$line) { $fsk_line = explode(' ',trim($line)); $fsk[] = $fsk_line[1]; } $sk = explode(' ',trim($sshkey)); return in_array($sk[1], $fsk); } $message = ''; if (isset($_REQUEST["username"]) && isset($_REQUEST["email"])) { $email = $_REQUEST["email"]; $mailTo = 'hostmaster@envs.net'; $mailFrom = "$email"; $mailSubject = 'Signup User Space - envs.net'; $headers[] = 'MIME-Version: 1.0'; $headers[] = 'Content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8'; $headers[] = "From: $mailFrom"; //$headers[] = "Cc: $mailFrom"; $name = trim($_REQUEST["username"]); if ($name == "") $message .= "
  • fill in your desired username
  • \n"; else { if (strlen($name) < 2) $message .= "
  • username is too short (2 character min)
  • \n"; if (strlen($name) > 32) $message .= "
  • username too long (32 character max)
  • \n"; if (strlen($name) > 1 && !preg_match('/^[a-z][a-z0-9]{1,31}$/', $name)) $message .= "
  • username contains invalid characters (lowercase only, must start with a letter).
  • \n"; if (posix_getpwnam($name) || forbidden_name($name)) $message .= "
  • sorry, the username $name is unavailable
  • \n"; } $email = trim($_REQUEST["email"]); $emailconfirm = trim($_REQUEST["emailconfirm"]); if ($email == "") $message .= "
  • fill in your email address
  • \n"; else { if ($email != $emailconfirm) $message .= "
  • email does not match
  • \n"; elseif (!filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) $message .= "
  • invalid email format
  • \n"; elseif ($name != "" && forbidden_email($email)) { $message .= "
  • your email is banned!
  • \n"; add_ban_info($name, $email); } } $interest = $_REQUEST["interest"]; if ($interest == "") $message .= "
  • explain why you're interested so we can make sure you're a real human being
  • \n"; else { if (strlen($interest) < 50) $message .= "
  • interests explanation is too short (50 character min)
  • \n"; } $sshkey = trim($_REQUEST["sshkey"]); if ($sshkey == "") $message .= "
  • ssh pubkey required: please submit the public key.
  • \n"; elseif (substr($sshkey, 0, 4) !== "ssh-" && substr($sshkey, 0, 3) !== "sk-" && substr($sshkey, 0, 5) !== "ecdsa") $message .= "
  • ssh pubkey looks not correct.
  • \n"; else { if ($name != "" && $email != "") { if (forbidden_sshkey($sshkey)) { $message .= "
  • your sshkey is banned!
  • \n"; add_ban_info($name, $email); } } } if ($_REQUEST["c_age"] == "") $message .= "
  • you must be at least 16 years old to use this service.
  • \n"; if ($_REQUEST["iagree"] == "") $message .= "
  • you need to agree to our terms.
  • \n"; // no validation errors if ($message == "") { $makeuser = "/usr/local/bin/envs_user_manage add {$_REQUEST["username"]} {$_REQUEST["email"]} \"{$sshkey}\""; $msgbody = " username: {$_REQUEST["username"]} email: {$_REQUEST["email"]} reason: {$_REQUEST["interest"]} $makeuser "; $mailSent = @mail($mailTo, $mailSubject, $msgbody, implode("\r\n", $headers)); if($mailSent == TRUE) { // temp. add to forbidden to prevent double signups (cleanup after user creation) file_put_contents("/var/signups_current", $name.PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND); // save signup file_put_contents("/var/signups", $makeuser.PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND); echo '
    Sent your message successfully!
    Please allow up to 24 hours for a response with login instructions!
    '; } else { echo '
    something went wrong... :(
    please send an email to hostmaster@envs.net with details of what happened.
    '; } } else { ?>
