#!/usr/bin/env bash set -euf -o pipefail # CONFIG ---------------------------------------------------- # This NEEDS to be the same as in mpd.conf music_dir="$HOME/Music/Albums" # What should the covers be resized to in pixels cover_resize="100" # What is the cover file called? img_reg=".*/(cover|front|folder|art).(jpg|jpeg|png|gif)$" # What do we want the notification to look like? artist_color="##a1b56c" song_color="##34e2e2" form="%artist% - %title%" # END CONFIG ------------------------------------------------ # These are some variables we need for things to work song="$(mpc --format %file% current)" songdir="$music_dir/$(dirname "${song}")/" raw_cover="/tmp/current_cover.png" heading="$(mpc current -f "%album%" | sed "s:&:&:g")" message="$(mpc current -f "$form" | sed "s:&:&:g" )" # Is there music on? [[ -z $song ]] && exit 1 # No cover if the folder isn't found [[ -z "$songdir" ]] && exit 1 # But if it is found, look for only one of the specified files cover="$(find "$songdir" -maxdepth 1 -type f -regextype egrep -regex "$img_reg" 2>/dev/null)" # Resize the cover if [[ -n $cover ]]; then ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel panic -nostats -y -i "$cover" -vf scale="$cover_resize":-2 "$raw_cover" cover="$raw_cover" fi # Send the notification notify-send -u low -t 8000 -i "$cover" "$heading" "$message" # add a rule to make sxiv:albumcover floating #sxiv "$cover" -N albumcover -g 250x250-10-10 -bpq > /dev/null 2>&1 & pid=$! # { sleep 4; kill "$pid"; } &