
364 lines
8.8 KiB

(function (window) {
if (!window.XMPlayer) {
window.XMPlayer = {};
var player = window.XMPlayer;
function eff_t1_0(ch) { // arpeggio
if (ch.effectdata !== 0 && ch.inst !== undefined) {
var arpeggio = [0, ch.effectdata>>4, ch.effectdata&15];
var note = ch.note + arpeggio[player.cur_tick % 3];
ch.period = player.periodForNote(ch, note);
function eff_t0_1(ch, data) { // pitch slide up
if (data !== 0) {
ch.slideupspeed = data;
function eff_t1_1(ch) { // pitch slide up
if (ch.slideupspeed !== undefined) {
// is this limited? it appears not
ch.period -= ch.slideupspeed;
function eff_t0_2(ch, data) { // pitch slide down
if (data !== 0) {
ch.slidedownspeed = data;
function eff_t1_2(ch) { // pitch slide down
if (ch.slidedownspeed !== undefined) {
// 1728 is the period for C-1
ch.period = Math.min(1728, ch.period + ch.slidedownspeed);
function eff_t0_3(ch, data) { // portamento
if (data !== 0) {
ch.portaspeed = data;
function eff_t1_3(ch) { // portamento
if (ch.periodtarget !== undefined && ch.portaspeed !== undefined) {
if (ch.period > ch.periodtarget) {
ch.period = Math.max(ch.periodtarget, ch.period - ch.portaspeed);
} else {
ch.period = Math.min(ch.periodtarget, ch.period + ch.portaspeed);
function eff_t0_4(ch, data) { // vibrato
if (data & 0x0f) {
ch.vibratodepth = (data & 0x0f) * 2;
if (data >> 4) {
ch.vibratospeed = data >> 4;
function eff_t1_4(ch) { // vibrato
ch.periodoffset = getVibratoDelta(ch.vibratotype, ch.vibratopos) * ch.vibratodepth;
if (isNaN(ch.periodoffset)) {
console.log("vibrato periodoffset NaN?",
ch.vibratopos, ch.vibratospeed, ch.vibratodepth);
ch.periodoffset = 0;
// only updates on non-first ticks
if (player.cur_tick > 0) {
ch.vibratopos += ch.vibratospeed;
ch.vibratopos &= 63;
function getVibratoDelta(type, x) {
var delta = 0;
switch (type & 0x03) {
case 1: // sawtooth (ramp-down)
delta = ((1 + x * 2 / 64) % 2) - 1;
case 2: // square
case 3: // random (in FT2 these two are the same)
delta = x < 32 ? 1 : -1;
case 0:
default: // sine
delta = Math.sin(x * Math.PI / 32);
return delta;
function eff_t1_5(ch) { // portamento + volume slide
function eff_t1_6(ch) { // vibrato + volume slide
function eff_t0_8(ch, data) { // set panning
ch.pan = data;
function eff_t0_9(ch, data) { // sample offset = data * 256;
function eff_t0_a(ch, data) { // volume slide
if (data) {
ch.volumeslide = -(data & 0x0f) + (data >> 4);
function eff_t1_a(ch) { // volume slide
if (ch.volumeslide !== undefined) {
ch.vol = Math.max(0, Math.min(64, ch.vol + ch.volumeslide));
function eff_t0_b(ch, data) { // song jump
if (data < player.xm.songpats.length) {
player.cur_songpos = data - 1;
player.cur_pat = -1;
player.cur_row = -1;
function eff_t0_c(ch, data) { // set volume
ch.vol = Math.min(64, data);
function eff_t0_d(ch, data) { // pattern jump
if (player.cur_songpos >= player.xm.songpats.length)
player.cur_songpos = player.xm.song_looppos;
player.cur_pat = player.xm.songpats[player.cur_songpos];
player.next_row = (data >> 4) * 10 + (data & 0x0f);
function eff_t0_e(ch, data) { // extended effects!
var eff = data >> 4;
data = data & 0x0f;
switch (eff) {
case 1: // fine porta up
ch.period -= data;
case 2: // fine porta down
ch.period += data;
case 4: // set vibrato waveform
ch.vibratotype = data & 0x07;
case 5: // finetune
ch.fine = (data<<4) + data - 128;
case 6: // pattern loop
if (data == 0) {
ch.loopstart = player.cur_row
} else {
if (typeof ch.loopend === "undefined") {
ch.loopend = player.cur_row
ch.loopremaining = data
if(ch.loopremaining !== 0) {
player.next_row = ch.loopstart || 0
} else {
delete ch.loopend
delete ch.loopstart
case 8: // panning
ch.pan = data * 0x11;
case 0x0a: // fine vol slide up (with memory)
if (data === 0 && ch.finevolup !== undefined)
data = ch.finevolup;
ch.vol = Math.min(64, ch.vol + data);
ch.finevolup = data;
case 0x0b: // fine vol slide down
if (data === 0 && ch.finevoldown !== undefined)
data = ch.finevoldown;
ch.vol = Math.max(0, ch.vol - data);
ch.finevoldown = data;
case 0x0c: // note cut handled in eff_t1_e
console.log("unimplemented extended effect E", ch.effectdata.toString(16));
function eff_t1_e(ch) { // note cut
switch (ch.effectdata >> 4) {
case 0x0c:
if (player.cur_tick == (ch.effectdata & 0x0f)) {
ch.vol = 0;
function eff_t0_f(ch, data) { // set tempo
if (data === 0) {
console.log("tempo 0?");
} else if (data < 0x20) {
player.xm.tempo = data;
} else {
player.xm.bpm = data;
function eff_t0_g(ch, data) { // set global volume
if (data <= 0x40) {
// volume gets multiplied by 2 to match
// the initial max global volume of 128
player.xm.global_volume = Math.max(0, data * 2);
} else {
player.xm.global_volume = player.max_global_volume;
function eff_t0_h(ch, data) { // global volume slide
if (data) {
// same as Axy but multiplied by 2
player.xm.global_volumeslide = (-(data & 0x0f) + (data >> 4)) * 2;
function eff_t1_h(ch) { // global volume slide
if (player.xm.global_volumeslide !== undefined) {
player.xm.global_volume = Math.max(0, Math.min(player.max_global_volume,
player.xm.global_volume + player.xm.global_volumeslide));
function eff_t0_r(ch, data) { // retrigger
if (data & 0x0f) ch.retrig = (ch.retrig & 0xf0) + (data & 0x0f);
if (data & 0xf0) ch.retrig = (ch.retrig & 0x0f) + (data & 0xf0);
// retrigger volume table
switch (ch.retrig >> 4) {
case 1: ch.vol -= 1; break;
case 2: ch.vol -= 2; break;
case 3: ch.vol -= 4; break;
case 4: ch.vol -= 8; break;
case 5: ch.vol -= 16; break;
case 6: ch.vol *= 2; ch.vol /= 3; break;
case 7: ch.vol /= 2; break;
case 9: ch.vol += 1; break;
case 0x0a: ch.vol += 2; break;
case 0x0b: ch.vol += 4; break;
case 0x0c: ch.vol += 8; break;
case 0x0d: ch.vol += 16; break;
case 0x0e: ch.vol *= 3; ch.vol /= 2; break;
case 0x0f: ch.vol *= 2; break;
ch.vol = Math.min(64, Math.max(0, ch.vol));
function eff_t1_r(ch) {
if (player.cur_tick % (ch.retrig & 0x0f) === 0) { = 0;
function eff_unimplemented() {}
function eff_unimplemented_t0(ch, data) {
console.log("unimplemented effect", player.prettify_effect(ch.effect, data));
player.effects_t0 = [ // effect functions on tick 0
eff_t1_0, // 1, arpeggio is processed on all ticks
eff_t0_4, // 4
eff_t0_a, // 5, same as A on first tick
eff_t0_a, // 6, same as A on first tick
eff_unimplemented_t0, // 7
eff_t0_8, // 8
eff_t0_9, // 9
eff_t0_a, // a
eff_t0_b, // b
eff_t0_c, // c
eff_t0_d, // d
eff_t0_e, // e
eff_t0_f, // f
eff_t0_g, // g
eff_t0_h, // h
eff_unimplemented_t0, // i
eff_unimplemented_t0, // j
eff_unimplemented_t0, // k
eff_unimplemented_t0, // l
eff_unimplemented_t0, // m
eff_unimplemented_t0, // n
eff_unimplemented_t0, // o
eff_unimplemented_t0, // p
eff_unimplemented_t0, // q
eff_t0_r, // r
eff_unimplemented_t0, // s
eff_unimplemented_t0, // t
eff_unimplemented_t0, // u
eff_unimplemented_t0, // v
eff_unimplemented_t0, // w
eff_unimplemented_t0, // x
eff_unimplemented_t0, // y
eff_unimplemented_t0, // z
player.effects_t1 = [ // effect functions on tick 1+
eff_t1_5, // 5
eff_t1_6, // 6
eff_unimplemented, // 7
null, // 8
null, // 9
eff_t1_a, // a
null, // b
null, // c
null, // d
eff_t1_e, // e
null, // f
null, // g
eff_t1_h, // h
eff_unimplemented, // i
eff_unimplemented, // j
eff_unimplemented, // k
eff_unimplemented, // l
eff_unimplemented, // m
eff_unimplemented, // n
eff_unimplemented, // o
eff_unimplemented, // p
eff_unimplemented, // q
eff_t1_r, // r
eff_unimplemented, // s
eff_unimplemented, // t
eff_unimplemented, // u
eff_unimplemented, // v
eff_unimplemented, // w
eff_unimplemented, // x
eff_unimplemented, // y
eff_unimplemented // z