#!/bin/bash set -euf -o pipefail session="Deadguy" # set up tmux tmux start-server # create a new tmux session tmux new-session -d -s "$session" # Select pane 1, start scsynth tmux selectp -t 1 tmux send-keys "scsynth -u 57110" C-m sleep 3s # Split pane 1 vertical by 50%, start sclang tmux splitw -h -p 50 tmux send-keys "sclang -D ~/Music/LiveCoding/foxdot.scd" C-m sleep 5s # Create new window, launch foxdot tmux new-window -t "$session":2 tmux selectp -t 1 tmux send-keys "FoxDot" C-m # Switch back to the log window tmux select-window -t :1 # Attach to the session tmux attach-session -t "$session"