add a database (LoL)

This commit is contained in:
epic morphism 2019-02-16 21:04:52 +01:00
parent 398bddcd03
commit 08c43cabfc
4 changed files with 52 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
RESULT = vantabot
PACKS = lwt,irc-client,irc-client-lwt,irc-client-tls
PACKS = lwt,irc-client,irc-client-lwt,irc-client-tls,dokeysto
UNIX = yes
all: native-code
all: byte-code native-code
-include OCamlMakefile

3 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
a bot for tokin'
requires the following opam packages: irc-client-tls, irc-client-lwt, dokeysto

28 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
(** top-level function: `register_nick` *)
module Rwdb = Dokeysto.Db.RW
let get_db (db : string) : Rwdb.t =
let open Unix in
let already_exists =
try access db [F_OK]; true
with Unix_error(ENOENT,_,_) -> false in
if already_exists
then Rwdb.open_existing db
else Rwdb.create db
let release_db (h : Rwdb.t) : unit = Rwdb.sync h; Rwdb.close h
let try_finalize f x finally y = let res = try f x with exn -> finally y; raise exn in finally y; res
let inc_nick_value (h : Rwdb.t) (nick : string) : unit =
if Rwdb.mem h nick
then let n = int_of_string (Rwdb.find h nick) in
Rwdb.replace h nick (string_of_int (n+1))
else Rwdb.add h nick "1"
let register_nick (db : string) (nick : string) =
let h = get_db db in
try_finalize (inc_nick_value h) nick
release_db h

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@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
(* for tls support replace [Irc_client_lwt] with [Irc_client_tls] *)
open Lwt
open Irccolors
module C = Irc_client_tls
@ -8,20 +9,24 @@ let formatf = Printf.sprintf
(** * Options *)
let host = ref ""
let host = ref "localhost"
let port = ref 6697
let realname = ":3"
let nick = ref "vantabot"
let channel = ref "#aa00"
let channel = ref "#bots"
let username = nick
let sleeptime = ref 30.
let countdown = ref 5
let db = ref "toke.db"
let options = Arg.align
[ "-host", Arg.Set_string host, " server host name (default: " ^ !host ^ ")"
; "-port", Arg.Set_int port, " server port (default: " ^ string_of_int !port ^ ")"
; "-chan", Arg.Set_string channel, " target channel (default: " ^ !channel ^ ")"
; "-nick", Arg.Set_string nick, " nick prefix (default: " ^ !nick ^ ")"
; "-sleeptime", Arg.Set_float sleeptime, " time period for joining the toke call, in seconds (default: " ^ string_of_float !sleeptime ^ ")"
; "-countdown", Arg.Set_int countdown, " countdown, in seconds (default: " ^ string_of_int !countdown ^ ")"
; "-db", Arg.Set_string db, " database file, will be created if does not exist (default: " ^ !db ^ ")"
let sendmsg connection m = C.send_privmsg ~connection ~target:!channel ~message:(color_text ~fg:Green ~bg:Black m)
@ -39,9 +44,11 @@ let push_toker t =
let tokeplz () =
let r = String.concat " " !tokers in
tokers := [];
"SMOKE NOW " ^ r
let inc_tokers_count () =
List.iter (Store.register_nick !db) !tokers
let leaf = [
" W ";
@ -66,8 +73,13 @@ let start_toke connection =
let rec toker_thread n conn =
if n = 0
then begin
sendmsg connection (tokeplz ())
>>= fun () -> toke_in_progress := false; show_leaf connection
let msg = tokeplz () in
inc_tokers_count ();
tokers := [];
sendmsg connection msg
>>= fun () ->
toke_in_progress := false;
show_leaf connection
else begin
sendmsg connection (color_text ~bg:Black ~fg:White (formatf "ready in %i..." n))
@ -153,5 +165,5 @@ let lwt_main () =
let _ =
Arg.parse options (fun _ -> ()) "<vantabot> [options]\nNOTE: SSL only";
Arg.parse options (fun _ -> ()) "<vantabot> [options]\n"; (lwt_main ())