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#ifndef GEOMETRY_H__
#define GEOMETRY_H__
#include <math.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#ifndef M_PI
#define M_PI ((double)3.14159265358979323846)
// // Returns p^2
// // Because p*p takes too long to write
// #define pow2(p) (p)*(p)
// Converts angle from degrees to radiants
#define deg2rad(t) ((t * M_PI)/180.0)
#define PV(a, b, c) (struct pv_t){.x = a, .y = b, .z = c, .w = 1.0}
#define SPHERE(v, r) (struct gobject_t){.type = GEOMETRY_SPHERE, .center = v, .radius = r, .radius2 = pow2(r)}
#define DISK(c, n, r) (struct gobject_t){.type = GEOMETRY_DISK, .center = c, .normal = n, .radius = r, .radius2 = pow2(r)}
#define PLANE(c, n) (struct gobject_t){.type = GEOMETRY_PLANE, .center = c, .normal = n}
#define TRIANGLE(a, b, c, n) (struct gobject_t){.type = GEOMETRY_TRIANGLE, .edges[0] = a, .edges[1] = b, .edges[2] = c, .normal = n}
#define MIN(a,b) (((a)<(b))?(a):(b))
#define MAX(a,b) (((a)>(b))?(a):(b))
typedef uint32_t pixel_t;
typedef float matrix_t[4][4];
typedef float column_t[4][1];
struct pv_t
{ float x,y,z,w; };
enum gobject_type_t
struct gobject_t
enum gobject_type_t type;
struct pv_t center;
bool emitter;
struct pv_t normal;
float radius;
float radius2;
struct pv_t edges[3], ba, cb, ac;
bool single_sided;
float area;
void *param;
#define triangle_t gobject_t
#define sphere_t gobject_t
#define plane_t gobject_t
struct mesh_t
struct triangle_t *triangles;
size_t triangle_count;
matrix_t transform, inv_transform;
struct gobject_t bounding_sphere;
bool has_bounding_sphere;
const char* matrix_to_str(matrix_t m);
const char* column_to_str(column_t c);
const char* pv_to_str(struct pv_t *p);
void copy_matrix(matrix_t s, matrix_t d);
void clear_matrix(matrix_t m);
float magnitude_pv(struct pv_t *v);
void reflect_pv(struct pv_t *i, struct pv_t *n, struct pv_t *r);
void substract_pv(struct pv_t *a, struct pv_t *b, struct pv_t *r);
void add_pv(struct pv_t *a, struct pv_t *b, struct pv_t *r);
void scale_pv(struct pv_t * p, float s, struct pv_t *r);
void divide_pv(struct pv_t *p, float s, struct pv_t *r);
void multiply_pv(struct pv_t *a, struct pv_t *b, struct pv_t *r);
void normalize_pv(struct pv_t *v, struct pv_t *r);
void inverse_pv(struct pv_t* p, struct pv_t *r);
void cross_pv(struct pv_t *a, struct pv_t *b, struct pv_t *r);
float dot_product(struct pv_t *a, struct pv_t *b);
void inv_matrix(matrix_t m, matrix_t r);
void mxc(matrix_t m, column_t c, column_t r);
void mxm(matrix_t m, matrix_t c, matrix_t r);
void make_identity_matrix(matrix_t m);
void make_translation_matrix(float x, float y, float z, matrix_t m);
void make_scaling_matrix(float x, float y, float z, matrix_t m);
void make_rotation_matrix(float t, struct pv_t *u, matrix_t m);
void transform_pv(matrix_t m, struct pv_t *p, struct pv_t *r);
void transform_pv_arr(matrix_t m, struct pv_t *src, struct pv_t *dst, size_t s);
void make_triangle(struct pv_t *a, struct pv_t *b, struct pv_t *c, struct triangle_t *t);
void transform_triangle(struct triangle_t *t, matrix_t m, struct triangle_t *r);
void make_sphere(struct pv_t *center, float radius, struct sphere_t *s);
void make_plane(struct pv_t *center, struct pv_t *normal, struct plane_t * plane);
void new_mesh(struct mesh_t *m, size_t c);
void free_mesh(struct mesh_t *m);
void transform_object(struct gobject_t *g, matrix_t t, struct gobject_t *r);
void transform_mesh(struct mesh_t *m, matrix_t t, struct mesh_t *r);
void new_rectangle_mesh(struct pv_t *a, struct pv_t *b, struct pv_t *c, struct pv_t *d, struct mesh_t *m);
void new_rectangle_mesh_wh(float width, float height, struct mesh_t *m);