hello, welcome to envs.net! nice to have you here. you made it! we've set you up with a 'byobu' session with the following default tabs: - weechat for irc - mutt for email - a shell if you're reading this, you're in the mutt pane. have a look at the status bar at the bottom. the current windows are shown in the bottom left, with several system status symbols on the right. some of the most important keybinds are: - f2: open a new window/tab - f3/f4: prev/next windows - f6: disconnect from you byobu session - shift-f12 disable/enable byobu f-key bindings press shift-f1 to see a more complete list of keybinds, but these will get you wherever you need to go. if you need help, switch to the first window and ask in irc. also, if you know what you're doing and would rather use a different terminal multiplexer, run byobu-disable to prevent it from launching on login. we look forward to seeing you around! welcome to the envs.net! envs ~ admins