add most of the xterm palette

This commit is contained in:
dzwdz 2021-08-16 21:34:08 +02:00
parent cdaa4d1c68
commit 920c3ddaf6
1 changed files with 56 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -2,14 +2,65 @@
.global _start # the linker needs to find it
jmp _real_start
jmp vga_init
.ascii "I'm bootable!"
.byte 0x00, 0x5f / 4, 0x87 / 4, 0xaf / 4, 0xd7 / 4, 0xff / 4
# enter mode 13h
mov $0x13, %ax
int $0x10
# prepare the xterm palette 16-231
# bh - color id
# dx - used up for the port number
mov $16, %bh
xor %ecx, %ecx # dumb as bullshit
mov %bh, %al
mov $0x3c8, %dx
out %al, %dx
inc %dx
sub $16, %al # the colors start at 16, real_id = id - 16
mov $6, %bl
xor %ah, %ah
div %bl # al = real_id / 6
# ah = remainder
mov %ah, %cl # cl = real_id % 6
xor %ah, %ah
div %bl # al = real_id / 6 / 6
# ah = remainder
# at this point
# al - R
# ah - G
# cl - B (soon bl)
# because of some dumb as bullshit, i need to use ecx for stuff
mov %cl, %bl
mov %al, %cl
mov _Xterm_grad(%ecx), %al
out %al, %dx
mov %ah, %cl
mov _Xterm_grad(%ecx), %al
out %al, %dx
mov %bl, %cl
mov _Xterm_grad(%ecx), %al
out %al, %dx
inc %bh
jnz palette_loop # loop until 0
# TODO first 16 + grayscale
mov $0xA000, %ax # ES = vga memory
mov %ax, %es
@ -37,7 +88,10 @@ not_eol:
jl loop
incb %es:319
jmp end
# .fill (510-(.-_start))/4, 4, 0xc4c5c6c7 # color stripes for testing
.fill 510-(.-_start), 1, 0x90 # fill with 0x90 (NOPs)
.word 0xaa55 # boot sector magic