open Irc_client open Lwt let formatf = Printf.sprintf (** We distinguish between "big channels" (allowed to spam) and "smol channels" (shouldn't spam). Thanks to nilaky for the terminology. *) module Conn (C: CLIENT with type 'a Io.t = 'a Lwt.t) = struct type t = C.connection_t let smolchannels = ref [] let bigchannels = ref [] let send_msg (connection : t) ~is_big ?channel (m : string) = let open Lwt_list in let f c = C.send_privmsg ~connection ~target:c ~message:m in let channels = match channel with | None -> if is_big then !bigchannels else !bigchannels @ !smolchannels | Some c -> if is_big && not (List.mem c !bigchannels) then [] else [c] in iter_s f channels let insert_channel c is_big = let r = (if is_big then bigchannels else smolchannels) in if List.mem c !r then () else r := c::!r let join_chan (connection : t) ~is_big ~channel = C.send_join ~connection ~channel >>= fun () -> return (insert_channel channel is_big) let callbacks = ref [] let nick_of_irc_message imsg = let open Irc_message in match imsg.prefix with | None -> "" | Some wh -> match String.split_on_char '!' wh with | a::_ -> a | [] -> "" let register_callback ~prefix ~callback = if List.mem_assoc prefix !callbacks then callbacks := (prefix,callback)::List.remove_assoc prefix !callbacks else callbacks := (prefix,callback)::!callbacks let get_command botnick msg pref = let nl = String.length botnick in let n = String.length pref in let k = nl + 2 + n in if String.get msg 0 = '!' then (* If it's a command starting with "!" *) let msg = String.sub msg 1 (String.length msg - 1) in if String.length msg >= n && String.sub msg 0 n = pref then Some (String.sub msg n (String.length msg - n)) else None else if String.length msg >= k && String.sub msg 0 k = (botnick ^ ": " ^ pref) then (* If someone is asking the bot directly, e.g. vantabot: rollcall *) Some (String.sub msg k (String.length msg - k)) else None let callback_loop logf botnick connection result = let open Irc_message in match result with | Result.Error e -> logf (formatf "Error parsing a message: %s" e) | Result.Ok imsg -> match imsg.command with | PRIVMSG (target, msg) -> if (List.mem target !bigchannels || List.mem target !smolchannels) then Lwt_list.iter_s (fun (p,cb) -> match get_command botnick msg p with | None -> return () | Some rest -> cb connection (nick_of_irc_message imsg) target rest) !callbacks else return () | _ -> return () let pls_connect ~realname ~username ~server ~port ~nick ~logf ~onconnect = C.set_log logf; C.reconnect_loop ~after:30 ~connect:(fun () -> logf "Connecting..." >>= fun () -> C.connect_by_name ~realname ~username ~server ~port ~nick ()) ~f:(fun connection -> logf "Connected." >>= fun () -> onconnect connection) ~callback:(callback_loop logf nick) () end