This commit is contained in:
kendfss 2021-08-12 19:29:57 +01:00
parent 539c3a702b
commit bd506e4615
3 changed files with 4 additions and 140 deletions

View File

@ -2,15 +2,11 @@ from typing import Iterable, Any, Iterator, Sequence
import os
from .debug import *
# from .files import *
# from .functional import *
from .iteration import *
from .maths import *
# from .persistence import *
from .stats import *
from .strings import *
from .system import *
# from .types import *
from .web import *
from .magnitudes import *
@ -19,140 +15,7 @@ from .magnitudes import *
HERE, THIS = os.path.split(__file__)
# def sgm(func:type(lambda:1),iterable:Iterable,arity:int=2) -> Any:
# """Returns the sum of a iterable through a function, or the range(n) through a function for some integer n
# Dependencies: itertools.chain
# In: function, iterable
# Out: value"""
# from itertools import chain,combinations
# if hasattr(iterable,'__iter__') or hasattr(iterable,'__next__'):
# if isinstance(iterable,str):
# if iterable.isnumeric():
# return sum(func(int(i)) for i in iterable)
# elif all(hasattr(i,'__len__') for i in iterable):
# if all(len(x)==len(y) for x,y in combinations(iterable,2)):
# return sum(
# func(
# *(
# v[i] for v in iterable
# )
# ) for i in range(len(iterable[0]))
# )
# else:
# return sum(func(pair) for pair in combinations(iterable,arity))
# elif isinstance(iterable,int):
# return sum(func(i) for i in range(iterable))
# elif isinstance(iterable,float):
# return sum(sgm(func,str(iterable).split('.')[0]),sgm(func,str(iterable).split('.')[1]))
# def primes2(n):
# """Generates a list of primes with n terms
# Dependencies: factors (from meta)
# In: int
# Out: list"""
# result = []
# index = 2
# while len(result) <= n:
# if len(factors(index)) == 2:
# result.append(index)
# index += 1
# return result
if __name__ == "__main__":
# t = range(10_000_000_000_000)
# t = range(1_000_000_000)
# arg = (i for i in t)
# arg = (1 for i in t)
# arg = t
# print(eq(arg))
# show((list(range(10000)) for i in range(10)),1,False,2,' ',False,True)
# print(entropy(int(i) for i in y))
# v = 15
# l = []
# for j in range(1,10):
# print(sgm(lambda *args:pipe(args),[[1,2,3] for i in range(j)]))
# l.append(sgm(lambda *args:pipe(args),[range(1,v) for i in range(j)]))
# print(l)
# print(gcd2(l))
# [print(i,max(j for j in factors(i) if i>j)) for i in l]
# print(guid())
# help(guid)
# ffplay(r"C:\Users\Kenneth\Downloads\byextension\wav")
# ffplay(r'F:\Programs\Project Files\FL\2019 old\bisto\bonnuci\blackburn_2\submixes\blackburn_2_Master.wav',hide=False)
# ffplay(r"C:\Users\Kenneth\Downloads\byextension\wav\alixperez-crooklyn.wav*C:\Users\Kenneth\Downloads\byextension\wav\alixperez-melanie.wav*C:\Users\Kenneth\Downloads\byextension\mkv\Knucks - Home-eKb0XPEnwOk.mkv*C:\Users\Kenneth\Downloads\byextension\mkv\UK Garage - M Dubs - 'Bump n Grind'-fFjWiAR1c-I.mkv*C:\Users\Kenneth\Downloads\byextension\mkv\Ghost - The Club-4_uggscguzs.mkv*C:\Users\Kenneth\Downloads\music\music\Alix Perez\Morning Sun _ Playing Tricks\02 Playing Tricks.mp3*C:\Users\Kenneth\Downloads\music\music\Alix Perez\Morning Sun _ Playing Tricks\01 Morning Sun.mp3*C:\Users\Kenneth\Downloads\music\music\Alix Perez\Dub Rock _ Love Bug\01 Dubrock.mp3*C:\Users\Kenneth\Downloads\music\music\Alix Perez\Dub Rock _ Love Bug\02 Lovebug (feat. Specific).mp3*C:\Users\Kenneth\Downloads\music\music\Unitz\The Drop _ Mornin Blues\01 The Drop.mp3*C:\Users\Kenneth\Music\Collection\Archy Marshall\A New Place 2 Drown\04 Ammi Ammi.mp3*C:\Users\Kenneth\Music\Collection\Archy Marshall\A New Place 2 Drown\09 Empty Vessels.mp3*C:\Users\Kenneth\Downloads\music\music\Belangeo\Unknown Album\belangeo_Tribal.ogg*C:\Users\Kenneth\Music\Collection\Alix Perez\1984\11 Suffer In Silence (feat. Zero T).mp3*C:\Users\Kenneth\Music\Collection\Alix Perez\1984\03 Fade Away.mp3*C:\Users\Kenneth\Music\Collection\Alix Perez\1984\08 I_m Free.mp3*C:\Users\Kenneth\Music\Collection\Alix Perez\1984\15 Hemlines (feat. Sabre).mp3*C:\Users\Kenneth\Downloads\music\music\Alix Perez\Magnolias _ Backlash\02 Backlash.mp3*C:\Users\Kenneth\Downloads\music\music\Las\Outlaw EP\03 Drumspeak.m4a*C:\Users\Kenneth\Downloads\music\music\Las\Backyard _ Tic\02 Tic.mp3*C:\Users\Kenneth\Downloads\music\music\Las\Backyard _ Tic\01 Backyard.mp3*C:\Users\Kenneth\Downloads\music\music\Las\Las x Mikael - Single\01 Dem Break.m4a*C:\Users\Kenneth\Music\Collection\LAS\Your Eyes EP\03 Aspect.mp3*C:\Users\Kenneth\Music\Collection\LAS\Your Eyes EP\04 Lesson.mp3*F:\Programs\Project Files\FL\2019 old\bisto\bonnuci\blackburn_2\submixes\blackburn_2_Master.wav",fullscreen=False,randomize=False,hide=False)
# ffplay('*'.join(i for i in gather(r'c:\users\kenneth\downloads\music',ext='mp3',names=False)))
# ffplay('*'.join(i for i in gather(r'c:\users\kenneth\music\collection\alix perez',names=False)),fullscreen=False,hide=False,randomize=False)
# ffplay(r'C:\Users\Kenneth\Downloads\byextension\wav*c:\users\kenneth\music\collection\alix perez',randomize=False)
# ffplay(
# '*'.join((
# r"C:\Users\Kenneth\Downloads\byextension\mp3\Ryan Patrick Maguire - $†@®.mp3",
# r"C:\Users\Kenneth\Downloads\byextension\mp3\Ryan Patrick Maguire - free_language.mp3",
# r"C:\Users\Kenneth\Downloads\byextension\mp3\Ryan Patrick Maguire - moDernisT.mp3"
# )))
# ffplay(r'C:\Users\Kenneth\Downloads\byextension\mp3\SAR01.mp3*C:\Users\Kenneth\Downloads\byextension\mp3\SAR262.mp3')
# compare(succ,pred)
# tst = {
# 'a':1,
# 'b':{},
# 'c':{},
# 'd':2,
# 'e':[],
# 'f':[],
# 'g':1,
# 'h':1,
# }
# print(deduplicate(tst))
# for i in range(10): print(agora(),agora(True))
# f = r'e:\projects\monties\2020\fileManagement\knownExtensions.pkl'
# [print(i,f.index(i),i==j) for i,j in zip(set(f),shuffle(set(f))) if i==j]# else print(i,j)]# in set(f) for j in shuffle(set(f))]
# from math import log
# help(log)
# print((val:=factorial(len(f))),log(val,10),pyramid(log(val,10)),sep='\n',end='\n\n')
# n = 1
# while (k:=pyramid(n))>0:
# k /= n
# n += 1
# print(n-1,k)
# print(n,pyramid(n))
# help(straw(__file__,False)[0])
# print(straw(__file__,text=False,lines=False))
# for i in straw(__file__,False):
# print(i.decode('utf-8'))
# priter(f,1)
# priter(shuffle(f))
# print(empty(f))
# print(os.curdir)
# print(shutil.get_unpack_formats())
# print(unpack(r"C:\Users\Kenneth\Downloads\music\music.rar"))
# extractRar(r"C:\Users\Kenneth\Downloads\music\music.rar")
# print(nameSpacer(__file__+'loll'))
# unpack(r"C:\Users\Kenneth\Downloads\music\music.rar")

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
# __all__ = "mainame nome tipo beeper syspath padd modir printer tryimport aspectRatio show pop hasDocs getsource".split()
from typing import Any, Iterable, Generator, Callable
import sys, winsound, os, time, inspect
@ -223,10 +224,9 @@ def getsource(obj:Any, *args, copy:bool=False, **kwargs) -> str:
if copy:
text = '\n'.join(text)
return text
show(text, *args, **kwargs)
if __name__=='__main__':

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
from __future__ import annotations
import time, random, string
import pyperclip, psutil
@ -44,4 +45,4 @@ def guid(format:tuple=[8, 4, 4, 4, 12], sep:str='-', copy:bool=True, braces:bool
[ranstr.insert(i + sum(format[:i+1]), sep) for i, j in enumerate(format[:-1])]
result = "{%s}" % (s := ''.join(ranstr)) if braces else s
pyperclip.copy(result) if copy else None
return result
return result