mirror of https://git.envs.net/envs/twtxt.git synced 2024-07-26 23:54:28 +00:00
buckket 99a17dd236 Adding option to specify minimal interval between checks (closes #100)
The option is called 'timeline_update_interval', defaults to 10.
The behaviour is as follows: If cache is enabled and was updated
in the last 'timeline_update_interval' seconds, skip any network
requests and load the timline completely from the cache, otherwise
proceed with network requests and add new content to the cache, if
necessary. This only works if the cache is enabled.

An overwrite switch is also added, called: --force-update
When specified network requests will be made to check if
cache content is still up-to-date, but the cache will still
be used, when possible. Use --no-cache if you want to disable
the caching.
2016-03-30 21:26:03 +02:00

23 lines
577 B

nick = buckket
twtfile = ~/twtxt.txt
twturl = http://example.org/twtxt.txt
check_following = True
use_pager = False
use_cache = True
porcelain = False
character_limit = 140
character_warning = 140
disclose_identity = False
limit_timeline = 20
timeline_update_interval = 10
timeout = 5.0
sorting = descending
use_abs_time = False
pre_tweet_hook = "scp buckket@example.org:~/public_html/twtxt.txt {twtfile}"
post_tweet_hook = "scp {twtfile} buckket@example.org:~/public_html/twtxt.txt"
bob = https://example.org/bob.txt
alice = https://example.org/alice.txt