
127 lines
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2019-03-05 07:05:43 +00:00
package cui
import (
2019-03-05 07:05:43 +00:00
2019-03-05 07:05:43 +00:00
2019-09-12 05:53:36 +00:00
var Shapes = map[string]string{
2019-09-17 02:38:07 +00:00
"walll": "╎",
"wallr": " ",
"ceiling": " ",
"floor": " ",
"tl": "╎",
"tr": " ",
"bl": "╎",
"br": " ",
"awalll": "▌",
"awallr": "▐",
"aceiling": "▀",
"afloor": "▄",
"atl": "▞",
"atr": "▜",
"abl": "▚",
"abr": "▟",
2019-03-05 07:05:43 +00:00
func MoveCursorTo(row, col int) {
fmt.Printf("\033[%d;%dH", row, col)
func moveCursorToward(dir string, amount int) {
directions := map[string]string{
"up": "A",
"down": "B",
"left": "D",
2019-03-05 07:05:43 +00:00
"right": "C",
if val, ok := directions[dir]; ok {
fmt.Printf("\033[%d%s", amount, val)
// Exit performs cleanup operations before exiting the application
func Exit(exitCode int, msg string) {
if msg != "" {
fmt.Print(msg, "\n")
fmt.Print("\033[23;0t") // Restore window title from terminal stack
// InitTerm sets the terminal modes appropriate for Bombadillo
func InitTerm() {
Tput("smcup") // use alternate screen
Tput("rmam") // turn off line wrapping
fmt.Print("\033[?25l") // hide cursor
// CleanupTerm reverts changs to terminal mode made by InitTerm
func CleanupTerm() {
2019-03-05 07:05:43 +00:00
moveCursorToward("down", 500)
moveCursorToward("right", 500)
2019-05-01 00:18:28 +00:00
2019-03-05 07:05:43 +00:00
fmt.Print("\033[?25h") // reenables cursor blinking
Tput("smam") // turn on line wrap
Tput("rmcup") // stop using alternate screen
2019-03-05 07:05:43 +00:00
func Clear(dir string) {
directions := map[string]string{
"up": "\033[1J",
"down": "\033[0J",
"left": "\033[1K",
"right": "\033[0K",
"line": "\033[2K",
2019-03-05 07:05:43 +00:00
"screen": "\033[2J",
if val, ok := directions[dir]; ok {
func Getch() rune {
reader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
char, _, err := reader.ReadRune()
if err != nil {
return '@'
return char
func GetLine(prefix string) (string, error) {
2019-05-01 00:18:28 +00:00
2019-03-05 07:05:43 +00:00
reader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
2019-05-01 00:18:28 +00:00
text, err := reader.ReadString('\n')
if err != nil {
return "", err
2019-05-01 00:18:28 +00:00
return text[:len(text)-1], nil
2019-03-05 07:05:43 +00:00
func Tput(opt string) {
cmd := exec.Command("tput", opt)
cmd.Stdin = os.Stdin
cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
// explicitly ignoring the error here as
// the alternate screen is an optional feature
// that may not be available everywhere we expect
// to run
_ = cmd.Run()