
123 lines
3.9 KiB

__all__ = "trim normalize hasdirs likefile multisplit forbiddens nameSpacer".split()
from typing import Iterable
import os, re
from .debug import *
forbiddens = r'\/:?*<>|"'
def trim(path:str, edge:str=os.sep) -> str:
Remove trailing/leading separators (or edges) from a path string
out = path[:]
while any(out.startswith(x) for x in (edge,' ')):
out = out[1:]
while any(out.endswith(x) for x in (edge,' ')):
out = out[:-1]
return out
def normalize(path:str, relative:bool=False, force:bool=False) -> str:
Standardize a path for a current operating system.
Given an equivalently structured file/project system, this should make code reusable across platforms
If force is true, all forbidden characters will be replaced with an empty string
other = ''.join(i for i in '\/' if not i==os.sep)
if force:
new = ''.join(i for i in path if not i in forbiddens)
new = path[:]
if other in path:
terms = []
for term in path.split(os.sep):
if other in term:
for part in term.split(other):
new = os.path.join(*terms)
if relative:
new = '.'+os.sep+path
return new
def hasdirs(path:str) -> bool:
check if a path string contains directories or not
return bool(, normalize(path)))
def likefile(path:str) -> bool:
Check if a path string looks like a file or not
path = normalize(path)
return bool('readme$|.+\.(\S)+$',path.split(os.sep)[-1], re.I))
def multisplit(splitters:Iterable[str], target:str='abc') -> generator:
Split a string by a the elements of a sequence
>>> list(multisplit(',`* ', 'wma,wmv mp3`vga*mp4 ,`* ogg'))
['wma', 'wmv', 'mp3', 'vga', 'mp4', 'ogg']
splitters = iter(splitters)
result = target.split(next(splitters))
for splitter in splitters:
result = [*chain.from_iterable(i.split(splitter) for i in result)]
yield from filter(None, result)
def nameSpacer(path:str, sep:str='_') -> str:
Returns a unique version of a given string by appending an integer
Dependencies: os module
In: string
Out: string
id = 2
oldPath = path[:]
while os.path.exists(path): ##for general use
newPath = list(os.path.splitext(path))
if sep in newPath[0]:
if newPath[0].split(sep)[-1].isnumeric():
# print('case1a')
id = newPath[0].split(sep)[-1]
newPath[0] = newPath[0].replace(f'{sep}{id}', f'{sep}{str(int(id)+1)}')
path = ''.join(newPath)
# print('case1b')
newPath[0] += f'{sep}{id}'
path = ''.join(newPath)
id += 1
# print('case2')
newPath[0] += f'{sep}{id}'
path = ''.join(newPath)
id += 1
return path
if __name__ == '__main__':
mock = 'drive: users user place subplace file.extension.secondextension'.split()
# mock = 'drive: users user place subplace readme'.split()
testPaths = [
tests = [(eval(f'{f}(r"{p}")'), f, p) for f in __all__ for p in testPaths]
# show(zip(map(type, map(lambda x: Address(x).obj, testPaths)), testPaths))
# show(zip(testPaths, map(normalize, testPaths)))
# show(zip(testPaths, map(hasdirs, testPaths)))
# show(zip(testPaths, map(likefile, testPaths)))