// "; $user_info = json_decode(file_get_contents('/var/www/envs.net/users_info.json')); $sys_info = json_decode(file_get_contents('/var/www/envs.net/sysinfo.json')); $date = new DateTime(null, new DateTimeZone('Etc/UTC')); $datetime = $date->format('l, d. F Y - h:i:s A (e)'); $online_users = str_replace(PHP_EOL, '', shell_exec("online-users")); $total_users = $user_info->data->info->user_count; $local_os = shell_exec("lsb_release -ds"); include 'header.php'; ?>

data->services as $service => $value) { $url = $sys_info->data->services->$service->url; $urlname = str_replace($clean,'',$url); $desc = $sys_info->data->services->$service->desc; if (! in_array($service, $exclude)) { echo " \n \n" ." \n \n"; } } ?>
$urlname- $service $desc

envs.net is a minimalist, non-commercial
shared linux system and will always be free to use.

we are linux lovers, sysadmins, programmer and users who like build
webpages, write blogs, chat online, play cool console games and so much
more. you wish to join with an small user space? send a email
to hostmaster@envs.net or use the signup form.

follow us in the chat if you like.


more infos about the system and the installed packages can
be found on the sysinfo page.

inspired by ~team and a member of tildeverse.