Programming environment for editing various of my live apps without restarting them.
Updated 2024-03-11 05:48:35 +00:00
Toy brainf**k interpreter; example app that can be modified without restarting
Updated 2024-03-11 05:35:51 +00:00
Fork of for live programming; useful starting point for further forks
Updated 2024-03-11 05:26:43 +00:00
Fork of for browsing read-only text files; useful starting point for further forks
Updated 2024-03-11 04:37:29 +00:00
Fork of without drawings; useful starting point for further forks
Updated 2024-03-11 04:36:09 +00:00
Configuration files for the various parts of our LibGuides setup
Updated 2024-03-08 21:34:38 +00:00
A simple Textpattern theme for showing images and related information, partially inspired by Japanese web design.
Updated 2024-02-08 21:21:59 +00:00
articles and other creations
Updated 2024-01-25 20:02:00 +00:00
Full-featured spartan server
Updated 2023-12-06 01:41:48 +00:00
Include album art automatically on your site using just HTML!
Updated 2023-10-22 18:28:04 +00:00
a tool to generate original art
Updated 2023-09-18 06:52:21 +00:00
My personal Fedora kickstart
Updated 2023-08-27 03:35:05 +00:00
A client-server reimplementation of the administration panel for ArtBound.
Updated 2023-08-17 00:46:32 +00:00
A very simple utility to convert the plain quotes in a text file into typographic quotes. Uses the `html` and `smartypants` modules.
Updated 2023-05-17 21:13:45 +00:00
library for writing spartan clients in Rust
Updated 2023-03-08 03:13:47 +00:00
Download articles for offline viewing as simple HTML, themed html, epub or markdown.
Updated 2023-02-13 07:42:11 +00:00
a smolweb server from proton to supercluster
Updated 2022-12-02 03:54:15 +00:00
like smartmusic but scuffed
Updated 2022-10-19 02:20:18 +00:00