
99 lines
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__all__ = 'show pop sample nopes generator tipo'.split()
from typing import Iterable, Any
import sys, os
generator = type(i for i in '')
def show(array:Iterable[Any], indentation:int=0, enum:bool=False, first:int=1, indentor:str='\t', tail=True, head=False, file=sys.stdout, sep:str=None) -> None:
Print each element of an array. This will consume a generator.
if (wasstr:=isinstance(file,str)): file = open(file)
print('\n', file=file) if head else None
for i,j in enumerate(array,first):
if sep: print(sep)
print('\n', file=file) if tail else None
if wasstr: file.close()
def pop(arg:Any=None, file=False, silent:bool=False) -> str:
Open the folder containing a given module, or object's module
Open current working directory if no object is given
Open the module's file if file=True
Return the path which is opened
This will raise an attribute error whenever there is no file to which the object/module is imputed
import os
module = type(os)
if arg:
if isinstance(arg, module):
path = arg.__file__
mstr = arg.__module__
if (top:=mstr.split('.')[0]) in globals().keys():
m = eval(mstr)
t = exec(f'import {top}')
m = eval(mstr)
path = m.__file__
if not file:
path = os.path.dirname(path)
path = os.getcwd()
if not silent:
return path
def sample(iterable:Iterable, n:int) -> tuple:
Obtains a random sample of any length from any iterable and returns it as a tuple
Dependencies: random.randint(a,b)
In: iterable, lengthOfDesiredSample
Out: iterable of length(n)
import random as r
iterable = tuple(iterable) if type(iterable)==type({0,1}) else iterable
choiceIndices = tuple(r.randint(0,len(iterable)-1) for i in range(n))
return tuple(iterable[i] for i in choiceIndices)
def nopes(iterable:Iterable[Any], yeps:bool=False) -> generator:
if yeps==False
Return the indices of all false-like boolean values of an iterable
Return indices of all true-like boolean values of an iterable
dependencies: None
t = (0,1,0,0,1)
>>> tuple(nopes(t))
>>> tuple(nopes(t,True))
for i, j in enumerate(iterable):
if (not j, j)[yeps]:
yield i
def tipo(inpt:Any=type(lambda:0)) -> str:
Return the name of an object's type
Dependencies: None
In: object
Out: str
return str(type(inpt)).split("'")[1].split('.')[-1]