\

.local/bin/cartero Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
#!/usr/bin/env sh
pgrep -x mbsync > /dev/null && exit
ping -q -c 1 > /dev/null || exit
syncandnotify() {
acc="$(echo "$account" | sed "s/.*\///")"
mbsync -c "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"/isync/mbsyncrc "$acc"
new=$(find "$XDG_DATA_HOME/mail/$acc/INBOX/new/" "$XDG_DATA_HOME/mail/$acc/Inbox/new/" "$XDG_DATA_HOME/mail/$acc/inbox/new/" -type f -newer "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/neomutt/.mailsynclastrun" 2> /dev/null)
newcount=$(echo "$new" | sed '/^\s*$/d' | wc -l)
if [ "$newcount" -gt "0" ]; then
for file in $new; do
# Extract subject and sender from mail.
from=$(awk '/^From: / && ++n ==1,/^\<.*\>:/' "$file" | perl -CS -MEncode -ne 'print decode("MIME-Header", $_)' | awk '{ $1=""; if (NF>=3)$NF=""; print $0 }' | sed 's/^[[:blank:]]*[\"'\''\<]*//;s/[\"'\''\>]*[[:blank:]]*$//')
subject=$(awk '/^Subject: / && ++n == 1,/^\<.*\>: / && ++i == 2' "$file" | head -n-1 | perl -CS -MEncode -ne 'print decode("MIME-Header", $_)' | sed 's/^Subject: //' | sed 's/^{[[:blank:]]*[\"'\''\<]*//;s/[\"'\''\>]*[[:blank:]]*$//' | tr -d '\n')
[ -n $DISPLAY ] && notify-send --app-name="neomutt" -i "$ICON" "Mensaje nuevo para $acc" "$from: $subject" &
if [ "$#" -eq "0" ]; then
accounts="$(awk '/^Channel/ {print $2}' "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/isync/mbsyncrc")"
for arg in "$@"; do
[ "${arg%${arg#?}}" = '-' ] && opts="${opts:+${opts} }${arg}" && shift 1
for account in $accounts; do
syncandnotify &
notmuch new 2> /dev/null
touch "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/neomutt/.mailsynclastrun"

.local/bin/ex Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# Emulate ex
exec nvim -e "$@"

.local/bin/exim Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# Emulate exim
exec nvim -E "$@"

.local/bin/leer Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
cd "$HOME/doc/Learning" || exit
menulibro=$(fd -e pdf -e epub | sort -Mr | rofi -theme dprompt2 -dmenu -i -p " ")
[ -z "$menulibro" ] && exit 0
zathura "$menulibro"

.local/bin/linkhandler Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
# used for newsboat
# If no url given. Opens browser. For using script as $BROWSER.
[ -z "$1" ] && { "$BROWSER"; exit; }
case "$1" in
setsid -f mpv -quiet "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1 ;;
curl -sL "$1" > "/tmp/$(echo "$1" | sed "s/.*\///")" && sxiv -N "flota" -bpa "/tmp/$(echo "$1" | sed "s/.*\///")" >/dev/null 2>&1 & ;;
if [ -f "$1" ]; then "$TERMINAL" -e "$EDITOR" "$1"
else setsid -f "$BROWSER" "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1; fi ;;

.local/bin/monicheck Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
conectados=$(xrandr | awk '( $2 == "connected" ) { count++ } END { print count }')
[ "$conectados" = 2 ] && exit 0 || exit 1

View File

@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
# conectados=$(xrandr | awk '( $2 == "connected" ) { count++ } END { print count }')
conectados=$(xrandr | awk '( $2 == "connected" ) { count++ } END { print count }')
pri=$(xrandr | awk '( $2 == "connected" ) {print $1}' | sed -sn 1p)
sec=$(xrandr | awk '( $2 == "connected" ) {print $1}' | sed -sn 2p)
xrandr --output "$pri" --primary --auto --scale 1.0x1.0 --output "$sec" --right-of "$pri" --auto --scale 1.0x1.0
# if [ "$conectados" = 1 ]; then
# xrandr --output "$pri" --primary --auto --scale 1.0x1.0 "$(xrandr | awk '( $2 "disconnected" ) {print "--output", $1, "--off"}' | paste -sd ' ')"
# elif [ "$conectados" = 2 ]; then
# xrandr --output "$pri" --primary --auto --scale 1.0x1.0 --output "$sec" --right-of "$pri" --auto --scale 1.0x1.0
# fi
if [ "$conectados" = 1 ]; then
xrandr --output "$pri" --primary --auto --scale 1.0x1.0 "$(xrandr | awk '( $2 "disconnected" ) {print "--output", $1, "--off"}' | paste -sd ' ')"
elif [ "$conectados" = 2 ]; then
xrandr --output "$pri" --primary --auto --scale 1.0x1.0 --output "$sec" --right-of "$pri" --auto --scale 1.0x1.0

.local/bin/notichat Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
notify-send -i "$HOME/img/.icn/App_Chat.svg" "$@"

.local/bin/rview Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# Emulate rview
exec nvim -RZ "$@"

.local/bin/rvim Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# Emulate rvim
exec nvim -Z "$@"

.local/bin/tagger Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
mkdir output
for f in *.mp3;do ffmpeg -i "$f" -c:v copy -c:a copy -metadata "$tag"="$tagValue" "output/$f.mp3";done

.local/bin/view Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# Emulate view
exec nvim -R "$@"

.local/bin/vimdiff Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# Emulate vimdiff
exec nvim -d "$@"

.local/bin/xui Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
# ignore shellcheck's warnings, the script works fine
fzf_opts() {
local argument_input
fzf -i -e -m +s \
--query="$argument_input" \
--select-1 \
--cycle \
--reverse \
--info=inline \
--header="TAB to (un)select. ENTER to run. ESC to quit." \
--preview-window=bottom:45%:wrap \
--preview 'xq -R {2} ' \
--prompt="Filter > " | awk '{print $2}'
install() {
local pkg
pkg="$(xrs "" | sort -u | grep -v "*" | fzf_opts)"
pkg="$(echo "$pkg" | paste -sd " ")"
if [ -n "$pkg" ]; then
doas xbps-install $pkg
remove() {
local pkg
pkg="$(xbps-query -l | sort -u | fzf_opts)"
pkg="$(echo "$pkg" | paste -sd " ")"
if [ -n "$pkg" ]; then
doas xbps-remove -R $pkg
unhold() {
local pkg
pkg="$(xbps-query -p hold -s "" | sort -u | fzf)"
pkg="$(echo "$pkg" | paste -sd " " | tr -d ":")"
if [ -n "$pkg" ]; then
doas xbps-pkgdb -m unhold $pkg
hold() {
local pkg
pkg="$(xbps-query -l | sort -u | fzf_opts)"
pkg="$(echo "$pkg" | paste -sd " ")"
if [ -n "$pkg" ]; then
doas xbps-pkgdb -m hold $pkg
cache() {
doas xbps-remove -O
sync() {
case "$1" in
1) install ;;
2) remove ;;
3) sync ;;
4) hold ;;
5) unhold ;;
6) cache ;;
*) cat << EOF ;;
xui: FZF xbps ui. Run simple xbps commands to install,
remove, hold, unhold, update packages, and clear cache.
Allowed options:
1: Install Runs \`xbps-install\`
2: Remove Runs \`xbps-remove -R\`
3: Sync Runs update script
4: Hold Runs \`xbps-pkgdb -m hold\`
5: Unhold Runs \`xbps-pkgdb -m unhold\`
6: Clear cache Runs \`xbps-remove -O\`
All else Print this message
Enter the number of your choice to execute command.

.local/sv/2bspwm/run Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
exec 2>&1
cd ~
sxhkd &
exec bspwm -c "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/bspwm/2bspwmrc"

.local/sv/mailsync/run Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
exec snooze -H'*' -M/15 -t ./timefile sh -c 'cartero ; touch ./timefile'

View File

@ -114,6 +114,7 @@ qjackctl