# Wasabi .dotfiles __ __ _____ __ ____ ___ __ __ ____/ /___ / /_/ __(_) /__ _____ / __ `__ \/ / / /_____/ __ / __ \/ __/ /_/ / / _ \/ ___/ / / / / / / /_/ /_____/ /_/ / /_/ / /_/ __/ / / __(__ ) /_/ /_/ /_/\__, / \__,_/\____/\__/_/ /_/_/\___/____/ /____/ ____ ____ ___ / __ \___ ____ _____/ / |/ /__ / /_/ / _ \/ __ `/ __ / /|_/ / _ \ / _, _/ __/ /_/ / /_/ / / / / __/ /_/ |_|\___/\__,_/\__,_/_/ /_/\___/ ## my-dotfiles repo, hosted at tildegit.org --- ### Why? One Repo to rule them all! Would like to come up with a script that is part of this repo that would setup all the symlinks to the files when I have a new linux vm or pc. ### mysetup.sh Working on a setup script that will setup all * Symlinks * Grab needed repos * if my machine will install need apps I like to have