function love.load() math.randomseed(os.time()) load_sounds() load_sprites() load_font() load_data() player = newAnimation("assets/img/animation/player-test-size.png"),20,30,1) fog = newAnimation("assets/img/fog/fog-sheet-resize.png"),20,30,1) chaser = newAnimation("assets/img/chaser/dr2.png"),26,33,1) block_width = sprite[1]:getWidth() block_height = sprite[1]:getHeight() block_depth = block_height / 2 create_grid() grid_x = grid_y = create_player() create_portal() create_chaser() choose_drone() change_title() end function love.update(dt) move_chaser() local terrain = get_terrain(p_x,p_y) --play drone corresponding to current space if not playing if p_x == chaser_x and p_y == chaser_y then stop_old_drone(current_drone) change_title() elseif terrain<5 and sound_switched == false then stop_old_drone(current_drone) choose_drone() sound_switched = true elseif terrain>=5 then sound_switched = false end play_drone(current_drone) --player animation player.currentTime = player.currentTime + dt if player.currentTime >= player.duration then player.currentTime = player.currentTime - player.duration end --fog animation fog.currentTime = fog.currentTime + dt if fog.currentTime >= fog.duration then fog.currentTime = fog.currentTime - fog.duration end --chaser animation chaser.currentTime = chaser.currentTime + dt if chaser.currentTime >= chaser.duration then chaser.currentTime = chaser.currentTime - chaser.duration end end function love.keypressed(key) if key == 'down' then p_x = p_x + 1 end if key == 'up' then p_x = p_x - 1 end if key == 'left' then p_y = p_y - 1 end if key == 'right' then p_y = p_y + 1 end --keep the player on the board! if p_x<1 then p_x = 1 end if p_y<1 then p_y = 1 end if p_x>10 then p_x = 10 end if p_y>10 then p_y = 10 end --print('player x: '..p_x..' y: '..p_y) --print('grid piece there: '..grid[p_x][p_y]) check_player_on_portal() end function love.draw() draw_grid() draw_player() draw_portal() draw_text() end function load_sounds() local dir = 'assets/audio/drones-pack/' local files = love.filesystem.getDirectoryItems(dir) drone = {} for k, file in ipairs(files) do --print(k .. ". " .. file) --list all soundfiles as loading drone[k] =, "stream") end end function create_grid() grid_size = 10 grid = {} for x = 1,grid_size do grid[x] = {} for y = 1,grid_size do --make space a random tile grid[x][y] = love.math.random(#sprite) end end end function create_player() p_x = 1 p_y = 1 end function create_portal() portal_x = love. math.random(10) portal_y = love.math.random(10) --print('portal created at '..portal_x,portal_y) building_base = love.math.random(#building_sprite-6) end function create_chaser() chaser_x= love. math.random(10) chaser_y = love.math.random(10) --print('chaser created '..chaser_x..','..chaser_y) end function draw_grid() for x = 1,grid_size do for y = 1,grid_size do[grid[x][y]], grid_x + ((y-x) * (block_width / 2)), grid_y + ((x+y) * (block_depth / 2)) - (block_depth * (grid_size / 2)) - block_depth) --draw fog on terrain<3 if grid[x][y]<3 then draw_fog(x,y) end --draw portal if x == portal_x and y == portal_y then[3], grid_x + ((y-x) * (block_width / 2)), grid_y + ((x+y) * (block_depth / 2)) - (block_depth * (grid_size / 2)) - block_depth) end --draw chaser if x == chaser_x and y == chaser_y then draw_chaser(x,y) end end end end function draw_player() local spriteNum = math.floor(player.currentTime / player.duration * #player.quads) + 1, player.quads[spriteNum], grid_x + ((p_y-p_x) * (block_width / 2)) + block_width/4, grid_y + ((p_x+p_y) * (block_depth / 2)) - (block_depth * (grid_size / 2)) - block_depth - block_height/8, 0, 2) end function draw_fog(fog_x,fog_y) --draw all fog at simultaneous stage of animation --local spriteNum = math.floor(fog.currentTime / fog.duration * #fog.quads) + 1 -- or: each fog animation sprite starts at different stage local spriteNum = math.floor(fog.currentTime / fog.duration * grid[fog_x][fog_y]) + 1, fog.quads[spriteNum], grid_x + ((fog_y-fog_x) * (block_width / 2)) + block_width/4, grid_y + ((fog_x+fog_y) * (block_depth / 2)) - (block_depth * (grid_size / 2)) - block_depth - block_height/8, 0, 2) end function draw_chaser(chaser_x,chaser_y) local spriteNum = math.floor(chaser.currentTime / chaser.duration * #chaser.quads) + 1, chaser.quads[spriteNum], grid_x + ((chaser_x-chaser_y) * (block_width / 2)) + block_width/4, grid_y + ((chaser_x+chaser_y) * (block_depth / 2)) - (block_depth * (grid_size / 2)) - block_depth - block_height/8, 0, 2) end function draw_portal() local spriteNum = math.floor(player.currentTime / player.duration * 2) + building_base[spriteNum], grid_x + ((portal_y-portal_x) * (block_width / 2)) + block_width/4, grid_y + ((portal_x+portal_y) * (block_depth / 2)) - (block_depth * (grid_size / 2)) - block_depth - block_height/4, 0, 1) end function move_chaser() if chaser_x<1 then chaser_x = 1 end if chaser_y<1 then chaser_y = 1 end if chaser_x>10 then chaser_x = 10 end if chaser_y>10 then chaser_y = 10 end if love.math.random(100)<3 then chaser_x = chaser_x + love.math.random(-1,1) chaser_y = chaser_y + love.math.random(-1,1) end --print('chaser_x '..chaser_x..' chaser_y '..chaser_y) end function newAnimation(image, width, height, duration) local player = {} player.spriteSheet = image; player.quads = {}; for y = 0, image:getHeight() - height, height do for x = 0, image:getWidth() - width, width do table.insert(player.quads,, y, width, height, image:getDimensions())) end end player.duration = duration or 1 player.currentTime = 0 return player end function get_terrain(x,y) return grid[p_x][p_y] end function play_drone(terrain) if not drone[terrain]:isPlaying() then'dronezone', {type = 'reverb'})'cave', {type = 'echo'}) drone[terrain]:setEffect('cave') drone[terrain]:setEffect('ensemble')[terrain]) end end function load_sprites() local dir = 'assets/img/ground/' local files = love.filesystem.getDirectoryItems(dir) sprite = {} --load terrain for k, file in ipairs(files) do --print(k .. ". " .. file) --list all sprites as loading sprite[k] = end --sprinkle some plants in local dir = 'assets/img/plants/' local files = love.filesystem.getDirectoryItems(dir) for i=1,5 do sprite[love.math.random(#sprite)] =[love.math.random(#files)]) end --sprinkle some special objects in local dir = 'assets/img/objects/' local files = love.filesystem.getDirectoryItems(dir) --cycle through all tiles, replace all low number ones <5 for j=1,10 do sprite[j] =[love.math.random(#files)]) end --local portal sprites saved as building_sprites table building_sprite = {} local dir = 'assets/img/buildings/' local files = love.filesystem.getDirectoryItems(dir) for l=1,#files do building_sprite[l] =[l]) end end function choose_drone() current_drone = love.math.random(#drone) end function stop_old_drone(old_drone)[old_drone]) end function check_player_on_portal() if p_x == portal_x and p_y == portal_y then create_grid() choose_drone() create_portal() change_title() end end function load_data() environment = {} for line in love.filesystem.lines("assets/data/environments.txt") do table.insert(environment, line) end sense = {} for line in love.filesystem.lines("assets/data/senses.txt") do table.insert(sense, line) end transition = {} for line in love.filesystem.lines("assets/data/transition.txt") do table.insert(transition, line) end end function draw_text(), 100, 100) end function change_title() current_env = environment[love.math.random(#environment)] current_sense = sense[love.math.random(#sense)] current_transition = transition[love.math.random(#transition)] if love.math.random(2)>1 then title=current_transition..' '..current_env else title=current_sense..' of '..current_env end end function load_font() font = end