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2019-11-17 23:35:03 +00:00
# basic help
2019-10-12 18:18:28 +00:00
2020-01-08 13:56:00 +00:00
> *write in irc/matrix channel `#envs` or*<br />
2019-10-12 18:18:28 +00:00
> *contact [sudoers@envs.net](mailto:sudoers@envs.net) for any other help requests.*
2019-11-14 13:12:12 +00:00
## # show public ip
2019-10-12 18:18:28 +00:00
`curl ip.envs.net`
2019-11-14 13:12:12 +00:00
## # termbin - aliases
2019-10-12 18:18:28 +00:00
`echo 'alias tb="nc tb.envs.net 9999"' >> ~/.bash_aliases`
you can POST a text:<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;`echo less typing now! | tb`
or Content of a file:<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;`cat ~/some_file.txt | tb`<br />
2019-11-14 13:12:12 +00:00
## # the null pointer - aliases
2019-10-12 18:18:28 +00:00
add the following lines to you're aliases file `~/.bash_aliases`
0file() { curl -F"file=@$1" https://envs.sh ; }
2020-01-14 16:23:52 +00:00
0pb() { curl -F'file=@-;' https://envs.sh ; }
2019-10-12 18:18:28 +00:00
0url() { curl -F"url=$1" https://envs.sh ; }
0short() { curl -F"shorten=$1" https://envs.sh ; }
HTTP POST files here:<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;`0file "yourfile.png"`
2020-01-14 16:23:52 +00:00
post your text directly:<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;`echo "text here" | 0pb`
2019-10-12 18:18:28 +00:00
you can also POST remote URLs:<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;`0url "https://example.com/image.jpg"`
or you can shorten URLs:<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;`0short "https://example.com/some/long/url"`<br />
<br />
2020-01-05 14:18:10 +00:00
***if you want a nice wrapper, try [~tomasino's pb](https://git.envs.net/envs/pb)***
2019-10-12 18:18:28 +00:00
2019-11-14 13:12:12 +00:00
## # ssh
2019-10-12 18:18:28 +00:00
your ssh directory is: `~/.ssh/` this includes the following files.
- your ssh config file `~/.ssh/config` (more bellow)
- the `authorized_keys`-file is a list of public keys (one per line) that are allowed to log in to your user account.
- `id_ed25519` or `id_rsa` are each private keys, and `id_ed25519` or `id_rsa.pub` are the corresponding pubkey.
2020-01-16 21:46:38 +00:00
envs.net ECDSA key fingerprint is `SHA256:U0C6SKGXUflve16m2l4KWBdLLARW6O8TiGWZsXAU2i4`.
2020-01-16 10:51:09 +00:00
2020-01-16 21:46:38 +00:00
the key fingerprints are in dns as sshfp records as well, which you can check against<br>
2020-01-16 10:51:09 +00:00
by setting VerifyHostKeyDNS to yes in your `~/.ssh/config`.
you can check the records yourself with the `dig` tool like this:<br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;`dig sshfp envs.net`
2019-10-12 18:18:28 +00:00
### ssh details and usage
ports 22, 80, 443, 2222 and 2223 are available for ssh.<br />
use ssh.envs.net to reach the secondary ip and use 80 and 443 for ssh.<br />
so, for example, you can do:<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;`ssh user@envs.net`<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;`ssh -p2223 user@envs.net`
or for the secondary ip:<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;`ssh -p443 user@ssh.envs.net`<br />
<br />
2019-11-18 11:59:35 +00:00
***if you have a slightly shaky connection then you can also use `mosh`.***
2019-10-12 18:18:28 +00:00
### create a ssh-key
make sure you have a `~/.ssh directory`<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;`mkdir -m 700 ~/.ssh`
create your key<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;`ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -a 100`
your public and private key will be located at<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;`cat ~/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub`
you can also use rsa:<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;`ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096`<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;`cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub`
### ssh config
define ssh host aliase in `~/.ssh/config`
Host envs.net
HostName envs.net
Port 2223
User user
LocalForward localhost:6667 localhost:6667
now you can use a simple `ssh envs.net` to connect.<br />
there are tons of other options, including this `LocalForward` line to automatically set up the tunnel as show below.<br />
for more available options, see the man page: `man ssh_config`
### ssh tunnels
for example, you want to get into znc with your local client (weechat, etc),<br />
but your local network blocks znc ports. you can connect to envs.net, and use port forwarding to get on.
if you are connecting from a linux machine, you can do this:<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;`ssh -L 6667:localhost:6667 envs.net`
after being logged in, open your local irc client, and use ``<br />
for your server setting. voila! you're now on envs.net znc server.<br />
what that ssh command did was open a local port tunnel (-L), using local port 6667 (6667:)<br />
pointed at localhost (from the remote's point of view), on remote port 6667 (default irc port).
putty has the same ability (for windows and mac users), under connection &gt; ssh &gt; tunnels.
you can do this for any arbitrary port.
### import &amp; authorize a public ssh-key
from URL (on remote machine)<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;`echo $(curl -sL https://example.com/id_rsa.pub) | tee -a ~/.ssh/authorized_keys`
over ssh (on local machine)<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;`ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub -p2223 user@envs.net;`
### ssh remote execution
`ssh envs.net ping google.de`
or<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;`ssh envs.net bash -c "'uname -a'"`
exec a local script<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;`ssh envs.net 'bash -s' < local_script.sh`
2019-11-14 13:12:12 +00:00
## # scp usage
2019-10-12 18:18:28 +00:00
copy ssh pub key to remote:<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;`scp -P 2223 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys user@envs.net:~/.ssh/authorized_keys`
copy website index.html from remote:<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;`scp -P 2223 user@envs.net:~/public_www/index.html ~/public_www/`
2019-11-14 13:12:12 +00:00
## # rsync usage
2019-10-12 18:18:28 +00:00
sync website to remote:<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;`rsync -avz -e "ssh -p 2223" ~/public_www user@envs.net:~`<br />
sync website from remote:<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;`rsync -avz -e "ssh -p 2223" user@envs.net:~/public_www ~/`<br />
2019-11-14 13:12:12 +00:00
## # sftp usage
2019-10-12 18:18:28 +00:00
connect: `sftp -oPort=2223 user@envs.net`
### commands:
exit: `exit`<br />
print help: `help`
### transferring
files to remote:<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;`put localfile remotefile`
dir to remote:<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;`put -r localdir remotedir`
files from remote:<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;`get remotefile localfile`
dir from remote:<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;`get -r remotedir localdir`
### example:
add index.html to public_www Dir:<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;`put public_www/index.html public_www`
add `~/.ssh/authorized_keys:`<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;`put .ssh/authorized_keys .ssh/authorized_keys`
### single line usage (on local machine)
&nbsp;&nbsp;to remote: `sftp -P 2223 user@envs.net:remotedir <<< $'put localfile_path'`<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;from remote: `sftp -P 2223 user@envs.net:remotefile localfile`
2019-11-14 13:12:12 +00:00
## # your shell
2019-10-12 18:18:28 +00:00
avaliable shells: `ash`, `bash`, `csh`, `dash`, `elvish`, `fish`, `ksh`, `mksh`, `sash`, `sh`, `tcsh`, `xonsh`, `yash`, `zsh`<br />
*list all available shells: `more /etc/shells`*
to change your shell use: `chsh -s $(which <shell>)`<br />
or `chsh -s <path_to_shell>`
example: `chsh -s $(which bash)` or `chsh -s /bin/bash`
2019-11-16 17:20:44 +00:00
### default byobu-session
familiar with tmux, continue as normal, but with ctrl-a instead of ctrl-b<br>
2019-11-16 17:33:27 +00:00
if you don't want to this happen by default when you log in, run `byobu-disable`.<br>
2019-11-16 17:20:44 +00:00
`man byobu` for more info.
press shift-f1 for a full list of keybinds<br>
f2 creates a new tab<br>
f3 and f4 move you between tabs<br>
f6 disconnects and leaves everything running<br>
shift-f12 disable/enable byobu f-key bindings
2019-11-14 13:12:12 +00:00
## # timezone
2019-10-12 18:18:28 +00:00
The timezone by default on the server is UTC.
If you want to make it so that your shell prints out dates in localtime for you,<br />
run `tzselect` to find the correct timezone name that youll need to export as the TZ environment variable.
for example, if youre in eastern time, add something like this<br />
`export TZ="America/Detroit"`<br />
to your .bashrc .
to get your timezone you can use `date`.
## # scheduled activity
the linux utilities `cron` and `at` are related commands. you might use crontab, for example, to perform a task each morning at 2 a.m., and use at to remind yourself of an appointment later in the day.
### cron/crontab
the cron utility allows you to schedule a repetitive task to take place at any regular interval desired.<br />
for more information see the manual pages of crontab(5) and cron(8)
2019-10-12 18:18:28 +00:00
display current crontabs:<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;`crontab -l`
add/edit crontabs:<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;`crontab -e`
example: - backup your mysql db once per day
# NOTE: * To disable email notifications use:
# - for single cronjobs use after the cmd: >/dev/null 2>&1
# - comment out to disable all email alerts in the crontab:
2019-10-12 18:18:28 +00:00
# m h dom mon dow command
0 0 * * * /usr/local/bin/envs_mysql.sh backup
### at
the at command lets you specify a one-time action to take place at some desired time.<br />
for more information see the manual page of at.
2019-12-29 19:35:12 +00:00
# schedule task to execute just after 1 hour.
echo 'sh myscript.sh' | at now + 1 hour
# schedule task at 10:00 AM on coming sunday.
echo 'sh myscript.sh' | at 10:00 AM Sun
# schedule task to execute at midnight.
echo 'sh myscript.sh' | at midnight
view your at queue:<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;`at -l` or `atq`<br />
`2 Sun Dec 29 14:03:00 2019 a creme`
delete at job id 2:<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;`at -r 2` or `atrm 2`
2019-10-12 18:18:28 +00:00
2019-11-14 13:12:12 +00:00
## # daemonize processes
2019-10-12 18:18:28 +00:00
so you've got a process that you want to keep running. you might have it in a<br />
tmux or screen session. let's use systemd user units to manage it!
- ensure that your user unit loadpath is set up:<br />`mkdir -p ~/.config/systemd/user/`
- create a basic service. save something like this<br />in `~/.config/systemd/user/my-new-service.service` (adjusting where necessary)
Description=my script description
ExecStart=/bin/bash -c "while true do; echo hi; done"
- enable it:<br>`systemctl --user enable --now my-new-service.service`
- enable-linger for your user account:<br />`loginctl enable-linger`<br />this allows your user units to run even when you're not logged in.
done!<br />
you can now use `systemctl --user` to manage your daemonized process.