--- published: true date: nov 14 2018 title: tilde.team outage author: brendantcc --- hey hi everyone just letting you lot know about why tilde.team was unreachable... fosslinux kind of dun goof'd and ran nmap on the tilde.team machine, and of course, the host, Hetzner, didn't like that as it was against their ToS, and locked the IP. ~ben managed to get it resolved about... a day later? and *yay* we're back up! ~ben's said that he's gonna create a proper ToS now so look out for that. later! ~brendantcc update: i've written up a [post mortem](/~ben/blog/november-13-post-mortem.html) ~ben update 2: i've written a [article from my perspective](https://tilde.team/~fosslinux/blog/on-november-13th-i-made-a-bit-of-an-oops.html) ~fosslinux