rewrite the connections functions and restructure the code LOL

This commit is contained in:
epic morphism 2019-05-19 11:38:55 +02:00
parent c69e245edf
commit 33974047be
4 changed files with 173 additions and 75 deletions

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@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
RESULT = vantabot
PACKS = lwt,irc-client,irc-client-lwt,irc-client-tls,dokeysto
UNIX = yes
all: byte-code native-code
all: native-code
-include OCamlMakefile

96 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
open Irc_client
open Lwt
let formatf = Printf.sprintf
(** We distinguish between "big channels" (allowed to spam) and "smol channels" (shouldn't spam).
Thanks to nilaky for the terminology. *)
module Conn (C: CLIENT with type 'a Io.t = 'a Lwt.t) = struct
type t = C.connection_t
let smolchannels = ref []
let bigchannels = ref []
let send_msg (connection : t) ~is_big ?channel (m : string) =
let open Lwt_list in
let f c =
C.send_privmsg ~connection ~target:c ~message:m
let channels = match channel with
| None -> if is_big then !bigchannels else !bigchannels @ !smolchannels
| Some c -> if is_big && not (List.mem c !bigchannels) then [] else [c]
iter_s f channels
let insert_channel c is_big =
let r = (if is_big then bigchannels else smolchannels) in
if List.mem c !r then ()
else r := c::!r
let join_chan (connection : t) ~is_big ~channel =
C.send_join ~connection ~channel >>= fun () ->
return (insert_channel channel is_big)
let callbacks = ref []
let nick_of_irc_message imsg =
let open Irc_message in
match imsg.prefix with
| None -> ""
| Some wh ->
match String.split_on_char '!' wh with
| a::_ -> a
| [] -> ""
let register_callback ~prefix ~callback =
callbacks := (prefix,callback)::!callbacks
let get_command botnick msg pref =
let nl = String.length botnick in
let n = String.length pref in
let k = nl + 2 + n in
if String.get msg 0 = '!' then
(* If it's a command starting with "!" *)
let msg = String.sub msg 1 (String.length msg - 1) in
if String.length msg >= n then
Some (String.sub msg n (String.length msg - n))
else None
else if String.length msg >= k &&
String.sub msg 0 k = (botnick ^ ": " ^ pref) then
(* If someone is asking the bot directly, e.g.
vantabot: rollcall *)
Some (String.sub msg k (String.length msg - k))
else None
let callback_loop logf botnick connection result =
let open Irc_message in
match result with
| Result.Error e -> logf (formatf "Error parsing a message: %s" e)
| Result.Ok imsg ->
match imsg.command with
| PRIVMSG (target, msg) ->
if (List.mem target !bigchannels || List.mem target !smolchannels)
(fun (p,cb) ->
match get_command botnick msg p with
| None -> return ()
| Some rest ->
cb connection (nick_of_irc_message imsg) target rest)
else return ()
| _ -> return ()
let pls_connect ~realname ~username ~server ~port ~nick ~logf ~onconnect =
C.set_log logf;
~connect:(fun () ->
logf "Connecting..." >>= fun () ->
C.connect_by_name ~realname ~username ~server ~port ~nick ())
~f:(fun connection ->
logf "Connected." >>= fun () -> onconnect connection)
~callback:(callback_loop logf nick)

connection.mli Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
open Irc_client
open Lwt
(** We distinguish between "big channels" (allowed to spam) and "smol channels" (shouldn't spam).
Thanks to nilaky for the terminology. *)
module Conn (C: CLIENT with type 'a Io.t = 'a Lwt.t) : sig
type t = C.connection_t
val smolchannels : string list ref
val bigchannels : string list ref
val send_msg : t -> is_big:bool -> ?channel:string -> string -> unit Lwt.t
(** Send a message to all the channels associated with the connection.
set `is_big` (default: false) if the message is for `big channels` only.
If `channel` is specified then send to that channel only. *)
val join_chan : t -> is_big:bool -> channel:string -> unit Lwt.t
(** Join a channel with and add it to the list. `is_big` default to false. *)
val register_callback :
prefix:string ->
callback:(t -> string -> string -> string -> unit Lwt.t) ->
(** Register a callback for the prefix "!<prefix>". The arguments for
the callback are: connection nick (possible empty), channel, the rest of the
message. *)
val pls_connect :
realname:string ->
username:string ->
server:string ->
port:int ->
nick:string ->
logf:(string -> unit Lwt.t) ->
onconnect:(t -> unit Lwt.t) ->
unit Lwt.t

View File

@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
(* for tls support replace [Irc_client_lwt] with [Irc_client_tls] *)
open Lwt
open Irccolors
module C = Irc_client_lwt
open Connection
module C = Conn(Irc_client_lwt)
let logf : string -> unit Lwt.t = Lwt_io.printl
let formatf = Printf.sprintf
@ -13,24 +14,25 @@ let host = ref "localhost"
let port = ref 6667
let realname = ":3"
let botnick = ref "vantabot"
let channel = ref "#bots"
(* let channel = ref "#bots" *)
let username = botnick
let sleeptime = ref 30.
let countdown = ref 5
let db_file = ref "toke.db"
let smolchannels = ["#tildetown"]
let bigchannels = ["#bots";"#aaa"]
let options = Arg.align
[ "-host", Arg.Set_string host, " server host name (default: " ^ !host ^ ")"
; "-port", Arg.Set_int port, " server port (default: " ^ string_of_int !port ^ ")"
; "-chan", Arg.Set_string channel, " target channel (default: " ^ !channel ^ ")"
(* ; "-chan", Arg.Set_string channel, " target channel (default: " ^ !channel ^ ")" *)
; "-nick", Arg.Set_string botnick, " nick prefix (default: " ^ !botnick ^ ")"
; "-sleeptime", Arg.Set_float sleeptime, " time period for joining the toke call, in seconds (default: " ^ string_of_float !sleeptime ^ ")"
; "-countdown", Arg.Set_int countdown, " countdown, in seconds (default: " ^ string_of_int !countdown ^ ")"
; "-db", Arg.Set_string db_file, " database file, will be created if does not exist (default: " ^ !db_file ^ ")"
let sendmsg connection m = C.send_privmsg ~connection ~target:!channel ~message:(color_text ~fg:Green ~bg:Black m)
let toke_in_progress = ref false
@ -44,7 +46,7 @@ let push_toker t =
let tokeplz () =
let r = String.concat " " !tokers in
"SMOKE NOW " ^ r
bold_text (color_text ~fg:Green ~bg:Black "SMOKE NOW ") ^ r
let inc_tokers_count () =
List.iter (fun n -> Store.register_nick n (Store.DB !db_file)) !tokers
@ -66,7 +68,8 @@ let leaf = [
" | "]
let show_leaf connection =
leaf |> Lwt_list.iter_s (fun l -> sendmsg connection l)
leaf |> Lwt_list.iter_s (fun l ->
C.send_msg connection ~is_big:true (bold_text (color_text ~fg:Green ~bg:Black l)))
let start_toke connection =
toke_in_progress := true;
@ -76,13 +79,12 @@ let start_toke connection =
let msg = tokeplz () in
inc_tokers_count ();
tokers := [];
sendmsg connection msg
>>= fun () ->
C.send_msg connection ~is_big:false msg >>= fun () ->
toke_in_progress := false;
show_leaf connection
else begin
sendmsg connection (color_text ~bg:Black ~fg:White (formatf "ready in %i..." n))
C.send_msg connection ~is_big:true (color_text ~bg:Green ~fg:LightGreen (formatf "get ready in %i..." n))
>>= fun () -> Lwt_unix.sleep 1.
>>= fun () -> toker_thread (n-1) conn
@ -91,84 +93,46 @@ let start_toke connection =
let slt = !sleeptime in
(if slt > 10.
then Lwt_unix.sleep (slt-.10.) >>= fun () ->
sendmsg connection (color_text ~bg:Black ~fg:LightGreen "toke in ~10s") >>= fun () ->
C.send_msg connection ~is_big:true
(color_text ~bg:Black ~fg:LightGreen "get ready to toke in ~10s") >>= fun () ->
Lwt_unix.sleep 10.
else Lwt_unix.sleep slt) >>= fun () ->
toker_thread !countdown connection);
sendmsg connection (formatf "Toke in progress, type in `!toke' to join. Time to go: ~%.1f secs" !sleeptime)
C.send_msg connection ~is_big:false (formatf "Toke in progress, type in `!toke' to join. Time to go: ~%.1f secs" !sleeptime)
let handle_toke who conn =
let is_new = push_toker who in
if (!toke_in_progress)
then if is_new
then sendmsg conn (formatf "%s joins the toke call" who)
then C.send_msg conn ~is_big:false (formatf "%s joins the toke call" who)
else return ()
else start_toke conn
let rollcall ?who conn =
let rollcall who chan conn =
let pref = match who with
None -> ""
| Some n -> n ^ ": " in
sendmsg conn (pref ^ "vantabot is a bot for synchronized toking. See <>. TL;DR: the only command is !toke")
C.send_msg conn ~channel:chan ~is_big:false (pref ^ "vantabot is a bot for synchronized toking. See <>. TL;DR: the only command is !toke")
(* Register all the commands *)
let init conn =
C.register_callback "rollcall" (fun conn who chan _ ->
rollcall (if who = "" then None else Some who) chan conn);
C.register_callback "toke" (fun conn who _ _ ->
handle_toke (if who = "" then "<lain>" else who) conn)
(** * IRC connection handling code *)
let new_channel ~connection ~channel =
C.send_join ~connection ~channel
>>= fun () -> C.send_privmsg ~connection ~target:channel
~message:(bold_text (color_text ~fg:Green ~bg:Black ".420."))
let nick_of_irc_message imsg =
let open Irc_message in
match imsg.prefix with
| None -> None
| Some wh ->
match String.split_on_char '!' wh with
| a::_ -> Some a
| [] -> None
let callback connection result =
let open Irc_message in
match result with
| Result.Error e -> logf (formatf "[callback] Error parsing a message: %s" e)
| Result.Ok imsg ->
logf (to_string imsg) >>= fun () ->
(match imsg.command with
| PRIVMSG (target, msg) ->
if target = !channel && String.length msg > 4 then
if String.sub msg 0 5 = "!toke" then
match nick_of_irc_message imsg with
| None -> return ()
| Some wh -> handle_toke wh connection
else if msg = (!botnick) ^ ": rollcall" then
match nick_of_irc_message imsg with
| None -> return ()
| Some wh -> rollcall ~who:wh connection
else if msg = "!rollcall" then
rollcall connection
else return ()
else return ()
| _ -> return ())
let lwt_main () =
C.set_log logf;
~connect:(fun () ->
logf "Connecting..."
>>= fun () -> C.connect_by_name ~realname:realname ~username:!username ~server:!host ~port:!port ~nick:!botnick ()
~f:(fun connection ->
logf "Connected"
>>= fun () -> new_channel connection !channel)
C.pls_connect ~realname:realname ~username:!username ~server:!host
~port:!port ~nick:!botnick ~logf
~onconnect:(fun connection ->
init connection;
(fun c -> C.join_chan connection ~is_big:false ~channel:c) smolchannels
>>= fun () ->
(fun c -> C.join_chan connection ~is_big:true ~channel:c) bigchannels)
let _ =
Arg.parse options (fun _ -> ()) "<vantabot> [options]\n";