package gemini import ( "bytes" "crypto/sha1" "crypto/tls" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "strconv" "strings" "time" ) type Capsule struct { MimeMaj string MimeMin string Status int Content string Links []string } type TofuDigest struct { certs map[string]string ClientCert tls.Certificate } //------------------------------------------------\\ // + + + R E C E I V E R S + + + \\ //--------------------------------------------------\\ func (t *TofuDigest) LoadCertificate(cert, key string) { certificate, err := tls.LoadX509KeyPair(cert, key) if err != nil { t.ClientCert = tls.Certificate{} return } t.ClientCert = certificate } func (t *TofuDigest) Purge(host string) error { host = strings.ToLower(host) if host == "*" { t.certs = make(map[string]string) return nil } else if _, ok := t.certs[strings.ToLower(host)]; ok { delete(t.certs, host) return nil } return fmt.Errorf("Invalid host %q", host) } func (t *TofuDigest) Add(host, hash string, time int64) { t.certs[strings.ToLower(host)] = fmt.Sprintf("%s|%d", hash, time) } func (t *TofuDigest) Exists(host string) bool { if _, ok := t.certs[strings.ToLower(host)]; ok { return true } return false } func (t *TofuDigest) Find(host string) (string, error) { if hash, ok := t.certs[strings.ToLower(host)]; ok { return hash, nil } return "", fmt.Errorf("Invalid hostname, no key saved") } func (t *TofuDigest) Match(host string, cState *tls.ConnectionState) error { host = strings.ToLower(host) now := time.Now() localCert := strings.SplitN(t.certs[host], "|", -1)[0] for _, cert := range cState.PeerCertificates { if localCert != hashCert(cert.Raw) { continue } if now.Before(cert.NotBefore) { return fmt.Errorf("Certificate is not valid yet") } if now.After(cert.NotAfter) { return fmt.Errorf("EXP") } if err := cert.VerifyHostname(host); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Certificate error: %s", err) } return nil } return fmt.Errorf("No matching certificate was found for host %q", host) } func (t *TofuDigest) newCert(host string, cState *tls.ConnectionState) error { host = strings.ToLower(host) now := time.Now() var reasons strings.Builder for index, cert := range cState.PeerCertificates { if index > 0 { reasons.WriteString("; ") } if now.Before(cert.NotBefore) { reasons.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Cert [%d] is not valid yet", index+1)) continue } if now.After(cert.NotAfter) { reasons.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Cert [%d] is expired", index+1)) continue } if err := cert.VerifyHostname(host); err != nil { reasons.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Cert [%d] hostname does not match", index+1)) continue } t.Add(host, hashCert(cert.Raw), cert.NotAfter.Unix()) return nil } return fmt.Errorf(reasons.String()) } func (t *TofuDigest) IniDump() string { if len(t.certs) < 1 { return "" } var out strings.Builder out.WriteString("[CERTS]\n") for k, v := range t.certs { vals := strings.SplitN(v, "|", -1) now := time.Now() if len(vals) > 1 { ts, err := strconv.ParseInt(vals[1], 10, 64) if err != nil || now.Unix() > ts { continue } } out.WriteString(k) out.WriteString("=") out.WriteString(v) out.WriteString("\n") } return out.String() } //------------------------------------------------\\ // + + + F U N C T I O N S + + + \\ //--------------------------------------------------\\ func Retrieve(host, port, resource string, td *TofuDigest) (string, error) { if host == "" || port == "" { return "", fmt.Errorf("Incomplete request url") } addr := host + ":" + port conf := &tls.Config{ MinVersion: tls.VersionTLS12, InsecureSkipVerify: true, } conf.GetClientCertificate = func(*tls.CertificateRequestInfo) (*tls.Certificate, error) { return &td.ClientCert, nil } conn, err := tls.Dial("tcp", addr, conf) if err != nil { return "", fmt.Errorf("TLS Dial Error: %s", err.Error()) } defer conn.Close() connState := conn.ConnectionState() // Begin TOFU screening... // If no certificates are offered, bail out if len(connState.PeerCertificates) < 1 { return "", fmt.Errorf("Insecure, no certificates offered by server") } if td.Exists(host) { // See if we have a matching cert err := td.Match(host, &connState) if err != nil && err.Error() != "EXP" { // If there is no match and it isnt because of an expiration // just return the error return "", err } else if err != nil { // The cert expired, see if they are offering one that is valid... err := td.newCert(host, &connState) if err != nil { // If there are no valid certs to offer, let the client know return "", err } } } else { err = td.newCert(host, &connState) if err != nil { // If there are no valid certs to offer, let the client know return "", err } } send := "gemini://" + addr + "/" + resource + "\r\n" _, err = conn.Write([]byte(send)) if err != nil { return "", err } result, err := ioutil.ReadAll(conn) if err != nil { return "", err } return string(result), nil } func Fetch(host, port, resource string, td *TofuDigest) ([]byte, error) { rawResp, err := Retrieve(host, port, resource, td) if err != nil { return make([]byte, 0), err } resp := strings.SplitN(rawResp, "\r\n", 2) if len(resp) != 2 { if err != nil { return make([]byte, 0), fmt.Errorf("Invalid response from server") } } header := strings.SplitN(resp[0], " ", 2) if len([]rune(header[0])) != 2 { header = strings.SplitN(resp[0], "\t", 2) if len([]rune(header[0])) != 2 { return make([]byte, 0), fmt.Errorf("Invalid response format from server") } } // Get status code single digit form status, err := strconv.Atoi(string(header[0][0])) if err != nil { return make([]byte, 0), fmt.Errorf("Invalid status response from server") } if status != 2 { switch status { case 1: return make([]byte, 0), fmt.Errorf("[1] Queries cannot be saved.") case 3: return make([]byte, 0), fmt.Errorf("[3] Redirects cannot be saved.") case 4: return make([]byte, 0), fmt.Errorf("[4] Temporary Failure.") case 5: return make([]byte, 0), fmt.Errorf("[5] Permanent Failure.") case 6: return make([]byte, 0), fmt.Errorf("[6] Client Certificate Required") default: return make([]byte, 0), fmt.Errorf("Invalid response status from server") } } return []byte(resp[1]), nil } func Visit(host, port, resource string, td *TofuDigest) (Capsule, error) { capsule := MakeCapsule() rawResp, err := Retrieve(host, port, resource, td) if err != nil { return capsule, err } resp := strings.SplitN(rawResp, "\r\n", 2) if len(resp) != 2 { if err != nil { return capsule, fmt.Errorf("Invalid response from server") } } header := strings.SplitN(resp[0], " ", 2) if len([]rune(header[0])) != 2 { header = strings.SplitN(resp[0], "\t", 2) if len([]rune(header[0])) != 2 { return capsule, fmt.Errorf("Invalid response format from server") } } body := resp[1] // Get status code single digit form capsule.Status, err = strconv.Atoi(string(header[0][0])) if err != nil { return capsule, fmt.Errorf("Invalid status response from server") } // Parse the meta as needed var meta string switch capsule.Status { case 1: capsule.Content = header[1] return capsule, nil case 2: mimeAndCharset := strings.Split(header[1], ";") meta = mimeAndCharset[0] minMajMime := strings.Split(meta, "/") if len(minMajMime) < 2 { return capsule, fmt.Errorf("Improperly formatted mimetype received from server") } capsule.MimeMaj = minMajMime[0] capsule.MimeMin = minMajMime[1] if capsule.MimeMaj == "text" && capsule.MimeMin == "gemini" { if len(resource) > 0 && resource[0] != '/' { resource = fmt.Sprintf("/%s", resource) } else if resource == "" { resource = "/" } currentUrl := fmt.Sprintf("gemini://%s:%s%s", host, port, resource) rootUrl := fmt.Sprintf("gemini://%s:%s", host, port) capsule.Content, capsule.Links = parseGemini(body, rootUrl, currentUrl) } else { capsule.Content = body } return capsule, nil case 3: // The client will handle informing the user of a redirect // and then request the new url capsule.Content = header[1] return capsule, nil case 4: return capsule, fmt.Errorf("[4] Temporary Failure. %s", header[1]) case 5: return capsule, fmt.Errorf("[5] Permanent Failure. %s", header[1]) case 6: return capsule, fmt.Errorf("[6] Client Certificate Required") default: return capsule, fmt.Errorf("Invalid response status from server") } } func parseGemini(b, rootUrl, currentUrl string) (string, []string) { splitContent := strings.Split(b, "\n") links := make([]string, 0, 10) outputIndex := 0 for i, ln := range splitContent { splitContent[i] = strings.Trim(ln, "\r\n") if ln == "```" { // By continuing we create a variance between i and outputIndex // the other branches here will write to the outputIndex rather // than i, thus removing these lines while itterating without // needing mroe allocations. continue } else if len([]rune(ln)) > 3 && ln[:2] == "=>" { var link, decorator string subLn := strings.Trim(ln[2:], "\r\n\t \a") splitPoint := strings.IndexAny(subLn, " \t") if splitPoint < 0 || len([]rune(subLn))-1 <= splitPoint { link = subLn decorator = subLn } else { link = strings.Trim(subLn[:splitPoint], "\t\n\r \a") decorator = strings.Trim(subLn[splitPoint:], "\t\n\r \a") } if strings.Index(link, "://") < 0 { link = handleRelativeUrl(link, rootUrl, currentUrl) } links = append(links, link) linknum := fmt.Sprintf("[%d]", len(links)) splitContent[outputIndex] = fmt.Sprintf("%-5s %s", linknum, decorator) outputIndex++ } else { splitContent[outputIndex] = ln outputIndex++ } } return strings.Join(splitContent[:outputIndex], "\n"), links } func handleRelativeUrl(u, root, current string) string { if len(u) < 1 { return u } if u[0] == '/' { return fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", root, u) } ind := strings.LastIndex(current, "/") if ind < 10 { return fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", root, u) } current = current[:ind+1] return fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", current, u) } func hashCert(cert []byte) string { hash := sha1.Sum(cert) hex := make([][]byte, len(hash)) for i, data := range hash { hex[i] = []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%02X", data)) } return fmt.Sprintf("%s", string(bytes.Join(hex, []byte(":")))) } func MakeCapsule() Capsule { return Capsule{"", "", 0, "", make([]string, 0, 5)} } func MakeTofuDigest() TofuDigest { return TofuDigest{make(map[string]string), tls.Certificate{}} }