# about There's not much to [[sans]], to be honest. It is an openbsd box running on a vultr virtual private server somewhere Canada. It was manually configured, and is regularly backed up. It should be treated as a relatively ephemeral online space, and, may well one day sink or otherwise go "splort." It is suggested that nothing be stored exclusively on sans, and that sans be treated like a public playground...a shared space. Community members of sans are expected to abide by sans' [[coc]], code of conduct. Sans is intended to be a [[playful]] space for exploring programming, language, software design. While it includes a few social spaces, is isn't a specifically social environment. The intention is that folks use sans as a playground and connect with each other about their explorations and play elsewhere. In the future sans may expand to include a forum. => https://www.openbsd.org openbsd.org => https://www.vultr.com/?ref=9221291 vultr ref code => https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canada Canada => https://liberapay.com/eli-oat/donate Liberapay