Add irssi config

This commit is contained in:
David Morgan 2022-11-11 07:43:25 +00:00
parent cdd711f5a7
commit 4b9f7ce18a
Signed by: djm
GPG Key ID: C171251002C200F2
1 changed files with 177 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }:
programs.irssi = {
enable = true;
aliases = { WINC = "window close";
WII = "whois $0 $0";
J = "join";
W = "who";
N = "names";
CL = "clear";
K = "kick";
KB = "kickban";
BANS = "ban";
SB = "scrollback";
UMODE = "mode $N";
WC = "window close";
GOTO = "sb goto";
extraConfig = ''
settings = {
core = {
real_name = "David Morgan";
user_name = "djm";
nick = "djm";
timestamp_format = "%H:%M:%S";
"irc/core" = { usermode = "+iwR"; };
"fe-common/core" = {
autolog_path = "~/irclogs/%Y/$tag/$0.%m-%d.log";
autolog = "yes";
#beep_msg_level = "hilight msgs";
beep_when_away = "yes";
#activity_hide_level = "none";
#theme = "default";
hide_colors = "yes";
"fe-text" = {
paste_verify_line_count = "1";
actlist_sort = "refnum";
paste_join_multiline = "yes";
hilights = (
text = "djm";
nick = "yes";
word = "yes";
fullword = "yes";
matchcase = "yes";
windows = {
1 = { immortal = "yes"; name = "(status)"; level = "ALL"; };
2 = { items = ( { type = "CHANNEL"; chat_type = "IRC"; name = "#institute"; tag = "tilde"; }); };
3 = { items = ( { type = "CHANNEL"; chat_type = "IRC"; name = "#meta"; tag = "tilde"; }); };
4 = { items = ( { type = "CHANNEL"; chat_type = "IRC"; name = "#blinkenshell"; tag = "blinkenirc"; }); };
5 = { items = ( { type = "CHANNEL"; chat_type = "IRC"; name = "#blinkenshell.op"; tag = "blinkenirc"; }); };
6 = { items = ( { type = "CHANNEL"; chat_type = "IRC"; name = "#prosapologian"; tag = "refchat"; }); };
7 = { items = ( { type = "CHANNEL"; chat_type = "IRC"; name = "#clojure"; tag = "libera"; }); };
8 = { items = ( { type = "CHANNEL"; chat_type = "IRC"; name = "#emacs"; tag = "libera"; }); };
9 = { items = ( { type = "CHANNEL"; chat_type = "IRC"; name = "#emacs"; tag = "tilde"; }); };
10 = { items = ( { type = "CHANNEL"; chat_type = "IRC"; name = "#ctrl-c"; tag = "tilde"; }); };
11 = { items = ( { type = "CHANNEL"; chat_type = "IRC"; name = "#team"; tag = "tilde"; }); };
12 = { items = ( { type = "CHANNEL"; chat_type = "IRC"; name = "#systemcrafters"; tag = "libera"; }); };
13 = { items = ( { type = "CHANNEL"; chat_type = "IRC"; name = "#!"; tag = "hashbang"; }); };
14 = { items = ( { type = "CHANNEL"; chat_type = "IRC"; name = "#nixos"; tag = "libera"; }); };
15 = { items = ( { type = "CHANNEL"; chat_type = "IRC"; name = "#home-manager"; tag = "oftc"; }); };
16 = { items = ( { type = "CHANNEL"; chat_type = "IRC"; name = "&bitlbee"; tag = "bitlbee"; }); };
17 = { items = ( { type = "CHANNEL"; chat_type = "IRC"; name = "#twitter_deejayem"; tag = "bitlbee"; }); };
networks = {
libera = {
nick = "djm";
server = {
address = "";
port = 6697;
autoConnect = true;
ssl = {
enable = true;
verify = false;
certificateFile = "${config.home.homeDirectory}/.irssi/libera.pem";
channels = {
clojure.autoJoin = true;
emacs.autoJoin = true;
nixos.autoJoin = true;
systemcrafters.autoJoin = true;
tilde = {
nick = "djm";
server = {
address = "";
port = 6697;
autoConnect = true;
ssl = {
enable = true;
verify = true;
certificateFile = "${config.home.homeDirectory}/.irssi/tilde.pem";
channels = {
ctrl-c.autoJoin = true;
emacs.autoJoin = true;
institute.autoJoin = true;
meta.autoJoin = true;
team.autoJoin = true;
blinkenirc = {
nick = "djm";
autoCommands = [ "msg chanserv invite #blinkenshell.op" "wait 2000" ];
server = {
address = "";
port = 6697;
autoConnect = true;
ssl = {
enable = true;
verify = true;
certificateFile = "${config.home.homeDirectory}/.irssi/blinkenirc.pem";
channels = {
blinkenshell.autoJoin = true;
"blinkenshell.op".autoJoin = true;
hashbang = {
nick = "djm";
server = {
address = "";
port = 6697;
autoConnect = true;
ssl = {
enable = true;
verify = true;
certificateFile = "${config.home.homeDirectory}/.irssi/hashbang.pem";
channels = {
"!".autoJoin = true;
refchat = {
nick = "djm";
server = {
address = "";
port = 6697;
autoConnect = true;
ssl = {
enable = true;
verify = false;
certificateFile = "${config.home.homeDirectory}/.irssi/refchat.pem";
channels = {
prosapologian.autoJoin = true;
bitlbee = {
nick = "djm";
autoCommands = [ "bitlbee_identify" ];
server = {
address = "";
port = 6697;
autoConnect = true;
ssl = {
enable = true;