# Scrape the web because you're bad at documentation :) Since 2010, [Babycastles](http://babycastles.com) has been throwing great events and doing a bad job documenting them. It's hard to describe what we do without photos and videos so I'm documenting the tools and process I use to scrape social media sites for photos of our events. I'm writing these using a Mac, if it's different for a PC/Linux - sorry. Hope this helps other people too. Also, we're a 9 year old 501c3 non-profit run by volunteers. If you like what we do, including this, please consider making a [tax-deductable donation](https://babycastles.com/Information) so we can keep doing it! ## Downloading from Instagram This will save the videos & photos and save the filename with the date it was posted to instagram & the username who posted it. the files look like this "2012-10-10_02-09-30_UTC_babycastles.jpg" 1. Uning Terminal, install [pip](https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/installing/), if its not on your machine 2. Install [Instaloader](https://instaloader.github.io/) using pip `pip install instaloader` 3. Download all Babycastles posts tagged (both with and '@' and a '#') & posted to our account using this command: `instaloader --login=babycastles babycastles '#babycastles' --filename-pattern={date_utc}_UTC_{profile} --stories --tagged --comments` 4. Download all posts with the hashtag #babycastles using: `instaloader --login=babycastles "#babycastles" --filename-pattern={date_utc}_UTC_{profile}` 5. And anything posted to our location_id (271251592) *this doesn’t seem to work yet but it was [just released](https://github.com/instaloader/instaloader/pull/212) 5 hours before I tried it so maybe it still has some bugs to work out. i'm on 4.1.1, try `pip install --upgrade instaloader later`* `instaloader --login=babycastles "%271251592" --filename-pattern={date_utc}_UTC_{profile}` 6. After you download everything once, you can just append `--fast-update` and it will only download the latest posts since the last time you ran the query ## Export events on Google Calendar to Google Sheets This will work with both calendars you have admin access to and ones you just follow. Instructions are [here](https://www.cloudbakers.com/blog/how-to-export-a-shared-calendar-to-a-google-spreadsheet). ## Downloading from YouTube 1. Install [youtube-dl](https://rg3.github.io/youtube-dl/) `sudo pip install --upgrade youtube_dl`