initial commit

This commit is contained in:
epiii2 2021-03-31 04:51:44 +00:00
commit 3fdfe7b6d6
17 changed files with 2180 additions and 0 deletions

.gitignore vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

1 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
# PGNP: Philadelphia Gemini News Proxy

pgnp/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
# gemini://

pgnp/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
import re
import os
from .handlers import HANDLERS, Handler
def main():
path_info = os.getenv("PATH_INFO", "")
path_query = os.getenv("QUERY_STRING", "")
if path_query:
path_info = path_info + "?" + path_query
path_base = re.sub("[/?].*$", "", path_info)
handler = HANDLERS.get(path_base, Handler)
h = handler(path_info)
if __name__ == "__main__":

pgnp/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,475 @@
import re
import sys
from pathlib import Path
from requests_html import HTMLSession
# I think all three of these are actually wordpress under the hood, and they
# might also be exposing a REST api. Can I ditch all this HTML parsing and
# just GET JSON?!
# Hm, maybe not. WHYY at least doesn't expose the bulk of the content that
# way. Still, might help with metadata. For example, if I'm on some random
# URL like I can see that it's actually "page-id-497788"
# and then request
# There are other types too but I can't find any live examples of them yet.
ROOT = "/proxy/"
HEADINGS = ["h%d" % num for num in range(1, 7)]
def first_text(elems):
"""Text of the first element, or an empty string if the list is empty."""
return elems[0].text
except IndexError:
return ""
def slug(txt):
"""Replace all non-alphanumeric characters with dashes."""
return re.sub("[^A-Za-z0-9]", "-", txt)
class Handler:
def __init__(self, path):
self.session = HTMLSession()
self.path_base = re.sub("/.*$", "", path)
self.path = re.sub("^[^/?]+", "", path)
self.root_html = ""
self.root_gmni = ""
self.status_code = "20"
self.ctype = "text/gemini"
self.output = ""
def get(self):
response = self.session.get(self.root_html + self.path)
return response
def parse(self):
self.output = f"No handler defined for {self.path_base}\r\n"
self.output += "=> . Go back to the index\r\n"
def make_proxy_snippet(self):
links = [
(self.root_html + self.path, "HTML Original"),
(self.root_gmni, "Proxy Home Page")]
output = "\r\n".join([f"=> {lnk[0]} {lnk[1]}" for lnk in links])
output += "\r\n\r\n"
return output
def render(self):
sys.stdout.buffer.write(f"{self.status_code} {self.ctype}\r\n".encode())
if self.status_code == "10" or self.ctype.startswith("text/"):
def href(self, anchor, attrib="href"):
link = anchor.attrs.get(attrib, "")
except AttributeError:
link = anchor
if not link or not self.root_html or not self.root_gmni:
return link
if link.startswith("/"):
return self.root_gmni + link
return link.replace(self.root_html, self.root_gmni)
class HandlerDefault(Handler):
def parse(self):
for key in HANDLERS:
if key:
self.output += f"=> {ROOT}{key}\r\n"
class HandlerCitizen(Handler):
def __init__(self, path):
self.root_html = ""
self.root_gmni = ROOT + ""
def parse(self):
r = self.get()
if r.headers["Content-Type"] in ["image/png", "image/jpeg"]:
self.ctype = "image/png"
self.output = r.content
output = ""
if r.html.find("body.home"):
output += self.parse_main_title(r.html)
output += self.make_proxy_snippet()
output += self.parse_home_page(r.html)
output += self.parse_menu(r.html)
elif r.html.find("body.category") or r.html.find(""):
output += self.parse_main_title(r.html)
output += self.make_proxy_snippet()
output += self.parse_category_page(r.html)
output += self.parse_menu(r.html)
elif r.html.find("body.single-post"):
output += self.make_proxy_snippet()
output += self.parse_article(r.html)
output += self.parse_menu(r.html)
output += "Unknown page type. View this via HTTPS instead:\r\n"
output += f"=> {self.root_html}{self.path}\r\n"
self.output = output
def parse_main_title(self, html):
main_title = first_text(html.find("a#logo h1"))
sub_title = first_text(html.find("a#logo p"))
return f"# {main_title}\r\n{sub_title}\r\n\r\n"
def parse_home_page(self, html):
output = ""
article_links = [(self.href(a), first_text(a.find("h1"))) for a in html.find("div.featuredStory a.featuredStory-titlebar")]
article_links += [(self.href(a), first_text(a.find("h1"))) for a in html.find("div.storyList a")]
output += "## Latest Articles\r\n\r\n"
for url, title in article_links:
output += f"=> {url} {title}\r\n"
return output
def parse_category_page(self, html):
output = ""
category_title = first_text(html.find("main header h1"))
article_links = []
for a in html.find("main div.row a"):
url = self.href(a)
for heading in HEADINGS:
title = first_text(a.find(heading))
if title:
article_links.append((url, title))
if category_title:
output += f"## {category_title}\r\n\r\n"
for url, title in article_links:
output += f"=> {url} {title}\r\n"
output += "\r\n"
return output
def parse_article(self, html):
output = ""
article_title = first_text(html.find("div.article-headline h1"))
author = first_text(html.find("div.postAuthor"))
date = first_text(html.find("div.postDate"))
output += f"# {article_title}\r\n{author}\r\n{date}\r\n\r\n"
for elem in html.find("section.mainText article > *"):
if elem.tag == "p":
if elem.find("span strong") or elem.find("span b"):
output += f"## {elem.text}\r\n\r\n"
elif elem.find("strong"):
if elem.text != "RELATED VIDEO CONTENT":
output += f"{elem.text}\r\n\r\n"
output += f"{elem.text}\r\n\r\n"
elif elem.tag in ["ol", "ul"]:
for item in elem.find("li"):
output += f"* {item.text}\r\n"
output += "\r\n"
elif elem.tag == "blockquote":
# These are repeats of quotes embedded in the article.
elif elem.tag == "figure":
imgsrc = self.href(elem.find("img")[0], "src")
caption = first_text(elem.find("figcaption"))
except IndexError:
if caption:
output += f"=> {imgsrc} Figure: {caption}\r\n\r\n"
output += f"=> {imgsrc} Figure\r\n\r\n"
elif elem.tag == "div":
classes = elem.attrs.get("class", ())
if "inline_link_container" in classes:
# This is a related link. maybe hold until the end and
# then list of links?
elif "social_footer" in classes:
# This is a block of social network links
return output
def _fallback_link(self, elem, prefix):
"""Kludge for div.voiceWrap that is missing links."""
a_elems = elem.find("a")
if a_elems:
return self.href(a_elems[0])
return self.href(prefix + slug(elem.text))
def parse_menu(self, html):
menus = {}
for menudiv in html.find("div.menuContent"):
key = first_text(menudiv.find("strong"))
# Evidently most of these links are added after page-load by
# javascript for some reason. I think I can kludge it to work
# without having to restort to javascript!
if menudiv.attrs.get("id", "") == "voiceWrap":
links = [(self._fallback_link(li, "/author/"), li.text) for li in menudiv.find("li")]
links = [(self.href(a), a.text) for a in menudiv.find("a")]
if not key in menus:
menus[key] = []
menus[key] += links
output = "## Site Menu\r\n\r\n"
navlinks = [(self.href(a), a.text) for a in html.find("div.navContainer-wrap a.nothing")]
for url, title in navlinks:
output += f"=> {url} {title}\r\n"
output += "\r\n"
for section, linkset in menus.items():
if section:
output += f"### {section}\r\n\r\n"
for url, title in linkset:
output += f"=> {url} {title}\r\n"
output += "\r\n"
return output
# Though I just found: !
# and now also !!
class HandlerBillyPenn(Handler):
def __init__(self, path):
# I don't know why my use of the status code 10 seems to do .../?query
# instead of .../?s=query but this kludgey hack makes it work like I
# want
if "?" in path and "=" not in path:
path = path.replace("?", "?s=")
self.root_html = ""
self.root_gmni = ROOT + ""
def parse(self):
r = self.get()
if r.headers["Content-Type"] in ["image/png", "image/jpeg"]:
self.ctype = "image/png"
self.output = r.content
output = ""
if r.html.find("body.home"):
output += "# Billy Penn\r\n\r\n"
output += self.make_proxy_snippet()
output += self.parse_home_page(r.html)
output += self.parse_menu(r.html)
elif r.html.find("body.archive"):
output += "# Billy Penn\r\n\r\n"
output += self.make_proxy_snippet()
output += self.parse_category_page(r.html)
output += self.parse_menu(r.html)
elif r.html.find(""):
output += "# Billy Penn\r\n\r\n"
parts = r.url.split("?", 1)
if len(parts) > 1:
_, query = parts[1].split("=", 1)
if query:
output += self.make_proxy_snippet()
output += self.parse_search_page(r.html)
output += self.parse_menu(r.html)
output = ""
self.status_code = "10"
self.ctype = "Search Query"
elif r.html.find("body.single"):
output += "# Billy Penn\r\n\r\n"
output += self.make_proxy_snippet()
output += self.parse_article(r.html)
output += self.parse_menu(r.html)
output += "Unknown page type. View this via HTTPS instead:\r\n"
output += f"=> {self.root_html}{self.path}\r\n"
self.output = output
def parse_home_page(self, html):
output = ""
article_links = [(self.href(a), a.text) for a in html.find("main article h1 a")]
for url, title in article_links:
output += f"=> {url} {title}\r\n"
output += self.parse_paginate_link(html)
return output
def parse_search_page(self, html):
output = ""
title = first_text(html.find("h1.c-main__title"))
if title:
output += f"## {title}\r\n\r\n"
search_results = first_text(html.find(""))
output += search_results + "\r\n\r\n"
article_links = [(self.href(a), a.text) for a in html.find("main article h1 a")]
for url, title in article_links:
output += f"=> {url} {title}\r\n"
output += self.parse_paginate_link(html)
return output
def parse_category_page(self, html):
output = ""
category_title = first_text(html.find("main header h1"))
category_desc = first_text(html.find("h2.c-main__description"))
if category_title:
output += f"## {category_title}\r\n"
if category_desc:
output += f"{category_desc}\r\n"
output += "\r\n"
article_links = [(self.href(a), a.text) for a in html.find("main article h1 a")]
for url, title in article_links:
output += f"=> {url} {title}\r\n"
output += self.parse_paginate_link(html)
return output
def parse_paginate_link(self, html):
output = ""
page_links = html.find("a[data-ga-category=pagination]")
if len(page_links) == 1:
url = self.href(page_links[0])
title = page_links[0].text
output += f"\r\n=> {url} {title}\r\n"
return output
def parse_article(self, html):
output = ""
title = first_text(html.find("article header h1"))
author = ""
date = first_text(html.find("article header time"))
for anchor in html.find("article header a[data-ga-label=author]"):
if anchor.text:
author = anchor.text
if title:
output += f"# {title}\r\n"
if author:
output += f"{author}\r\n"
if date:
output += f"{date}\r\n"
output += "\r\n"
output += self.parse_header_figure(html)
for elem in html.find("article section.c-main__body > *"):
if elem.tag == "p":
output += f"{elem.text}\r\n\r\n"
elif elem.tag in HEADINGS:
prefix = HEADINGS.index(elem.tag) + 1
prefix = min(4, max(2, prefix))
prefix = prefix * "#"
output += f"{prefix} {elem.text}\r\n\r\n"
return output
def parse_header_figure(self, html):
output = ""
header_figures = html.find("article header figure")
if header_figures:
for figure in header_figures:
imgsrc = self.href(figure.find("img")[0], "src")
caption_h1 = first_text(figure.find("figcaption h1"))
caption_cite = first_text(figure.find("figcaption cite"))
if caption_h1:
caption = f"{caption_h1} ({caption_cite})"
elif caption_cite:
caption = f"Photo by {caption_cite}"
caption = ""
except IndexError:
output += f"=> {imgsrc} {caption}\r\n"
output += "\r\n"
return output
def parse_menu(self, html):
links = [(self.href(a), a.text) for a in html.find(" li a")]
output = "## Site Menu\r\n\r\n"
for url, title in links:
output += f"=> {url} {title}\r\n"
return output
class HandlerWHYYNews(Handler):
def __init__(self, path):
self.root_html = ""
self.root_gmni = ROOT + ""
def parse(self):
r = self.get()
if r.headers["Content-Type"] in ["image/png", "image/jpeg"]:
self.ctype = "image/png"
self.output = r.content
output = ""
output += self.parse_main_title(r.html)
output += self.parse_secondary_title(r.html)
actual_articles = r.html.find("article.article")
if actual_articles:
output += first_text(actual_articles) + "\r\n"
output += self.parse_article_jumble(r.html)
output += self.parse_menu(r.html)
self.output = output
def parse_main_title(self, html):
output = ""
title = first_text(html.find("header"))
if title:
output = f"# {title}\r\n\r\n"
return output
def parse_secondary_title(self, html):
output = ""
h1 = first_text(html.find("main header h1"))
if h1:
output = f"## {h1}\r\n\r\n"
return output
def parse_article_jumble(self, html):
output = ""
teasers = html.find("article.content-mode--teaser")
for teaser in teasers:
anchor = teaser.find("p.h2-hack a")
if len(anchor) == 1:
url = self.href(anchor[0])
title = anchor[0].text
output += f"=> {url} {title}\r\n"
return output
def parse_article(self, html):
output = ""
article = html.find("article.article")[0]
output += article.text + "\r\n"
return output
def parse_menu(self, html):
output = ""
anchors = html.find("ul#menu-header-menu-main a")
if anchors:
output = "## Site Menu\r\n\r\n"
for anchor in anchors:
url = self.href(anchor)
title = anchor.text
output += f"=> {url} {title}\r\n"
return output
"": HandlerDefault,
"": HandlerCitizen,
"": HandlerBillyPenn,
"": HandlerWHYYNews

test_pgnp/ Normal file
View File

View File

@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
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<a class="thumbnail" href="" title="Things to Do in Philadelphia This Weekend" style="background:url(;"></a>
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<a class="relHeadline" href="" title="Things to Do in Philadelphia This Weekend">Things to Do in Philadelphia This Weekend</a>
<p class="railAuthor">By <a href="">Josh Middleton</a></p>
<a class="thumbnail" href="" title="Will Pop-Ups Save Phillys Food Scene?" style="background:url(;"></a>
<div class="relatedBlurb">
<a class="relHeadline" href="" title="Will Pop-Ups Save Phillys Food Scene?">Will Pop-Ups Save Phillys Food Scene?</a>
<p class="railAuthor">By <a href="">Maddy Sweitzer-Lamme</a></p>
<a class="thumbnail" href="" title="A Mayoral Wishlist, Disruptor Edition" style="background:url(;"></a>
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<a class="relHeadline" href="" title="A Mayoral Wishlist, Disruptor Edition">A Mayoral Wishlist, Disruptor Edition</a>
<p class="railAuthor">By <a href="">Larry Platt</a></p>
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<a class="relHeadline" href="" title="19 Black-Owned Businesses in Philly That Give Back">19 Black-Owned Businesses in Philly That Give Back</a>
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<span class="subheader">Guest Commentary:</span><h1> Time to Say <i>Enough</i> to Corruption</h1> <p>
Union boss John Dougherty was indicted again this week, and 12 percent of City Council is facing corruption charges. One outraged elected official is calling for an end to the scourge of Philly politics <span class="author">By Jared Solomon</span>
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<span class="author">By Josh Middleton</span> </span>
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<span class="author">By Christine Speer Lejeune</span> </span>
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<h1>The Answer To Our Vaccine Debacle</h1> <p>Locally and nationally, getting shots into arms has been a disaster. A longtime college president says the answer to preventing this in future is clear: education</p>
<span class="author">By Elaine Maimon</span> </span>
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<h1>Mindfulness for Minors</h1> <p>A local nonprofit has shown measurable progress in helping Philly public school students stay on track through training in an unexpected skill: meditation</p>
<span class="author">By Jessica Blatt Press</span> </span>
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<h1>Who Have They Left Behind?</h1> <p>The Philadelphia Obituary Project chronicles the devastating toll of our citys murder epidemic, one victim at a time</p>
<span class="author">By Jessica Blatt Press</span> </span>
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<h1>Leaving Money on the Table</h1> <p>Rising house prices <em>should</em> mean rising tax revenue to help close Phillys budget gap. Too bad, Philly 3.0s engagement director notes, the Citys property office is still too dysfunctional to reassess values</p>
<span class="author">By Jon Geeting</span> </span>
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=> /proxy/ The Answer To Our Vaccine Debacle
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<h3>On Philly corruption</h3>
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<ul class="post-list with-image"><li class="listed-post"><img width="150" height="76" src="" class="pcs-featured-image wp-post-image" alt="An image of City Hall in Philadelphia, through a yellow glass tunnel leading to suburban station." loading="lazy" srcset=" 1186w, 300w, 768w, 1024w, 791w" sizes="(max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px" /></li></ul>
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<div class="inline_link_title">The Fix: Is Now The Time to Go <i>Softer</i> On Public Corruption?</div>
<div class="inline_link_blurb">A ballot question amends the charters ban on political activity. Is there evidence that, left to their own devices, our political players will make good government choices?</div>
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<div class="inline_link_title">The Last Outraged Philadelphian</div>
<div class="inline_link_blurb">Today State Rep. Jared Solomon is announcing a bill to give voters recall power. Why is he seemingly the only person worked up about Phillys culture of corruption?</div>
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<div class="inline_link_title">What Change Feels Like</div>
<div class="inline_link_blurb">Three months out from mayoral and council elections, is Phillys political establishment heading for a reckoning?</div>
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<div class="inline_link_title">The Fix</div>
<div class="inline_link_blurb">Introducing a new series, in which we delve into the citys transactional culture of influence—and look at strategies for promoting public integrity</div>
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<div class="inline_link_title">What Did They Know? When Did They Know It?</div>
<div class="inline_link_blurb">The citys missing millions is turning into a full-blown scandal. The finance director and treasurer need to do the right thing</div>
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<div class="inline_link_title">The Case of the Missing Millions</div>
<div class="inline_link_blurb">The City misplaced $27 million of your money, didnt reconcile its bank accounts for 7 years, and now wants to raise taxes again. Where does the buck stop?</div>
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<div class="inline_link_title">The Fix: The Real Problem with Corrupt Land Sales? City Council</div>
<div class="inline_link_blurb">As Philly 3.0's engagement director notes, reform is hampered by Council's refusal to grapple with its own worst impulses</div>
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<div class="inline_link_title">The Fix: When The Empire Strikes Back</div>
<div class="inline_link_blurb">An attack on Controller Rebecca Rhynhart by the Mayors allies is straight from a familiar Philly playbook</div>
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<span>Guest Commentary:</span> Time to Say <i>Enough</i> to Corruption </h1>
<div class=""><h2>Union boss John Dougherty was indicted again this week, and 12 percent of City Council is facing corruption charges. One outraged elected official is calling for an end to the scourge of Philly politics</h2></div>
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<span>Guest Commentary:</span> Time to Say <i>Enough</i> to Corruption </h1>
<div class=""><h2>Union boss John Dougherty was indicted again this week, and 12 percent of City Council is facing corruption charges. One outraged elected official is calling for an end to the scourge of Philly politics</h2></div>
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<div class="postAuthor"><p>BY <a href="">Author McAuthor</a></p></div>
<div class="postDate">
Mar. 11, 2021 </p>
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<blockquote><p>These blockquotes are just repeats of what's already in the text, so we should ignore them.</p></blockquote>
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<p><span style="font-size: 10pt;"><i>A little blurb about the author.</i></span></p>
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Ideas, Please! </a>
<p class="railAuthor">By <a href="">Larry Platt</a></p>
<a class="thumbnail" href="" title="The Answer To Our Vaccine Debacle" style="background:url(;"></a>
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<a class="thumbnail" href="" title="Leaving Money on the Table" style="background:url(;"></a>
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<p class="railAuthor">By <a href="">Jon Geeting</a></p>
<a class="thumbnail" href="" title="“We Only Have One Mayor”" style="background:url(;"></a>
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<a class="relHeadline" href="" title="“We Only Have One Mayor”">
“We Only Have One Mayor” </a>
<p class="railAuthor">By <a href="">Larry Platt</a></p>
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=> HTML Original
=> /proxy/ Proxy Home Page
# Guest Commentary: Time to Say Enough to Corruption
BY Author McAuthor
Mar. 11, 2021
Paragraph with a Tag Link and that's it.
Another paragraph.
This paragraph has a link to an article.
More text.
A little blurb about the author.
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=> /proxy/ Connor Barwins Civic Season
=> /proxy/ Malcolm Jenkins Criminal Justice Season
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=> /proxy/ Connor Barwin
=> /proxy/ Courtney DuChene
=> /proxy/ Charles D. Ellison
=> /proxy/ Jon Geeting
=> /proxy/ Anne Gemmell
=> /proxy/ Jill Harkins
=> /proxy/ Bruce Katz
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=> /proxy/ Katherine Rapin
=> /proxy/ Roxanne Patel Shepelavy
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<h1>Ideas, Please!</h1> <p>Two recent public policy press conferences raise the question: Do Philly leaders have any new ideas for old, intransigent problems? Maybe one gaping problem is an opportunity for new thinking</p>
<span class="author">By Larry Platt</span> </span>
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<h1>Guest Commentary: Time to Say <i>Enough</i> to Corruption</h1> <p>Union boss John Dougherty was indicted again this week, and 12 percent of City Council is facing corruption charges. One outraged elected official is calling for an end to the scourge of Philly politics</p>
<span class="author">By Jared Solomon</span> </span>
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<h1>Leaving Money on the Table</h1> <p>Rising house prices <em>should</em> mean rising tax revenue to help close Phillys budget gap. Too bad, Philly 3.0s engagement director notes, the Citys property office is still too dysfunctional to reassess values</p>
<span class="author">By Jon Geeting</span> </span>
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<span class="text-overlay">
<h1>“We Only Have One Mayor”</h1> <p>Former Governor Ed Rendell and Congressman Dwight Evans voice their concerns for the state of Philadelphia</p>
<span class="author">By Larry Platt</span> </span>
<a href="" class="col standard" style="background:url(; background-position:center center!important">
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<h1>Congress, Dont Cut Local Covid-19 Aid</h1> <p>The Covid Relief Bill includes much-needed funding for city services—if, Philly 3.0s engagement director cautions, Congress doesnt take it away</p>
<span class="author">By Jon Geeting</span> </span>
<a href="" class="col standard" style="background:url(; background-position:center center!important">
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<span class="text-overlay">
<h1>Hannah Callowhill Penn | Philadelphia Women&#8217;s History Month All-Star</h1> <p>All-Star #4: Hannah Callowhill Penn</p>
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<h1>A Mayoral Wishlist, Disruptor Edition</h1> <p>If we really want a robust debate in 2023, how about some bold, unconventional candidates? Here, a list of unusual suspects.</p>
<span class="author">By Larry Platt</span> </span>
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<h1>Will Philly Be Ready For the Vaccine Surge?</h1> <p>President Biden has promised that vaccine supply is ahead of schedule. Philly 3.0s engagement editor wonders: Can Mayor Kenney and other leaders agree on a plan to get the shots in arms?</p>
<span class="author">By Jon Geeting</span> </span>
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What happened. What it means. And what you can do about it.
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=> /proxy/ Leaving Money on the Table
=> /proxy/ “We Only Have One Mayor”
=> /proxy/ Congress, Dont Cut Local Covid-19 Aid
=> /proxy/ Hannah Callowhill Penn | Philadelphia Womens History Month All-Star
=> /proxy/ A Mayoral Wishlist, Disruptor Edition
=> /proxy/ Will Philly Be Ready For the Vaccine Surge?
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=> /proxy/ Connor Barwin
=> /proxy/ Courtney DuChene
=> /proxy/ Charles D. Ellison
=> /proxy/ Jon Geeting
=> /proxy/ Anne Gemmell
=> /proxy/ Jill Harkins
=> /proxy/ Bruce Katz
=> /proxy/ Jason Kelce
=> /proxy/ Diana Lind
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=> /proxy/ Katherine Rapin
=> /proxy/ Roxanne Patel Shepelavy
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from pgnp import handlers
from .util import TestBase
class TestHandlerDefault(TestBase):
def test_parse(self):
handler = handlers.HandlerDefault("")
with open(self.path / "output.gmi", newline="") as f_in:
expected =
self.assertEqual("", handler.output)
self.assertEqual(expected, handler.output)
class TestHandlerCitizen(TestBase):
def setUp(self):
self.url = ""
def test_get(self):
handler = handlers.HandlerCitizen(self.url)
with open(self.path / "input.html", "rb") as f_in:
expected =
response = handler.get()
self.assertEqual(expected, response.content)
def test_parse(self):
handler = handlers.HandlerCitizen(self.url)
with open(self.path / "output.gmi", newline="") as f_in:
expected =
self.assertEqual("", handler.output)
self.assertEqual(expected, handler.output)
class TestHandlerCitizenCategory(TestHandlerCitizen):
def setUp(self):
self.url = ""
class TestHandlerCitizenArticle(TestHandlerCitizen):
def setUp(self):
self.url = ""
class TestHandlerCitizenUnknown(TestHandlerCitizen):
def setUp(self):
self.url = ""

test_pgnp/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
import re
import sys
import unittest
import pgnp
from pathlib import Path
from unittest.mock import (Mock, create_autospec, DEFAULT)
from requests_html import HTML
class HTMLSessionMock(pgnp.handlers.HTMLSession):
"""HTMLSession with a fake get() method.
Subclass this and set PATH to a local HTML file path.
PATH = Path("/")
def get(self, url, **kwargs):
"""Fake a GET request from local disk, with mock response object."""
url_suffix = re.sub("http[s]://[^/]+/*", "", url)
response = Mock()
response.headers = {"Content-Type": "text/html"}
path = self.__class__.PATH
if path.exists():
with open(path, "rb") as f_in:
response.content =
response.content = "404"
response.html = HTML(html=response.content)
return response
class TestBase(unittest.TestCase):
def path(self):
"""Path for supporting files for each class."""
path = self.__class__.__module__.split(".") + [self.__class__.__name__]
path.insert(1, "data")
path = Path("/".join(path))
return path
def setUp(self):
self.maxDiff = None
def tearDown(self):
def setup_mock(self):
class mocker(HTMLSessionMock):
PATH = self.path / "input.html"
hnd = sys.modules["pgnp"].handlers
hnd.HTMLSessionOrig = hnd.HTMLSession
hnd.HTMLSession = mocker
def tear_down_mock(self):
hnd = sys.modules["pgnp"].handlers
hnd.HTMLSession = hnd.HTMLSessionOrig