Local protocol --------------------------- The local protocol works very similarly to the 'file` protocol implemented in many modern web browsers. It allows you to view and navigate your files and filesystem. -- Syntax / Usage -- When using the local protocol you should prefix the path you want with 'local://', so to view '/usr/local/bin' you would enter the following address into Bombadillo: `local:///user/local/bin` You may notice there is a third slash after 'local:', this represents the root directory and must be included in full paths. Bombadillo's local protocol will also expand tildes for your home directory ('local://~'). Other than those things, navigation works like any other protocol, enter the link ID to navigate around folders or view files. When navigating to a folder the output will appear similar to running 'ls -la' in your shell. It will show hidden files and will output file permissions along with the file names. It does not, however, show file sizes. ________________________________ This concludes the help section brought up by the following keywords: local, file Other sections of the help document: `help help` `help general` `help navigation` `help bookmarks` `help saving` `help commands` `help keys` `help search` `help settings` `help protocols` `help gemini` `help gopher` `help http` `help finger` `help telnet` `help resources` `help license`