(function (window) { if (!window.XMPlayer) { window.XMPlayer = {}; } var player = window.XMPlayer; if (!window.XMView) { window.XMView = {}; } var XMView = window.XMView; player.periodForNote = periodForNote; player.prettify_effect = prettify_effect; player.init = init; player.load = load; player.play = play; player.pause = pause; player.stop = stop; player.cur_songpos = -1; player.cur_pat = -1; player.cur_row = 64; player.cur_ticksamp = 0; player.cur_tick = 6; player.xm = {}; // contains all song data player.xm.global_volume = player.max_global_volume = 128; // exposed for testing player.nextTick = nextTick; player.nextRow = nextRow; player.Envelope = Envelope; // for pretty-printing notes var _note_names = [ "C-", "C#", "D-", "D#", "E-", "F-", "F#", "G-", "G#", "A-", "A#", "B-"]; var f_smp = 44100; // updated by play callback, default value here // per-sample exponential moving average for volume changes (to prevent pops // and clicks); evaluated every 8 samples var popfilter_alpha = 0.9837; function prettify_note(note) { if (note < 0) return "---"; if (note == 96) return "^^^"; return _note_names[note%12] + ~~(note/12); } function prettify_number(num) { if (num == -1) return "--"; if (num < 10) return "0" + num; return num; } function prettify_volume(num) { if (num < 0x10) return "--"; return num.toString(16); } function prettify_effect(t, p) { if (t >= 10) t = String.fromCharCode(55 + t); if (p < 16) p = '0' + p.toString(16); else p = p.toString(16); return t + p; } function prettify_notedata(data) { return (prettify_note(data[0]) + " " + prettify_number(data[1]) + " " + prettify_volume(data[2]) + " " + prettify_effect(data[3], data[4])); } function getstring(dv, offset, len) { var str = []; for (var i = offset; i < offset+len; i++) { var c = dv.getUint8(i); if (c === 0) break; str.push(String.fromCharCode(c)); } return str.join(''); } // Return 2-pole Butterworth lowpass filter coefficients for // center frequncy f_c (relative to sampling frequency) function filterCoeffs(f_c) { if (f_c > 0.5) { // we can't lowpass above the nyquist frequency... f_c = 0.5; } var wct = Math.sqrt(2) * Math.PI * f_c; var e = Math.exp(-wct); var c = e * Math.cos(wct); var gain = (1 - 2*c + e*e) / 2; return [gain, 2*c, -e*e]; } function updateChannelPeriod(ch, period) { var freq = 8363 * Math.pow(2, (1152.0 - period) / 192.0); if (isNaN(freq)) { console.log("invalid period!", period); return; } ch.doff = freq / f_smp; ch.filter = filterCoeffs(ch.doff / 2); } function periodForNote(ch, note) { return 1920 - (note + ch.samp.note)*16 - ch.fine / 8.0; } function setCurrentPattern() { var nextPat = player.xm.songpats[player.cur_songpos]; // check for out of range pattern index while (nextPat >= player.xm.patterns.length) { if (player.cur_songpos + 1 < player.xm.songpats.length) { // first try skipping the position player.cur_songpos++; } else if ((player.cur_songpos === player.xm.song_looppos && player.cur_songpos !== 0) || player.xm.song_looppos >= player.xm.songpats.length) { // if we allready tried song_looppos or if song_looppos // is out of range, go to the first position player.cur_songpos = 0; } else { // try going to song_looppos player.cur_songpos = player.xm.song_looppos; } nextPat = player.xm.songpats[player.cur_songpos]; } player.cur_pat = nextPat; } function nextRow() { if(typeof player.next_row === "undefined") { player.next_row = player.cur_row + 1; } player.cur_row = player.next_row; player.next_row++; if (player.cur_pat == -1 || player.cur_row >= player.xm.patterns[player.cur_pat].length) { player.cur_row = 0; player.next_row = 1; player.cur_songpos++; if (player.cur_songpos >= player.xm.songpats.length) player.cur_songpos = player.xm.song_looppos; setCurrentPattern(); } var p = player.xm.patterns[player.cur_pat]; var r = p[player.cur_row]; for (var i = 0; i < r.length; i++) { var ch = player.xm.channelinfo[i]; var inst = ch.inst; var triggernote = false; // instrument trigger if (r[i][1] != -1) { inst = player.xm.instruments[r[i][1] - 1]; if (inst && inst.samplemap) { ch.inst = inst; // retrigger unless overridden below triggernote = true; if (ch.note && inst.samplemap) { ch.samp = inst.samples[inst.samplemap[ch.note]]; ch.vol = ch.samp.vol; ch.pan = ch.samp.pan; ch.fine = ch.samp.fine; } } else { // console.log("invalid inst", r[i][1], instruments.length); } } // note trigger if (r[i][0] != -1) { if (r[i][0] == 96) { ch.release = 1; triggernote = false; } else { if (inst && inst.samplemap) { var note = r[i][0]; ch.note = note; ch.samp = inst.samples[inst.samplemap[ch.note]]; if (triggernote) { // if we were already triggering the note, reset vol/pan using // (potentially) new sample ch.pan = ch.samp.pan; ch.vol = ch.samp.vol; ch.fine = ch.samp.fine; } triggernote = true; } } } ch.voleffectfn = undefined; if (r[i][2] != -1) { // volume column var v = r[i][2]; ch.voleffectdata = v & 0x0f; if (v < 0x10) { console.log("channel", i, "invalid volume", v.toString(16)); } else if (v <= 0x50) { ch.vol = v - 0x10; } else if (v >= 0x60 && v < 0x70) { // volume slide down ch.voleffectfn = function(ch) { ch.vol = Math.max(0, ch.vol - ch.voleffectdata); }; } else if (v >= 0x70 && v < 0x80) { // volume slide up ch.voleffectfn = function(ch) { ch.vol = Math.min(64, ch.vol + ch.voleffectdata); }; } else if (v >= 0x80 && v < 0x90) { // fine volume slide down ch.vol = Math.max(0, ch.vol - (v & 0x0f)); } else if (v >= 0x90 && v < 0xa0) { // fine volume slide up ch.vol = Math.min(64, ch.vol + (v & 0x0f)); } else if (v >= 0xa0 && v < 0xb0) { // vibrato speed ch.vibratospeed = v & 0x0f; } else if (v >= 0xb0 && v < 0xc0) { // vibrato w/ depth ch.vibratodepth = v & 0x0f; ch.voleffectfn = player.effects_t1[4]; // use vibrato effect directly player.effects_t1[4](ch); // and also call it on tick 0 } else if (v >= 0xc0 && v < 0xd0) { // set panning ch.pan = (v & 0x0f) * 0x11; } else if (v >= 0xf0 && v <= 0xff) { // portamento if (v & 0x0f) { ch.portaspeed = (v & 0x0f) << 4; } ch.voleffectfn = player.effects_t1[3]; // just run 3x0 } else { console.log("channel", i, "volume effect", v.toString(16)); } } ch.effect = r[i][3]; ch.effectdata = r[i][4]; if (ch.effect < 36) { ch.effectfn = player.effects_t1[ch.effect]; var eff_t0 = player.effects_t0[ch.effect]; if (eff_t0 && eff_t0(ch, ch.effectdata)) { triggernote = false; } } else { console.log("channel", i, "effect > 36", ch.effect); } // special handling for portamentos: don't trigger the note if (ch.effect == 3 || ch.effect == 5 || r[i][2] >= 0xf0) { if (r[i][0] != -1) { ch.periodtarget = periodForNote(ch, ch.note); } triggernote = false; if (inst && inst.samplemap) { if (ch.env_vol == undefined) { // note wasn't already playing; we basically have to ignore the // portamento and just trigger triggernote = true; } else if (ch.release) { // reset envelopes if note was released but leave offset/pitch/etc // alone ch.envtick = 0; ch.release = 0; ch.env_vol = new EnvelopeFollower(inst.env_vol); ch.env_pan = new EnvelopeFollower(inst.env_pan); } } } if (triggernote) { // there's gotta be a less hacky way to handle offset commands... if (ch.effect != 9) ch.off = 0; ch.release = 0; ch.envtick = 0; ch.env_vol = new EnvelopeFollower(inst.env_vol); ch.env_pan = new EnvelopeFollower(inst.env_pan); if (ch.note) { ch.period = periodForNote(ch, ch.note); } // waveforms 0-3 are retriggered on new notes while 4-7 are continuous if (ch.vibratotype < 4) { ch.vibratopos = 0; } } } } function Envelope(points, type, sustain, loopstart, loopend) { this.points = points; this.type = type; this.sustain = sustain; this.loopstart = points[loopstart*2]; this.loopend = points[loopend*2]; } Envelope.prototype.Get = function(ticks) { // TODO: optimize follower with ptr // or even do binary search here var y0; var env = this.points; for (var i = 0; i < env.length; i += 2) { y0 = env[i+1]; if (ticks < env[i]) { var x0 = env[i-2]; y0 = env[i-1]; var dx = env[i] - x0; var dy = env[i+1] - y0; return y0 + (ticks - x0) * dy / dx; } } return y0; }; function EnvelopeFollower(env) { this.env = env; this.tick = 0; } EnvelopeFollower.prototype.Tick = function(release) { var value = this.env.Get(this.tick); // if we're sustaining a note, stop advancing the tick counter if (!release && this.tick >= this.env.points[this.env.sustain*2]) { return this.env.points[this.env.sustain*2 + 1]; } this.tick++; if (this.env.type & 4) { // envelope loop? if (!release && this.tick >= this.env.loopend) { this.tick -= this.env.loopend - this.env.loopstart; } } return value; }; function nextTick() { player.cur_tick++; var j, ch; for (j = 0; j < player.xm.nchan; j++) { ch = player.xm.channelinfo[j]; ch.periodoffset = 0; } if (player.cur_tick >= player.xm.tempo) { player.cur_tick = 0; nextRow(); } for (j = 0; j < player.xm.nchan; j++) { ch = player.xm.channelinfo[j]; var inst = ch.inst; if (player.cur_tick !== 0) { if(ch.voleffectfn) ch.voleffectfn(ch); if(ch.effectfn) ch.effectfn(ch); } if (isNaN(ch.period)) { console.log(prettify_notedata( player.xm.patterns[player.cur_pat][player.cur_row][j]), "set channel", j, "period to NaN"); } if (inst === undefined) continue; if (ch.env_vol === undefined) { console.log(prettify_notedata( player.xm.patterns[player.cur_pat][player.cur_row][j]), "set channel", j, "env_vol to undefined, but note is playing"); continue; } ch.volE = ch.env_vol.Tick(ch.release); ch.panE = ch.env_pan.Tick(ch.release); updateChannelPeriod(ch, ch.period + ch.periodoffset); } } // This function gradually brings the channel back down to zero if it isn't // already to avoid clicks and pops when samples end. function MixSilenceIntoBuf(ch, start, end, dataL, dataR) { var s = ch.filterstate[1]; if (isNaN(s)) { console.log("NaN filterstate?", ch.filterstate, ch.filter); return; } for (var i = start; i < end; i++) { if (Math.abs(s) < 1.526e-5) { // == 1/65536.0 s = 0; break; } dataL[i] += s * ch.vL; dataR[i] += s * ch.vR; s *= popfilter_alpha; } ch.filterstate[1] = s; ch.filterstate[2] = s; if (isNaN(s)) { console.log("NaN filterstate after adding silence?", ch.filterstate, ch.filter, i); return; } return 0; } function MixChannelIntoBuf(ch, start, end, dataL, dataR) { var inst = ch.inst; var instsamp = ch.samp; var loop = false; var looplen = 0, loopstart = 0; // nothing on this channel, just filter the last dc offset back down to zero if (instsamp == undefined || inst == undefined || ch.mute) { return MixSilenceIntoBuf(ch, start, end, dataL, dataR); } var samp = instsamp.sampledata; var sample_end = instsamp.len; if ((instsamp.type & 3) == 1 && instsamp.looplen > 0) { loop = true; loopstart = instsamp.loop; looplen = instsamp.looplen; sample_end = loopstart + looplen; } var samplen = instsamp.len; var volE = ch.volE / 64.0; // current volume envelope var panE = 4*(ch.panE - 32); // current panning envelope var p = panE + ch.pan - 128; // final pan var volL = player.xm.global_volume * volE * (128 - p) * ch.vol / (64 * 128 * 128); var volR = player.xm.global_volume * volE * (128 + p) * ch.vol / (64 * 128 * 128); if (volL < 0) volL = 0; if (volR < 0) volR = 0; if (volR === 0 && volL === 0) return; if (isNaN(volR) || isNaN(volL)) { console.log("NaN volume!?", ch.number, volL, volR, volE, panE, ch.vol); return; } var k = ch.off; var dk = ch.doff; var Vrms = 0; var f0 = ch.filter[0], f1 = ch.filter[1], f2 = ch.filter[2]; var fs0 = ch.filterstate[0], fs1 = ch.filterstate[1], fs2 = ch.filterstate[2]; // we also low-pass filter volume changes with a simple one-zero, // one-pole filter to avoid pops and clicks when volume changes. var vL = popfilter_alpha * ch.vL + (1 - popfilter_alpha) * (volL + ch.vLprev) * 0.5; var vR = popfilter_alpha * ch.vR + (1 - popfilter_alpha) * (volR + ch.vRprev) * 0.5; var pf_8 = Math.pow(popfilter_alpha, 8); ch.vLprev = volL; ch.vRprev = volR; // we can mix up to this many bytes before running into a sample end/loop var i = start; var failsafe = 100; while (i < end) { if (failsafe-- === 0) { console.log("failsafe in mixing loop! channel", ch.number, k, sample_end, loopstart, looplen, dk); break; } if (k >= sample_end) { // TODO: implement pingpong looping if (loop) { k = loopstart + (k - loopstart) % looplen; } else { // kill sample ch.inst = undefined; // fill rest of buf with filtered dc offset using loop above return Vrms + MixSilenceIntoBuf(ch, i, end, dataL, dataR); } } var next_event = Math.max(1, Math.min(end, i + (sample_end - k) / dk)); // this is the inner loop of the player // unrolled 8x var s, y; for (; i + 7 < next_event; i+=8) { s = samp[k|0]; y = f0 * (s + fs0) + f1*fs1 + f2*fs2; fs2 = fs1; fs1 = y; fs0 = s; k += dk; dataL[i] += vL * y; dataR[i] += vR * y; Vrms += (vL + vR) * y * y; s = samp[k|0]; y = f0 * (s + fs0) + f1*fs1 + f2*fs2; fs2 = fs1; fs1 = y; fs0 = s; k += dk; dataL[i+1] += vL * y; dataR[i+1] += vR * y; Vrms += (vL + vR) * y * y; s = samp[k|0]; y = f0 * (s + fs0) + f1*fs1 + f2*fs2; fs2 = fs1; fs1 = y; fs0 = s; k += dk; dataL[i+2] += vL * y; dataR[i+2] += vR * y; Vrms += (vL + vR) * y * y; s = samp[k|0]; y = f0 * (s + fs0) + f1*fs1 + f2*fs2; fs2 = fs1; fs1 = y; fs0 = s; k += dk; dataL[i+3] += vL * y; dataR[i+3] += vR * y; Vrms += (vL + vR) * y * y; s = samp[k|0]; y = f0 * (s + fs0) + f1*fs1 + f2*fs2; fs2 = fs1; fs1 = y; fs0 = s; k += dk; dataL[i+4] += vL * y; dataR[i+4] += vR * y; Vrms += (vL + vR) * y * y; s = samp[k|0]; y = f0 * (s + fs0) + f1*fs1 + f2*fs2; fs2 = fs1; fs1 = y; fs0 = s; k += dk; dataL[i+5] += vL * y; dataR[i+5] += vR * y; Vrms += (vL + vR) * y * y; s = samp[k|0]; y = f0 * (s + fs0) + f1*fs1 + f2*fs2; fs2 = fs1; fs1 = y; fs0 = s; k += dk; dataL[i+6] += vL * y; dataR[i+6] += vR * y; Vrms += (vL + vR) * y * y; s = samp[k|0]; y = f0 * (s + fs0) + f1*fs1 + f2*fs2; fs2 = fs1; fs1 = y; fs0 = s; k += dk; dataL[i+7] += vL * y; dataR[i+7] += vR * y; Vrms += (vL + vR) * y * y; vL = pf_8 * vL + (1 - pf_8) * volL; vR = pf_8 * vR + (1 - pf_8) * volR; } for (; i < next_event; i++) { s = samp[k|0]; // we low-pass filter here since we are resampling some arbitrary // frequency to f_smp; this is an anti-aliasing filter and is // implemented as an IIR butterworth filter (usually we'd use an FIR // brick wall filter, but this is much simpler computationally and // sounds fine) y = f0 * (s + fs0) + f1*fs1 + f2*fs2; fs2 = fs1; fs1 = y; fs0 = s; dataL[i] += vL * y; dataR[i] += vR * y; Vrms += (vL + vR) * y * y; k += dk; } } ch.off = k; ch.filterstate[0] = fs0; ch.filterstate[1] = fs1; ch.filterstate[2] = fs2; ch.vL = vL; ch.vR = vR; return Vrms * 0.5; } function audio_cb(e) { f_smp = player.audioctx.sampleRate; var time_sound_started; var buflen = e.outputBuffer.length; var dataL = e.outputBuffer.getChannelData(0); var dataR = e.outputBuffer.getChannelData(1); var i, j, k; for (i = 0; i < buflen; i++) { dataL[i] = 0; dataR[i] = 0; } var offset = 0; var ticklen = 0|(f_smp * 2.5 / player.xm.bpm); var scopewidth = XMView.scope_width; while(buflen > 0) { if (player.cur_pat == -1 || player.cur_ticksamp >= ticklen) { nextTick(f_smp); player.cur_ticksamp -= ticklen; } var tickduration = Math.min(buflen, ticklen - player.cur_ticksamp); var VU = new Float32Array(player.xm.nchan); var scopes = undefined; for (j = 0; j < player.xm.nchan; j++) { var scope; if (tickduration >= 4*scopewidth) { scope = new Float32Array(scopewidth); for (k = 0; k < scopewidth; k++) { scope[k] = -dataL[offset+k*4] - dataR[offset+k*4]; } } VU[j] = MixChannelIntoBuf( player.xm.channelinfo[j], offset, offset + tickduration, dataL, dataR) / tickduration; if (tickduration >= 4*scopewidth) { for (k = 0; k < scopewidth; k++) { scope[k] += dataL[offset+k*4] + dataR[offset+k*4]; } if (scopes === undefined) scopes = []; scopes.push(scope); } } if (XMView.pushEvent) { XMView.pushEvent({ t: e.playbackTime + (0.0 + offset) / f_smp, vu: VU, scopes: scopes, songpos: player.cur_songpos, pat: player.cur_pat, row: player.cur_row }); } offset += tickduration; player.cur_ticksamp += tickduration; buflen -= tickduration; } } function ConvertSample(array, bits) { var len = array.length; var acc = 0; var samp, b, k; if (bits === 0) { // 8 bit sample samp = new Float32Array(len); for (k = 0; k < len; k++) { acc += array[k]; b = acc&255; if (b & 128) b = b-256; samp[k] = b / 128.0; } return samp; } else { len /= 2; samp = new Float32Array(len); for (k = 0; k < len; k++) { b = array[k*2] + (array[k*2 + 1] << 8); if (b & 32768) b = b-65536; acc = Math.max(-1, Math.min(1, acc + b / 32768.0)); samp[k] = acc; } return samp; } } // optimization: unroll short sample loops so we can run our inner mixing loop // uninterrupted for as long as possible; this also handles pingpong loops. function UnrollSampleLoop(samp) { var nloops = ((2048 + samp.looplen - 1) / samp.looplen) | 0; var pingpong = samp.type & 2; if (pingpong) { // make sure we have an even number of loops if we are pingponging nloops = (nloops + 1) & (~1); } var samplesiz = samp.loop + nloops * samp.looplen; var data = new Float32Array(samplesiz); for (var i = 0; i < samp.loop; i++) { data[i] = samp.sampledata[i]; } for (var j = 0; j < nloops; j++) { var k; if ((j&1) && pingpong) { for (k = samp.looplen - 1; k >= 0; k--) { data[i++] = samp.sampledata[samp.loop + k]; } } else { for (k = 0; k < samp.looplen; k++) { data[i++] = samp.sampledata[samp.loop + k]; } } } console.log("unrolled sample loop; looplen", samp.looplen, "x", nloops, " = ", samplesiz); samp.sampledata = data; samp.looplen = nloops * samp.looplen; samp.type = 1; } function load(arrayBuf) { var dv = new DataView(arrayBuf); player.xm = {}; player.xm.songname = getstring(dv, 17, 20); var hlen = dv.getUint32(0x3c, true) + 0x3c; var songlen = dv.getUint16(0x40, true); player.xm.song_looppos = dv.getUint16(0x42, true); player.xm.nchan = dv.getUint16(0x44, true); var npat = dv.getUint16(0x46, true); var ninst = dv.getUint16(0x48, true); player.xm.flags = dv.getUint16(0x4a, true); player.xm.tempo = dv.getUint16(0x4c, true); player.xm.bpm = dv.getUint16(0x4e, true); player.xm.channelinfo = []; player.xm.global_volume = player.max_global_volume; var i, j, k; for (i = 0; i < player.xm.nchan; i++) { player.xm.channelinfo.push({ number: i, filterstate: new Float32Array(3), vol: 0, pan: 128, period: 1920 - 48*16, vL: 0, vR: 0, // left right volume envelope followers (changes per sample) vLprev: 0, vRprev: 0, mute: 0, volE: 0, panE: 0, retrig: 0, vibratopos: 0, vibratodepth: 1, vibratospeed: 1, vibratotype: 0, }); } console.log("header len " + hlen); console.log("songlen %d, %d channels, %d patterns, %d instruments", songlen, player.xm.nchan, npat, ninst); console.log("loop @%d", player.xm.song_looppos); console.log("flags=%d tempo %d bpm %d", player.xm.flags, player.xm.tempo, player.xm.bpm); player.xm.songpats = []; for (i = 0; i < songlen; i++) { player.xm.songpats.push(dv.getUint8(0x50 + i)); } console.log("song patterns: ", player.xm.songpats); var idx = hlen; player.xm.patterns = []; for (i = 0; i < npat; i++) { var pattern = []; var patheaderlen = dv.getUint32(idx, true); var patrows = dv.getUint16(idx + 5, true); var patsize = dv.getUint16(idx + 7, true); console.log("pattern %d: %d bytes, %d rows", i, patsize, patrows); idx += 9; for (j = 0; patsize > 0 && j < patrows; j++) { row = []; for (k = 0; k < player.xm.nchan; k++) { var byte0 = dv.getUint8(idx); idx++; var note = -1, inst = -1, vol = -1, efftype = 0, effparam = 0; if (byte0 & 0x80) { if (byte0 & 0x01) { note = dv.getUint8(idx) - 1; idx++; } if (byte0 & 0x02) { inst = dv.getUint8(idx); idx++; } if (byte0 & 0x04) { vol = dv.getUint8(idx); idx++; } if (byte0 & 0x08) { efftype = dv.getUint8(idx); idx++; } if (byte0 & 0x10) { effparam = dv.getUint8(idx); idx++; } } else { // byte0 is note from 1..96 or 0 for nothing or 97 for release // so we subtract 1 so that C-0 is stored as 0 note = byte0 - 1; inst = dv.getUint8(idx); idx++; vol = dv.getUint8(idx); idx++; efftype = dv.getUint8(idx); idx++; effparam = dv.getUint8(idx); idx++; } var notedata = [note, inst, vol, efftype, effparam]; row.push(notedata); } pattern.push(row); } player.xm.patterns.push(pattern); } player.xm.instruments = []; // now load instruments for (i = 0; i < ninst; i++) { var hdrsiz = dv.getUint32(idx, true); var instname = getstring(dv, idx+0x4, 22); var nsamp = dv.getUint16(idx+0x1b, true); var inst = { 'name': instname, 'number': i, }; if (nsamp > 0) { var samplemap = new Uint8Array(arrayBuf, idx+33, 96); var env_nvol = dv.getUint8(idx+225); var env_vol_type = dv.getUint8(idx+233); var env_vol_sustain = dv.getUint8(idx+227); var env_vol_loop_start = dv.getUint8(idx+228); var env_vol_loop_end = dv.getUint8(idx+229); var env_npan = dv.getUint8(idx+226); var env_pan_type = dv.getUint8(idx+234); var env_pan_sustain = dv.getUint8(idx+230); var env_pan_loop_start = dv.getUint8(idx+231); var env_pan_loop_end = dv.getUint8(idx+232); var vol_fadeout = dv.getUint16(idx+239, true); var env_vol = []; for (j = 0; j < env_nvol*2; j++) { env_vol.push(dv.getUint16(idx+129+j*2, true)); } var env_pan = []; for (j = 0; j < env_npan*2; j++) { env_pan.push(dv.getUint16(idx+177+j*2, true)); } // FIXME: ignoring keymaps for now and assuming 1 sample / instrument // var keymap = getarray(dv, idx+0x21); var samphdrsiz = dv.getUint32(idx+0x1d, true); console.log("hdrsiz %d; instrument %s: '%s' %d samples, samphdrsiz %d", hdrsiz, (i+1).toString(16), instname, nsamp, samphdrsiz); idx += hdrsiz; var totalsamples = 0; var samps = []; for (j = 0; j < nsamp; j++) { var samplen = dv.getUint32(idx, true); var samploop = dv.getUint32(idx+4, true); var samplooplen = dv.getUint32(idx+8, true); var sampvol = dv.getUint8(idx+12); var sampfinetune = dv.getInt8(idx+13); var samptype = dv.getUint8(idx+14); var samppan = dv.getUint8(idx+15); var sampnote = dv.getInt8(idx+16); var sampname = getstring(dv, idx+18, 22); var sampleoffset = totalsamples; if (samplooplen === 0) { samptype &= ~3; } console.log("sample %d: len %d name '%s' loop %d/%d vol %d offset %s", j, samplen, sampname, samploop, samplooplen, sampvol, sampleoffset.toString(16)); console.log(" type %d note %s(%d) finetune %d pan %d", samptype, prettify_note(sampnote + 12*4), sampnote, sampfinetune, samppan); console.log(" vol env", env_vol, env_vol_sustain, env_vol_loop_start, env_vol_loop_end, "type", env_vol_type, "fadeout", vol_fadeout); console.log(" pan env", env_pan, env_pan_sustain, env_pan_loop_start, env_pan_loop_end, "type", env_pan_type); var samp = { 'len': samplen, 'loop': samploop, 'looplen': samplooplen, 'note': sampnote, 'fine': sampfinetune, 'pan': samppan, 'type': samptype, 'vol': sampvol, 'fileoffset': sampleoffset }; // length / pointers are all specified in bytes; fixup for 16-bit samples samps.push(samp); idx += samphdrsiz; totalsamples += samplen; } for (j = 0; j < nsamp; j++) { var samp = samps[j]; samp.sampledata = ConvertSample( new Uint8Array(arrayBuf, idx + samp.fileoffset, samp.len), samp.type & 16); if (samp.type & 16) { samp.len /= 2; samp.loop /= 2; samp.looplen /= 2; } // unroll short loops and any pingpong loops if ((samp.type & 3) && (samp.looplen < 2048 || (samp.type & 2))) { UnrollSampleLoop(samp); } } idx += totalsamples; inst.samplemap = samplemap; inst.samples = samps; if (env_vol_type) { // insert an automatic fadeout to 0 at the end of the envelope var env_end_tick = env_vol[env_vol.length-2]; if (!(env_vol_type & 2)) { // if there's no sustain point, create one env_vol_sustain = env_vol.length / 2; } if (vol_fadeout > 0) { var fadeout_ticks = 65536.0 / vol_fadeout; env_vol.push(env_end_tick + fadeout_ticks); env_vol.push(0); } inst.env_vol = new Envelope( env_vol, env_vol_type, env_vol_sustain, env_vol_loop_start, env_vol_loop_end); } else { // no envelope, then just make a default full-volume envelope. // i thought this would use fadeout, but apparently it doesn't. inst.env_vol = new Envelope([0, 64, 1, 0], 2, 0, 0, 0); } if (env_pan_type) { if (!(env_pan_type & 2)) { // if there's no sustain point, create one env_pan_sustain = env_pan.length / 2; } inst.env_pan = new Envelope( env_pan, env_pan_type, env_pan_sustain, env_pan_loop_start, env_pan_loop_end); } else { // create a default empty envelope inst.env_pan = new Envelope([0, 32], 0, 0, 0, 0); } } else { idx += hdrsiz; console.log("empty instrument", i, hdrsiz, idx); } player.xm.instruments.push(inst); } console.log("loaded \"" + player.xm.songname + "\""); return true; } var jsNode, gainNode; function init() { if (!player.audioctx) { var audioContext = window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext; player.audioctx = new audioContext(); gainNode = player.audioctx.createGain(); gainNode.gain.value = 0.1; // master volume } if (player.audioctx.createScriptProcessor === undefined) { jsNode = player.audioctx.createJavaScriptNode(16384, 0, 2); } else { jsNode = player.audioctx.createScriptProcessor(16384, 0, 2); } jsNode.onaudioprocess = audio_cb; gainNode.connect(player.audioctx.destination); } player.playing = false; function play() { if (!player.playing) { // put paused events back into action, if any if (XMView.resume) XMView.resume(); // start playing jsNode.connect(gainNode); // hack to get iOS to play anything var temp_osc = player.audioctx.createOscillator(); temp_osc.connect(player.audioctx.destination); !!temp_osc.start ? temp_osc.start(0) : temp_osc.noteOn(0); !!temp_osc.stop ? temp_osc.stop(0) : temp_osc.noteOff(0); temp_osc.disconnect(); } player.playing = true; } function pause() { if (player.playing) { jsNode.disconnect(gainNode); if (XMView.pause) XMView.pause(); } player.playing = false; } function stop() { if (player.playing) { jsNode.disconnect(gainNode); player.playing = false; } player.cur_pat = -1; player.cur_row = 64; player.cur_songpos = -1; player.cur_ticksamp = 0; player.xm.global_volume = player.max_global_volume; if (XMView.stop) XMView.stop(); init(); } })(window);