mirror of https://git.envs.net/envs/ops.git synced 2024-06-18 06:37:07 +00:00

368 lines
14 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# envs.net - generate sysinfo.json and sysinfo.php
# - this script is called by /etc/cron.d/envs_sysinfo
[ "$(id -u)" -ne 0 ] && printf 'Please run as root!\n' && exit 1
# define packages by category for sysinfo.php Page
services=(0x0 bbj cryptpad getwtxt gitea gophernicus halcyon jetforce mariadb-server matrix nginx openssh-server
pleroma privatebin riot-web searx termbin tt-rss thelounge znc)
readarray -t sorted_services < <(printf '%s\n' "${services[@]}" | sort)
shells=(bash csh dash elvish fish ksh mksh sash tcsh xonsh yash zsh)
readarray -t sorted_shells < <(printf '%s\n' "${shells[@]}" | sort)
editors=(emacs micro nano neovim vim)
readarray -t sorted_editors < <(printf '%s\n' "${editors[@]}" | sort)
inet_clients=(alpine av98 bombadillo curl irssi lynx neomutt meli mutt mosh openssh-client pb toot weechat wget vf1)
readarray -t sorted_inet_clients < <(printf '%s\n' "${inet_clients[@]}" | sort)
coding_pkg=(cargo clang clisp clojure crystal default-jdk default-jre elixir erlang flex
g++ gcc gcl gdc gforth ghc go golang guile-2.2 inform lua5.1 lua5.2 lua5.3 mono-complete
nasm nim nodejs octave perl php picolisp ponyc python python2.7 python3 racket ruby rustc scala tcl yasm vlang)
readarray -t sorted_coding_pkg < <(printf '%s\n' "${coding_pkg[@]}" | sort)
coding_tools=(ack bison build-essential cl-launch cvs devscripts ecl gawk git gron initscripts jq latex-mk latexmk
make mawk mercurial rake ripgrep sbcl shellcheck subversion texlive-full virtualenv yarn)
readarray -t sorted_coding_tools < <(printf '%s\n' "${coding_tools[@]}" | sort)
misc=(aria2 bc busybox burrow byobu clinte gfu goaccess hugo jekyll mariadb-client mandoc mathomatic mathtex mkdocs
pandoc pelican screen sqlite3 tmux todotxt-cli twtxt txtnish zola)
readarray -t sorted_misc < <(printf '%s\n' "${misc[@]}" | sort)
custom_pkg_desc() {
local pkg="$1"
case "$pkg" in
# packages
av98) pkg_desc='Command line gemini client. High speed, low drag';;
bombadillo) pkg_desc='Bombadillo is a non-web browser for the terminal';;
burrow) pkg_desc='a helper for building and managing a gopher hole';;
clinte) pkg_desc='a community notices system';;
crystal) pkg_desc='Compiler for the Crystal language';;
gfu) pkg_desc='A utility for formatting gophermaps';;
go) pkg_desc='tool for managing Go source code';;
goaccess) pkg_desc='fast web log analyzer and interactive viewer';;
meli) pkg_desc='terminal mail user agent';;
micro) pkg_desc='a new modern terminal-based text editor';;
pb) pkg_desc='a helper utility for using 0x0 pastebin services';;
twtxt) pkg_desc='Decentralised, minimalist microblogging service for hackers';;
txtnish) pkg_desc='A twtxt client with minimal dependencies';;
vf1) pkg_desc='Command line gopher client. High speed, low drag.';;
vlang) pkg_desc='Simple, fast, safe, compiled programming language';;
zola) pkg_desc='single-binary static site generator written in rust';;
print_pkg_version() {
local pkg_version
for pkg in $(dpkg-query -f '${binary:Package}\n' -W); do
pkg_version="$(dpkg-query -f '${Version}\n' -W "$pkg")"
printf ' "%s": "%s",\n' "$pkg" "$pkg_version"
cat<<EOM > "$TMP_JSON"
"timestamp": "$(date +'%s')",
"data": {
"info": {
"name": "envs",
"description": "envs.net is a minimalist, non-commercial shared linux system and will always be free to use.",
"located": "germany",
"maintainer": "Sven Kinne (~creme) - creme@envs.net",
"website": "https://$DOMAIN",
"signup_url": "https://$DOMAIN/signup/",
"gopher": "gopher://envs.net/",
"email": "hostmaster@$DOMAIN",
"admin_email": "sudoers@$DOMAIN",
"user_count": $(find /home -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 | wc -l)
"SSHFP": {
"RSA": "SHA256:7dB470mfzlyhhtqmjnXciIxp+jWLACiYKC3EE/Z0lFg",
"ECDSA": "SHA256:U0C6SKGXUflve16m2l4KWBdLLARW6O8TiGWZsXAU2i4",
"ED25519": "SHA256:V+mXTsRJ+jfJMxxPlD/28dpWouuns3Wuqwppv6ykVC8"
"system": {
"os": "$(lsb_release -sd)",
"uptime": "$(cat /proc/uptime)",
"uname": "$(uname -a)",
"board": "$(hostnamectl status | awk '/Chassis/ {print $2}')",
"cpuinfo": "$(awk '/system type|model name/{gsub(/^.*:[ ]*/,"");print $0;exit}' /proc/cpuinfo)",
"cpucount": "$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo)"
"services": {
"0x0": {
"desc": "the null pointer - file hosting and url shortener",
"version": "-",
"url": "https://envs.sh/"
"bbj": {
"desc": "bulletin butter & jelly: an http bulletin board server for small communities",
"version": "-",
"url": "https://bbj.envs.net/"
"cryptpad": {
"desc": "collaborative real time editing",
"version": "$(curl -fs https://pad."$DOMAIN"/api/config | awk -F= '/ver=/ {print $2}' | sed '$ s/"$//')",
"url": "https://pad.envs.net/"
"getwtxt": {
"desc": "a twtxt registry service - microblogging for hackers",
"version": "$(curl -fs https://twtxt."$DOMAIN"/api/plain/version | awk -Fv '{print $2}')",
"url": "https://twtxt.envs.net/"
"gitea": {
"desc": "a painless self-hosted git service written in go",
"version": "$(lxc-attach -n gitea -- bash -c "gitea --version | awk '{print \$3}'")",
"url": "https://git.envs.net/"
"gophernicus": {
"desc": "a modern full-featured (and hopefully) secure gopher daemon",
"version": "$(/usr/sbin/gophernicus -v | sed 's/Gophernicus\///' | awk '{print $1}')",
"url": "gopher://envs.net/"
"halcyon": {
"desc": "a webclient for mastodon and pleroma which looks like twitter",
"version": "$(cat /var/lib/lxc/pleroma/rootfs/var/www/halcyon/version.txt)",
"url": "https://halcyon.envs.net/"
"ipinfo": {
"desc": "ip address info",
"version": "",
"url": "https://ip.envs.net/"
"jetforce": {
"desc": "an tcp server for the gemini protocol",
"version": "$(/usr/local/bin/jetforce -V | awk '{printf $2}')",
"url": "gemini://envs.net/"
"matrix": {
"desc": "an open network for secure, decentralized communication",
"version": "$(curl -fs https://matrix."$DOMAIN"/_matrix/federation/v1/version | jq -Mr .server.version)",
"url": "https://matrix.envs.net/"
"pleroma": {
"desc": "federated social network - microblogging",
"version": "$(curl -fs https://pleroma."$DOMAIN"/api/v1/instance | jq -Mr .version | awk '{print $4}' | sed '$ s/)//')",
"url": "https://pleroma.envs.net/"
"privatebin": {
"desc": "a graphical pastebin",
"version": "$(lxc-attach -n pb -- bash -c "awk '/Current version:/ {print \$3}' /var/www/PrivateBin/README.md | sed '$ s/*$//'")",
"url": "https://pb.envs.net/"
"riot-web": {
"desc": "a universal secure chat app for matrix (web-client)",
"version": "$(lxc-attach -n matrix -- bash -c "dpkg-query -f '\${Version}\n' -W riot-web")",
"url": "https://matrix.envs.net/"
"searx": {
"desc": "a privacy-respecting metasearch engine",
"version": "$(curl -fs https://searx."$DOMAIN"/config | jq -Mr .version)",
"url": "https://searx.envs.net/"
"termbin": {
"desc": "netcat-based command line pastebin",
"version": "-",
"url": "https://tb.envs.net/"
"thelounge": {
"desc": "a self-hosted web irc client",
"version": "$(sudo -u thelounge /srv/thelounge/.yarn/bin/thelounge -v | awk -Fv '{print $2}')",
"url": "https://webirc.envs.net/"
"tt-rss": {
"desc": "tiny tiny rss - web-based news feed (rss/atom) aggregator",
"version": "$(lxc-attach -n rss -- bash -c "dpkg -s tt-rss | awk '/Version:/ {print \$2}' | head -n1")",
"url": "https://rss.envs.net/"
"znc": {
"desc": "advanced modular irc bouncer",
"version": "$(dpkg -s znc | awk '/Version:/ {print $2}' | head -n1)",
"url": "https://znc.envs.net/"
"packages": {
"av98": "$(/usr/local/bin/av98 --version | awk '{print $2}')",
"bombadillo": "$(/usr/local/bin/bombadillo -v | awk '/Bombadillo/ {print $2}')",
"burrow": "$(/usr/local/bin/burrow -v | awk -Fv '{print $2}')",
"clinte": "$(/usr/local/bin/clinte -V | awk '/clinte/ {print $2}')",
"gfu": "$(/usr/local/bin/gfu -v | sed '/version/s/.*version \([^ ][^ ]*\)[ ]*.*/\1/')",
"go": "$(awk -Fgo '{print $2}' /usr/local/go/VERSION)",
"goaccess": "$(/usr/bin/goaccess -V | awk '/GoAccess/ {print $3}')",
"meli": "$(/usr/local/bin/meli --version | awk '/meli/ {printf $2}')",
"micro": "$(/usr/local/bin/micro -version | awk '/Version/ {print $2}')",
"pb": "$(/usr/local/bin/pb -v)",
"twtxt": "$(/usr/local/bin/twtxt --version | awk '/version/ {printf $3}')",
"txtnish": "$(/usr/local/bin/txtnish -V)",
"vf1": "$(/usr/local/bin/vf1 --version | awk '/VF-1/ {print $2}')",
"vlang": "$(/usr/local/bin/v --version | awk '/V/ {print $2}')",
"zola": "$(/usr/local/bin/zola -V | awk '/zola/ {print $2}')",
# remove trailing ',' on last line
sed -i '$ s/,$//' "$TMP_JSON"
cat<<EOM >> "$TMP_JSON"
chown root:www-data "$JSON_FILE"
print_pkg_info() {
local pkg="$1"
local pkg_version
pkg_version="$(jq -Mr '.data.packages."'"$pkg"'"|select (.!=null)' "$JSON_FILE")"
[ -z "$pkg_version" ] && pkg_version='n.a.'
local pkg_desc
custom_pkg_desc "$pkg"
[ -z "$pkg_desc" ] && pkg_desc="$(apt-cache show "$pkg" | awk '/Description-en/ {print substr($0, index($0,$2))}' | head -1)"
[ -z "$pkg_desc" ] && pkg_desc="$(apt-cache search ^"$pkg"$ | awk '{print substr($0, index($0,$3))}')"
[ -z "$pkg_desc" ] && pkg_desc='n.a.'
# remove description-en string
pkg_desc="${pkg_desc//Description-en: /}"
# replace double qoutes with single qoute
# string to lowercase
printf '\t\t<tr> <td>%s</td> <td>%s</td> <td>%s</td> </tr>\n' "$pkg" "$pkg_version" "$pkg_desc"
print_pkg_info_services() {
local pkg="$1"
local pkg_desc
pkg_desc="$(jq -Mr '.data.services."'"$pkg"'".desc|select (.!=null)' "$JSON_FILE")"
local pkg_version
pkg_version="$(jq -Mr '.data.services."'"$pkg"'".version|select (.!=null)' "$JSON_FILE")"
local s_url
s_url="$(jq -Mr '.data.services."'"$pkg"'".url|select (.!=null)' "$JSON_FILE")"
printf '\t\t<tr> <td><a href="%s" target="_blank">%s</a></td> <td>%s</td> <td>%s</td> </tr>\n' "$s_url" "$pkg" "$pkg_version" "$pkg_desc"
print_category() {
local category="$1"
local arr=("$@")
if [ "$category" = 'services' ]; then
printf '<details open=""><summary class="menu" id="%s"><strong>&#35; %s</strong></summary>\n' "$category" "${category//_/ }"
printf '<details><summary class="menu" id="%s"><strong>&#35; %s</strong></summary>\n' "$category" "${category//_/ }"
printf '\t<table class="table_pkg">\n'
printf '\t\t<tr> <th class="tw140">Package</th> <th class="tw280">Version</th> <th>Description</th> </tr>\n'
if [ "$category" = 'services' ]; then
for pkg in "${arr[@]}"; do
# check service is in json
s_in_j="$(jq -Mr '.data.services."'"$pkg"'"|select (.!=null)' "$JSON_FILE")"
if [ -n "$s_in_j" ]; then
print_pkg_info_services "$pkg"
print_pkg_info "$pkg"
for pkg in "${arr[@]}"; do print_pkg_info "$pkg"; done
printf '\t</table>\n</details>\n<p></p>\n'
cat<<EOM > /tmp/sysinfo.php_tmp
// do not touch
// this files is generated by /usr/local/bin/envs.net/envs_sysinfo.sh
\$title = "$DOMAIN | sysinfo";
\$desc = "$DOMAIN | sysinfo";
include 'header.php';
<body id="body" class="dark-mode">
<div class="button_back">
<pre class="clean"><strong><a href="/">&lt; back</a></strong></pre>
<div id="main">
<div class="block">
<em>full data source: <a href="/sysinfo.json">https://$DOMAIN/sysinfo.json</a></em>
<em>webserver stats: <a href="/stats/">https://$DOMAIN/stats/</a></em>
<em>server admin: <a href="/~creme/">&#126;creme</a></em>
this is a static list of the package informations. it updates once per day.
<strong>&#35; can i get [package] installed?</strong>
probably! send an email with your suggestion to <a href="mailto:sudoers@$DOMAIN">sudoers@$DOMAIN</a>.
$(print_category 'services' "${sorted_services[@]}")
$(print_category 'shells' "${sorted_shells[@]}")
$(print_category 'editors' "${sorted_editors[@]}")
$(print_category 'online_browser_and_clients' "${sorted_inet_clients[@]}")
$(print_category 'coding_packages' "${sorted_coding_pkg[@]}")
$(print_category 'coding_tools' "${sorted_coding_tools[@]}")
$(print_category 'misc' "${sorted_misc[@]}")
<?php include 'footer.php'; ?>
mv /tmp/sysinfo.php_tmp "$WWW_PATH"/sysinfo.php
chown root:www-data "$WWW_PATH"/sysinfo.php
exit 0