mirror of https://git.earne.link/earnestma/dotfiles synced 2024-06-14 13:36:35 +00:00

84 lines
1.4 KiB

path = ~/.config/git/secret
# include something like this in the above file:
# smtpserver = mail.example.com
# smtpuser =
# smtpencryption = tls
# smtpserverport = 587
# annotate = yes
email = me@earne.link
name = earnest ma
signingkey = BF66E5C8A1416E2A857C774CA343F43342EB6E2A
autocrlf = false
quotepath = false
commitGraph = true
longpaths = true
editor = nvim
hooksPath = ~/.config/git/hooks
excludesfile = ~/.config/git/ignore
tool = bat
defaultBranch = main
gpgsign = true
verbose = true
prune = true
ff = only
default = current
submodulesummary = true
autocorrect = 20
writeCommitGraph = true
ui = true
[filter "lfs"]
clean = git-lfs clean -- %f
smudge = git-lfs smudge -- %f
process = git-lfs filter-process
required = true
checkup = !git log -1 && (git fetch --all 2>/dev/null || true) && git status
fuckit = reset --hard
setup = !git init && git commit --allow-empty -m \"Initial commit\"
fpr = !sh -c 'git fetch ${2:-origin} +refs/pull/$1/head:refs/remotes/${2:-origin}/pr/$1 && git checkout pr/$1' -
e = commit --allow-empty-message -m ''
br = branch
co = checkout
ca = commit --amend
cd = commit -eF .git/draft
ce = commit --allow-empty-message -m ''
cm = commit
di = diff
lg = log
mg = merge
pu = push
pl = pull
st = status
helper = store --file ~/.config/git/credentials