--- author: ~ben published: true title: getting-started category: - main --- ## getting started Welcome New to the command line and all this webby cowfoolery? You're in luck! Here's a basic HELLO WORLD tutorial. Logging in _______________________________________ / WELCOME TO TILDE.TEAM A PLACE FOR WEB \ \ PAGES / --------------------------------------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || * On a PC, you'll need to get an ssh client. PuTTY is a good one. Linux Open a terminal. Try ctrl + alt + t. ssh your_username@tilde.team Enter your password. Mac Browse to Applications/Utilities/Terminal and launch Terminal (or press cmd+space, start typing Terminal, and press return) ssh your_username@tilde.team Enter your password. Finding your index.html file There are some basic command line commands you'll want to Google and learn, but for this tutorial you only need a few: `ls` = list files and folders in current directory `cd` = change directories `nano` = a command line text editor Type: `ls` to see where you are. You should see a directory called "public_html" Type: `cd public_html` to move into that folder. (cd stands for change directory.) Type: `ls` to see where you are. You should see your index.html file Editing your index.html file Type: `nano index.html` to open your index.html file and begin editing Edit your file, willy nilly When done editing, use `ctrl + x` to close the file You'll be asked if you want to save; say y and to return to the command line Refresh your tilde page in your browser to see your new website Note: If at any time you feel you made a mistake in editing, you can exit and n to not save. see the [advanced ssh key guide](/wiki/view.php?page=advanced-ssh) for more information and cool tips :)