
380 lines
12 KiB

Implementation of a rudimentary file system
grab the
import os, sys, shutil, pathlib
from dataclasses import dataclass
import filetype as ft
from send2trash import send2trash
from sl4ng import show, delevel, gather, nameSpacer
def trim(path,edge=os.sep):
out = path[:]
while out.startswith(edge):
out = out[1:]
while out.endswith(edge):
out = out[:-1]
return out
class size(int):
def __repr__(self):
return f'{round(self*10**-3):,} kb'
class _path(str):
class address:
A systemic pointer to the location of the data associated with a file system object
# def init(self,path:str):
# assert os.path.exists(self.path), f'"{path}" is not a valid address on this system'
# self.path = path
# if path:
# assert os.path.exists(self.path), f'"{path}" is not a valid address on this system'
def exists(self):
return os.path.exists(self.path)
def isdir(self):
return os.path.isdir(self.path)
def isfile(self):
return os.path.isfile(self.path)
def obj(self):
if self.isdir:
return directory(self.path)
elif self.isfile:
return file(self.path)
raise ValueError(f'"{self.path}" is not a valid address on this system')
if exists:
# del isfile,isdir
( , )
class directory:
def __init__(self,path:str):
assert address(path).isdir, f'"{path}" is not a directory'
self.path = trim(path)
self._ind = -1
cntnt = (address(os.path.join(path,i)) for i in os.listdir(path))
for i in cntnt:
name = os.path.split(i.path)[1]
if i.isdir:
elif i.isfile:
def children(self):
return tuple(addy.obj for i in os.listdir(self.path) if (addy:=address(os.path.join(str(self),i))).isdir)
def files(self):
return tuple(addy.obj for i in os.listdir(self.path) if (addy:=address(os.path.join(self.path,i))).isfile)
def content(self):
return tuple(address(os.path.join(self.path,i).obj for i in os.listdir(self.path)))
def leaves(self):
return tuple(self.gather())
def leaves(self):
return tuple(set(i.container() for i in self.gather()))
def name(self):
return os.path.split(self.path)[1]
def ancestors(self):
level = []
p = self.path[:]
while p != delevel(p):
p = delevel(p)
return tuple(directory(i) for i in level)[::-1]
def depth(self):
return len(self.ancestors)
def root(self):
return self.ancestors[0]#.split(':')[0]
def size(self):
# return size(sum(os.stat(file).st_size for file in self.gather()))
return size(sum(file.size for file in self.leaves))
def mime(self):
# return tuple(set(match.MIME if (match:=ft.guess(file)) else 'UNKNOWN' for file in self.gather()))
return tuple(set(file.mime for file in self.gather()))
def kind(self):
return tuple(set(m.split('/')[0] for m in self.mime))
def ext(self):
return tuple(set(f.ext for f in self.gather()))
def siblings(self):
return tuple(i for i in self.container() if isinstance(i,type(self)))
def peers(self):
return self.container().content
def stat(self):
return os.stat(str(self))
return os.stat(str(self))
def touch(self):
p = str(self)
self = address(p).obj
return self
def delete(self,recycle=True):
send2trash(self.path) if recycle else os.remove(self.path)
del self
def rename(self,new,relative=False):
new = new if not relative else os.path.join(delevel(self.path),new)
self = address(new).obj
return self
def clone(self,new=None,relative=False,touch=False):
if new:
if relative:
new = nameSpacer(os.path.join(delevel(self.path),new))
new = nameSpacer(os.path.join(delevel(self.path),
shutil.copy2(self.path,new) #if touch else shutil.copy2(self.path,new)
out = address(new).obj
return out.touch() if touch else out
def container(self,steps=1,path=False):
return delevel(self.path,steps) if path else directory(delevel(self.path,steps))
def heritage(self):
ancs = list(self.ancestors)
for i,anc in enumerate(ancs):
print('\t'+('','.'*i)[i>0]+i*' '+[i for i in str(anc).split(os.sep) if i][-1])
def show(self, indentation:int=1, enum:bool=False, start:int=1, indentor:str='\t'):
assert indentation>0, f'"{indentation}" is not a viable indentation level'
def gather(self,names:bool=False,walk:bool=True,ext:str=None,paths=False):
if paths:
yield from gather(str(self),names,walk,ext)
for path in gather(str(self),names,walk,ext):
yield file(path)
def add(self,new):
if (obj:=address(new).obj):
return obj.move(self)
raise ValueError(f'"{new}" does is neither a file or directory')
def moveContent(self,other):
# assert address(trim(str(other))).isdir, f'"{other}" is not a viable directory here'
assert address((str(other))).isdir, f'"{other}" is not a viable directory here'
for f in self.gather():
# rest = f.path[len(self.path)+1:]
ending = trim(f.path[len(self.path)+1:])
new = os.path.join(trim(str(other)),ending)
# os.makedirs(delevel(new))
def isroot(self):
return not self.depth
def __bool__(self):
return len(os.listdir(self.path))>0
def __str__(self):
return self.path
def __repr__(self):
return str(self)
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __len__(self):
return len(self.content)
def __next__(self):
if self._ind<len(self)-1:
self._ind += 1
return self.content[self._ind]
self._ind = -1
raise StopIteration
def __getitem__(self,item):
if item in self.content:
return address(os.path.join(self.path,item)).obj
raise ValueError(f'The folder "{}" does not contain anything called "{item}"')
move = rename
extension = ext
copy = clone
class file:
def __init__(self,path:str):
assert address(path).isfile, f'"{path}" is not a file'
self.path = trim(path)
def name(self):
return os.path.split(self.path)[1]
def title(self):
return os.path.splitext([0]
def ancestors(self):
level = []
p = self.path[:]
while p != delevel(p):
p = delevel(p)
return tuple(directory(i) for i in level)[::-1]
def depth(self):
return len(self.ancestors)
def root(self):
return self.ancestors[0]#.split(':')[0]
def size(self):
return size(os.stat(str(self)).st_size)
def mime(self):
return match.MIME if (match:=ft.guess(str(self))) else 'UNKNOWN'
def kind(self):
return self.mime.split('/')[0] if (match:=ft.guess(str(self))) else 'UNKNOWN'
def ext(self):
return os.path.splitext([1]
def siblings(self):
return tuple(i for i in self.container() if isinstance(i,type(self)))
def peers(self):
return self.container().content
def stat(self):
return os.stat(str(self))
return os.stat(str(self))
def touch(self):
p = str(self)
self = address(p).obj
return self
def delete(self,recycle=True):
send2trash(self.path) if recycle else os.remove(self.path)
del self
def rename(self,new,relative=False):
new = new if not relative else os.path.join(delevel(self.path),new)
self = address(new).obj
return self
def clone(self,new=None,relative=False,touch=False):
if new:
if relative:
new = nameSpacer(os.path.join(delevel(self.path),new))
new = nameSpacer(os.path.join(delevel(self.path),
shutil.copy2(self.path,new) #if touch else shutil.copy2(self.path,new)
out = address(new).obj
return out.touch() if touch else out
def container(self,steps=1,path=False):
return delevel(self.path,steps) if path else directory(delevel(self.path,steps))
def heritage(self):
ancs = list(self.ancestors)
for i,anc in enumerate(ancs):
print('\t'+('','.'*i)[i>0]+i*' '+[i for i in str(anc).split(os.sep) if i][-1])
def __str__(self):
return self.path
def __repr__(self):
return str(self)
move = rename
extension = ext
copy = clone
if __name__ == '__main__':
dp = r'c:\users\kenneth\videos'
# print(directory(dp))
# show(directory(dp).fils,)
fp = r'c:\users\kenneth\pyo_rec.wav'
# print(os.path.isfile(fp))
# print(file(fp))
fp = r'C:\Users\Kenneth\Music\Collection\slowthai\The Bottom _ North Nights\02 North Nights.mp3'
dp = delevel(fp,1)
d = address(dp).obj
f = address(fp).obj
system = (d,f)
print([ for i in system])
print([i.depth for i in system])
print([i.ancestors for i in system])
print([i.heritage() for i in system])
print([i.root for i in system])
print([i.size for i in system])
[print(i.size) for i in system]
[print(i.kind) for i in system]
[print(i.ext) for i in system]
[print(i.stat) for i in system]
# d.moveContent(r'c:\users\kenneth\downloads\\')
# print(f.clone(touch=True))
# print(f.clone())
# print(f.move(nameSpacer(str(f))))
# os.startfile(f.container().path)
# help(f)
# for i in d:
# ob = d[i]
# print(ob,ob.kind,ob.ext)
# if isinstance(ob,directory):
# for o in ob.children:
# o2 = ob[o]
# print('\t',o2,o2.kind,o2.ext)
# for p in d.gather():
# print(p.size,p.mime,p.ext,sys.getrefcount(p))
# f = file(p)
# if 'matroska' in f.mime:
# print(f.container())
# print(
# print(f.size)
# for i in d:print(i)
# print(os.stat(dp).st_size)
# print(os.stat(fp).st_size)
# print(dict(d))
# d.heritage()
# os.rename('Few Nolder','randombumbashit')
# print(os.listdir('randombumbashit'))