
1409 lines
63 KiB

# Bedrock Linux Makefile
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# Copyright (c) 2012-2022 Daniel Thau <danthau@bedrocklinux.org>
# This creates a script which can be used to install or update a Bedrock Linux
# system.
# First install the necessary build dependencies:
# - Standard UNIX utilities: grep, sed, awk, etc.
# - autoconf
# - autopoint
# - bison
# - fakeroot
# - gcc 4.9.1 or newer
# - git 1.8 or newer
# - gpg (optional)
# - gzip
# - libtool
# - make
# - meson 0.38 or newer
# - ninja-build
# - pkg-config
# - rsyn
# - rsync
# - udev (build-time only)
# Ensure you have internet access (to fetch upstream dependencies), then run:
# make GPGID=<gpg-id-with-which-to-sign>
# to build a signed install/update script or
# make SKIPSIGN=true
# to build an unsigned install/update script.
# To build for all supported architectures on a Bedrock Linux system, run:
# make release-build-environment
# as root to set up various build strata, and finally
# make GPGID=<gpg-id-with-which-to-sign> release
# This build system attempts to strike a balance between being overly dependent
# on the host system at the expense of portability, and maximizing portability
# at the expense of build time. Build tools such as gcc and meson are taken
# from the host system rather than recompiled. Upstream code which ends up
# within the output script is compiled from source.
# In order to ensure portability, the code base is compiled against musl. To
# do so easily, this uses the `musl-gcc` wrapper, which in turn means gcc is
# required. Effort to support other compilers, such a clang, should be made at
# some point in the future.
# Directory layout:
# - src/ contains Bedrock's own code, in contrast to upstream libraries.
# - src/slash-bedrock/ contains all files and directories which will populate
# the eventual install's /bedrock/ directory except binary executables which
# must be compiled.
# - src/installer/ contains the actual installer script. The build system will
# embed the eventual system files into the installation script.
# - Other src/ directories correspond to source for binary executables. These
# binaries will be included in the slash-bedrock structure embedded within the
# installation script.
# - vendor/ (initially absent) will contain upstream build dependencies. The
# build system will automatically fetch these and populate vendor/ accordingly.
# The build system will attempt to automatically get the latest stable version
# and may occasionally fail if an upstream component changes too drastically.
# This is purposeful; it will serve as a canary indicating developer attention
# is required and is preferable to distributing outdated upstream components
# which may contain security vulnerabilities.
# - vendor/*/.success_fetching_source files indicate that the given vendor
# component's files have been successfully acquired. This is used to properly
# handle interrupted downloads.
# - build/ (initially absent) will contain intermediate build output
# - build/<arch>/ separates build artifacts per-CPU-architecture which allows
# parallelized builds for different CPU architectures. See the "release"
# recipe.
# - build/<arch>/support/ will contain build-time support code and will not
# directly end up in the resulting install.
# - build/<arch>/bedrock/ will contain files which eventually end up in the
# installed system's /bedrock/ directory. This will be populated by
# src/slash-bedrock/ contents and the various src/ binaries.
# - build/<arch>/completed/ will contain files which indicate various build
# steps have been completed. These are for build steps that may produce many
# output files as an alternative to verbosely tracking each individual output
# file.
# - Makefile service as the build system.
# - `*.md` files service as documentation.
# Many dependencies have deep paths which may be awkward to type at a command
# line. For these, shorter recipe aliases are created.
# Where possible, recipes which acquire upstream source should attempt to get
# the latest stable version. This does risk the possibility that an upstream
# change breaks the build system, but this is preferable to acquiring outdated,
# insecure files. If the build system breaks, someone will be notified, while
# a missed security update may go unnoticed for a while.
# To format the code base, install:
# - shfmt (https://github.com/mvdan/sh)
# - indent (GNU)
# and run
# make format
# To run various static analysis tools against the code base, install
# - shellcheck
# - cppcheck
# - clang
# - gcc
# - scan-build (usually distributed with clang)
# - shfmt (https://github.com/mvdan/sh)
# - indent (GNU)
# - uthash
# - libfuse3
# - libcap
# - libattr
# and run
# make check
ARCHITECTURE=$(shell ./detect_arch.sh | head -n1)
FILE_ARCH_NAME=$(shell ./detect_arch.sh | awk 'NR==2')
ARCH_BIT_DEPTH=$(shell ./detect_arch.sh | awk 'NR==3')
ROOT=$(shell pwd)
INDENT_FLAGS=--linux-style --dont-line-up-parentheses \
--continuation-indentation8 --indent-label0 --case-indentation0 --line-length 120
WERROR_FLAGS=-Werror -Wall -Wextra -std=c99 -pedantic
rm -rf ./vendor
fetch_vendor_sources: \
vendor/busybox/.success_retrieving_source \
vendor/curl/.success_retrieving_source \
vendor/kmod/.success_retrieving_source \
vendor/libaio/.success_retrieving_source \
vendor/libattr/.success_retrieving_source \
vendor/libcap/.success_fetching_source \
vendor/libfuse/.success_fetching_source \
vendor/linux_headers/.success_fetching_source \
vendor/lvm2/.success_retrieving_source \
vendor/musl/.success_fetching_source \
vendor/netselect/.success_retrieving_source \
vendor/openssl/.success_retrieving_source \
vendor/uthash/.success_fetching_source \
vendor/util-linux/.success_fetching_source \
vendor/xz/.success_retrieving_source \
vendor/zlib/.success_retrieving_source \
rm -rf build/*
rm -f bedrock-linux-*-*.sh
# The build directory structure. This is a dependency of just about
# everything.
# Support symlinking build into a tmpfs
if [ -h "$(ROOT)/build" ]; then \
mkdir -p $$(readlink $(ROOT)/build); \
fi; \
# build internal directory structure
mkdir -p $(BUILD) $(SRC) $(VENDOR)
mkdir -p $(SUPPORT)/include $(SUPPORT)/lib
# copy /bedrock into build structure
cp -r src/slash-bedrock/ $(SLASHBR)
# create bedrock-release
echo "$(RELEASE)" > $(SLASHBR)/etc/bedrock-release
# create os-release
$(SLASHBR)/etc/os-release > $(SLASHBR)/etc/os-release-new
mv $(SLASHBR)/etc/os-release-new $(SLASHBR)/etc/os-release
# create release-specific bedrock.conf
mv $(SLASHBR)/etc/bedrock.conf $(SLASHBR)/etc/bedrock.conf-$(BEDROCK_VERSION)
# move world file to temporary position so it does not overwrite
# preexisting one during update
mv $(SLASHBR)/etc/world $(SLASHBR)/etc/.fresh-world
# git does not track empty directories. Ensure known required
# directories are created.
mkdir -p $(SLASHBR)/bin
mkdir -p $(SLASHBR)/etc
mkdir -p $(SLASHBR)/gnupg-keys
mkdir -p $(SLASHBR)/info
mkdir -p $(SLASHBR)/libexec
mkdir -p $(SLASHBR)/run
mkdir -p $(SLASHBR)/share/brl-fetch/distros
mkdir -p $(SLASHBR)/strata/bedrock
mkdir -p $(SLASHBR)/var
mkdir -p $(COMPLETED)
mkdir -p $(BUILD)/sbin/
# Most files going into the tarball exist in /bedrock, but Bedrock's
# /sbin/init is not one of them. Copy it separately.
cp src/init/init $(BUILD)/sbin/init
touch $(COMPLETED)/builddir
builddir: $(COMPLETED)/builddir
# Support libraries and tools. Populates $(SUPPORT)
rm -rf vendor/linux_headers
mkdir -p vendor/linux_headers
git clone --depth=1 -b 'loongarch-next' 'https://github.com/loongson/linux' vendor/linux_headers
touch vendor/linux_headers/.success_fetching_source
$(COMPLETED)/linux_headers: vendor/linux_headers/.success_fetching_source $(COMPLETED)/builddir
rm -rf $(VENDOR)/linux_headers/
mkdir -p $(VENDOR)/linux_headers
cd $(ROOT)/vendor/linux_headers/ && \
$(MAKE) headers_install INSTALL_HDR_PATH=$(SUPPORT) O=$(VENDOR)/linux_headers
touch $(COMPLETED)/linux_headers
linux_headers: $(COMPLETED)/linux_headers
rm -rf vendor/musl
mkdir -p vendor/musl
git clone --depth=1 -b "loongarch-v2.0" 'https://github.com/loongson/musl' vendor/musl
touch vendor/musl/.success_fetching_source
$(COMPLETED)/musl: vendor/musl/.success_fetching_source $(COMPLETED)/builddir $(COMPLETED)/linux_headers
rm -rf $(VENDOR)/musl
cp -r vendor/musl $(VENDOR)
cd $(VENDOR)/musl/ && \
./configure --prefix=$(SUPPORT) --enable-static --enable-gcc-wrapper && \
$(MAKE) && \
$(MAKE) install
if ! [ -e $(SUPPORT)/lib64 ]; then \
ln -fs lib $(SUPPORT)/lib64; \
if ! [ -e $(SUPPORT)/sbin ]; then \
ln -fs bin $(SUPPORT)/sbin; \
# gcc can get confused when using musl depending on -static/-pie setup,
# and so we need to enforce -static. meson apparently ignores CFLAGS
# et al when sanity testing a compiler, requiring another method to
# ensure meson tests the compiler with -static. Thus this hack: embed
# the -static flag into musl-gcc.
# i386 requires -latomic. If building i386, shove -latomic in here as well.
if [ "$(ARCHITECTURE)" = "i386" ]; then \
sed 's/ -specs/ -static -latomic -specs/' $(SUPPORT)/bin/musl-gcc > $(SUPPORT)/bin/musl-gcc-new; \
else \
sed 's/ -specs/ -static -specs/' $(SUPPORT)/bin/musl-gcc > $(SUPPORT)/bin/musl-gcc-new; \
mv $(SUPPORT)/bin/musl-gcc-new $(SUPPORT)/bin/musl-gcc
chmod a+rx $(SUPPORT)/bin/musl-gcc
touch $(COMPLETED)/musl
musl: $(COMPLETED)/musl
rm -rf vendor/libcap
mkdir -p vendor/libcap
git clone --depth=1 \
-b `git ls-remote --tags 'https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/morgan/libcap.git' | \
awk -F/ '{print $$NF}' | \
sed 's/^libcap-//g' | \
grep '^[0-9.]*$$' | \
grep '[.]' | \
sort -t . -k1,1n -k2,2n -k3,3n -k4,4n -k5,5n | \
tail -n1 | \
sed 's/^/libcap-/'` 'https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/morgan/libcap.git' \
touch vendor/libcap/.success_fetching_source
$(COMPLETED)/libcap: vendor/libcap/.success_fetching_source $(COMPLETED)/builddir $(COMPLETED)/musl
rm -rf $(VENDOR)/libcap
cp -r vendor/libcap/ $(VENDOR)
mkdir -p $(SUPPORT)/include/sys
if ! [ -e $(SUPPORT)/include/sys/capability.h ]; then \
cp $(SUPPORT)/include/linux/capability.h $(SUPPORT)/include/sys/capability.h; \
sed 's/^BUILD_GPERF.*/BUILD_GPERF=no/' $(VENDOR)/libcap/Make.Rules > $(VENDOR)/libcap/Make.Rules-new
mv $(VENDOR)/libcap/Make.Rules-new $(VENDOR)/libcap/Make.Rules
cd $(VENDOR)/libcap/libcap && \
$(MAKE) BUILD_CC=$(MUSLCC) CC=$(MUSLCC) LD="$(MUSLCC) -Wl,-x -shared" lib=$(SUPPORT)/lib prefix=$(SUPPORT) BUILD_CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS) -static" && \
$(MAKE) install-static RAISE_SETFCAP=no DESTDIR=$(SUPPORT) prefix=/ lib=lib
cd $(VENDOR)/libcap/progs && \
$(MAKE) BUILD_CC=$(MUSLCC) CC=$(MUSLCC) LD="$(MUSLCC) -Wl,-x -shared" lib=$(SUPPORT)/lib prefix=$(SUPPORT) LDFLAGS=-static DYNAMIC=no && \
$(MAKE) install RAISE_SETFCAP=no DESTDIR=$(SUPPORT) prefix=/ lib=lib DYNAMIC=no
touch $(COMPLETED)/libcap
libcap: $(COMPLETED)/libcap
rm -rf vendor/libfuse
mkdir -p vendor/libfuse
git clone --depth=1 \
-b `git ls-remote --tags 'https://github.com/libfuse/libfuse.git' | \
awk -F/ '{print $$NF}' | \
sed 's/^fuse-//g' | \
grep '^[0-9.]*$$' | \
sort -t . -k1,1n -k2,2n -k3,3n -k4,4n -k5,5n | \
tail -n1 | \
sed 's/^/fuse-/'` 'https://github.com/libfuse/libfuse.git' \
touch vendor/libfuse/.success_fetching_source
$(COMPLETED)/libfuse: vendor/libfuse/.success_fetching_source $(COMPLETED)/builddir $(COMPLETED)/musl
rm -rf $(VENDOR)/libfuse
cp -r vendor/libfuse/ $(VENDOR)
mkdir -p $(VENDOR)/libfuse/build
# meson/ninja sometimes fails with
# ninja: error: unknown target 'lib/libfuse3.a'
# for no apparent reason. It seems to eventually take after multiple
# tries. Thus, retry a few times.
cd $(VENDOR)/libfuse/build && \
CC=$(MUSLCC) CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS) -static" meson && \
meson configure -D buildtype=release && \
meson configure -D default_library=static && \
meson configure -D strip=true && \
meson configure -D prefix=$(SUPPORT) && \
CC=$(MUSLCC) ninja lib/libfuse3.a || \
CC=$(MUSLCC) CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS) -static" meson && \
meson configure -D buildtype=release && \
meson configure -D default_library=static && \
meson configure -D strip=true && \
meson configure -D prefix=$(SUPPORT) && \
CC=$(MUSLCC) ninja lib/libfuse3.a || \
CC=$(MUSLCC) CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS) -static" meson && \
meson configure -D buildtype=release && \
meson configure -D default_library=static && \
meson configure -D strip=true && \
meson configure -D prefix=$(SUPPORT) && \
CC=$(MUSLCC) ninja lib/libfuse3.a || \
CC=$(MUSLCC) CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS) -static" meson && \
meson configure -D buildtype=release && \
meson configure -D default_library=static && \
meson configure -D strip=true && \
meson configure -D prefix=$(SUPPORT) && \
CC=$(MUSLCC) ninja lib/libfuse3.a || \
CC=$(MUSLCC) CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS) -static" meson && \
meson configure -D buildtype=release && \
meson configure -D default_library=static && \
meson configure -D strip=true && \
meson configure -D prefix=$(SUPPORT) && \
CC=$(MUSLCC) ninja lib/libfuse3.a
cp -r $(VENDOR)/libfuse/build/lib/* $(SUPPORT)/lib/
mkdir -p $(SUPPORT)/include/fuse3/
cp $(VENDOR)/libfuse/include/*.h $(SUPPORT)/include/fuse3/
touch $(COMPLETED)/libfuse
libfuse: $(COMPLETED)/libfuse
rm -rf vendor/uthash
mkdir -p vendor/uthash
git clone --depth=1 \
-b `git ls-remote --tags 'https://github.com/troydhanson/uthash.git' | \
awk -F/ '{print $$NF}' | \
sed 's/^v//g' | \
grep '^[0-9.]*$$' | \
sort -t . -k1,1n -k2,2n -k3,3n -k4,4n -k5,5n | \
tail -n1 | \
sed 's/^/v/'` 'https://github.com/troydhanson/uthash.git' \
touch vendor/uthash/.success_fetching_source
$(COMPLETED)/uthash: vendor/uthash/.success_fetching_source $(COMPLETED)/builddir
rm -rf $(VENDOR)/uthash
cp -r vendor/uthash/ $(VENDOR)
cp -r $(VENDOR)/uthash/src/*.h $(SUPPORT)/include/
touch $(COMPLETED)/uthash
uthash: $(COMPLETED)/uthash
rm -rf vendor/libaio/
mkdir -p vendor/libaio
git clone --depth=1 \
-b `git ls-remote --tags 'https://pagure.io/libaio.git' | \
awk -F/ '{print $$NF}' | \
sed 's/^libaio-//g' | \
grep '^[0-9.]*$$' | \
sort -t . -k1,1n -k2,2n -k3,3n -k4,4n -k5,5n | \
tail -n1 | \
sed 's/^/libaio-/'` 'https://pagure.io/libaio.git' \
touch vendor/libaio/.success_retrieving_source
$(COMPLETED)/libaio: vendor/libaio/.success_retrieving_source $(COMPLETED)/builddir $(COMPLETED)/musl
rm -rf $(VENDOR)/libaio
cp -r vendor/libaio $(VENDOR)
cp $(VENDOR)/libaio/src/libaio.h $(SUPPORT)/include
cd $(VENDOR)/libaio && $(MAKE) CC=$(MUSLCC)
cp $(VENDOR)/libaio/src/libaio.a $(SUPPORT)/lib
cp $(VENDOR)/libaio/src/libaio.so.1.0.2 $(SUPPORT)/lib/libaio.so
touch $(COMPLETED)/libaio
libaio: $(COMPLETED)/libaio
rm -rf vendor/util-linux
mkdir -p vendor/util-linux
git clone --depth=1 \
-b `git ls-remote --tags 'https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/utils/util-linux/util-linux.git' | \
awk -F/ '{print $$NF}' | \
sed 's/^v//g' | \
grep '^[0-9.]*$$' | \
sort -t . -k1,1n -k2,2n -k3,3n -k4,4n -k5,5n | \
tail -n1 | \
sed 's/^/v/'` 'https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/utils/util-linux/util-linux.git' \
touch vendor/util-linux/.success_fetching_source
$(COMPLETED)/util-linux: vendor/util-linux/.success_fetching_source $(COMPLETED)/builddir $(COMPLETED)/musl
rm -rf $(VENDOR)/util-linux
cp -r vendor/util-linux $(VENDOR)
cd $(VENDOR)/util-linux && ./autogen.sh && \
CC=$(MUSLCC) CFLAGS="-I$(SUPPORT)/include -L$(SUPPORT)/lib" ./configure --enable-static=yes --disable-all-programs --enable-libblkid --enable-libuuid && \
cp $(VENDOR)/util-linux/.libs/libblkid.* $(SUPPORT)/lib || true
cp $(VENDOR)/util-linux/.libs/libuuid.* $(SUPPORT)/lib || true
touch $(COMPLETED)/util-linux
util-linux: $(COMPLETED)/util-linux
rm -rf vendor/openssl
mkdir -p vendor/openssl
git clone --depth=1 \
-b `git ls-remote --tags 'https://github.com/openssl/openssl.git' | \
awk -F/ '{print $$NF}' | \
grep '^OpenSSL_1_1_[0-9a-z]*$$' | \
sort -t '_' -k1,1n -k2,2n -k3,3n -k4,4n -k5,5n | \
tail -n1` 'https://github.com/openssl/openssl.git' \
touch vendor/openssl/.success_retrieving_source
$(COMPLETED)/openssl: vendor/openssl/.success_retrieving_source $(COMPLETED)/builddir $(COMPLETED)/musl
rm -rf $(VENDOR)/openssl
cp -r vendor/openssl $(VENDOR)
cd $(VENDOR)/openssl && \
if [ "$(ARCHITECTURE)" = "mips64el" ]; then \
CC=$(MUSLCC) linux$(ARCH_BIT_DEPTH) ./Configure --prefix="$(SUPPORT)" no-shared linux64-mips64; \
elif [ "$(ARCHITECTURE)" = "ppc64" ]; then \
CC=$(MUSLCC) linux$(ARCH_BIT_DEPTH) ./Configure --prefix="$(SUPPORT)" no-shared linux-ppc64le; \
else \
CC=$(MUSLCC) linux$(ARCH_BIT_DEPTH) ./config --prefix="$(SUPPORT)" no-shared; \
fi && \
$(MAKE) CC=$(MUSLCC) && \
$(MAKE) install_sw && \
$(MAKE) clean # openssl tests use quite a lot of disk
touch $(COMPLETED)/openssl
openssl: $(COMPLETED)/openssl
# Compiled binaries which will go into the output script. Populates $(SLASHBR)
rm -rf vendor/busybox
mkdir -p vendor/busybox
git clone --depth=1 \
-b `git ls-remote --heads 'git://git.busybox.net/busybox' | \
awk -F/ '$$NF ~ /stable$$/ {print $$NF}' | \
sort -t _ -k1,1n -k2,2n -k3,3n -k4,4n -k5,5n | \
tail -n1` 'git://git.busybox.net/busybox' \
# patch in "x-" option support
cd vendor/busybox/ && patch -p1 < ../../src/patches/busybox-x-opt.patch
touch vendor/busybox/.success_retrieving_source
build/all/busybox/bedrock-config: vendor/busybox/.success_retrieving_source
rm -rf build/all/busybox
mkdir -p build/all
cp -r vendor/busybox/ build/all/busybox
# create busybox config helper
cd build/all/busybox && \
echo '#!/bin/sh' > set_bb_option && \
echo 'if grep -q "^$$1=" .config; then' >> set_bb_option && \
echo ' sed "s,^$$1=.*,$$1=$$2," .config > .config-new' >> set_bb_option && \
echo ' mv .config-new .config' >> set_bb_option && \
echo 'elif grep -q "^# $$1 is not set" .config; then' >> set_bb_option && \
echo ' sed "s,^# $$1 is not set,$$1=$$2," .config > .config-new' >> set_bb_option && \
echo ' mv .config-new .config' >> set_bb_option && \
echo 'else' >> set_bb_option && \
echo ' echo "$$1=$$2" >> .config' >> set_bb_option && \
echo 'fi' >> set_bb_option && \
chmod u+x set_bb_option
# start with default config
rm -f build/all/busybox/.config
cd build/all/busybox && \
$(MAKE) defconfig
# disable unused applets
cd build/all/busybox && \
for applet in $$(grep "^CONFIG_.*=y$$" .config | grep -v "FEATURE" | sed -e 's/^CONFIG_//' -e 's/=.*$$//' | tr '[A-Z_]' '[a-z-]' ); do \
if ! grep -rq "\<$$applet\>" $(ROOT)/src/slash-bedrock/ $(ROOT)/src/installer/installer.sh $(ROOT)/src/init/init; then \
echo "DISABLING $$applet"; \
./set_bb_option "CONFIG_$$(echo "$$applet" | tr '[a-z-]' '[A-Z_]')" "n"; \
fi; \
# explicitly enable known desired and explicitly undesired features
cd build/all/busybox && \
./set_bb_option "CONFIG_AR" "y" && \
./set_bb_option "CONFIG_ASH_BASH_COMPAT" "y" && \
./set_bb_option "CONFIG_ASH_CMDCMD" "y" && \
./set_bb_option "CONFIG_ASH_TEST" "y" && \
./set_bb_option "CONFIG_BUSYBOX_EXEC_PATH" '"/bedrock/libexec/busybox"' && \
./set_bb_option "CONFIG_DATE" "y" && \
./set_bb_option "CONFIG_DEPMOD" "y" && \
./set_bb_option "CONFIG_DESKTOP" "y" && \
./set_bb_option "CONFIG_FEATURE_AR_CREATE" "y" && \
./set_bb_option "CONFIG_FEATURE_AR_LONG_FILENAMES" "y" && \
./set_bb_option "CONFIG_FEATURE_CHECK_TAINTED_MODULE" "y" && \
./set_bb_option "CONFIG_FEATURE_FDISK_ADVANCED" "n" && \
./set_bb_option "CONFIG_FEATURE_FIND_MMIN" "y" && \
./set_bb_option "CONFIG_FEATURE_FIND_XDEV" "y" && \
./set_bb_option "CONFIG_FEATURE_GPT_LABEL" "y" && \
./set_bb_option "CONFIG_FEATURE_MODUTILS_ALIAS" "y" && \
./set_bb_option "CONFIG_FEATURE_MODUTILS_SYMBOLS" "y" && \
./set_bb_option "CONFIG_FEATURE_PREFER_APPLETS" "y" && \
./set_bb_option "CONFIG_FEATURE_SEAMLESS_BZ2" "y" && \
./set_bb_option "CONFIG_FEATURE_SEAMLESS_GZ" "y" && \
./set_bb_option "CONFIG_FEATURE_SEAMLESS_LZMA" "y" && \
./set_bb_option "CONFIG_FEATURE_SEAMLESS_XZ" "y" && \
./set_bb_option "CONFIG_FEATURE_SEAMLESS_Z" "y" && \
./set_bb_option "CONFIG_FEATURE_SH_STANDALONE" "y" && \
./set_bb_option "CONFIG_INIT" "n" && \
./set_bb_option "CONFIG_INSMOD" "y" && \
./set_bb_option "CONFIG_KILLALL" "y" && \
./set_bb_option "CONFIG_LAST_ID" "65535" && \
./set_bb_option "CONFIG_LAST_SYSTEM_ID" "65535" && \
./set_bb_option "CONFIG_LFS" "y" && \
./set_bb_option "CONFIG_LSMOD" "y" && \
./set_bb_option "CONFIG_PIVOT_ROOT" "y" && \
./set_bb_option "CONFIG_RMMOD" "y" && \
./set_bb_option "CONFIG_STATIC" "y" && \
./set_bb_option "CONFIG_SYSROOT" "\"\"" && \
./set_bb_option "CONFIG_TEST" "y" && \
./set_bb_option "CONFIG_TEST1" "y" && \
./set_bb_option "CONFIG_VI" "y" && \
./set_bb_option "CONFIG_DEPMOD" "n" && \
./set_bb_option "CONFIG_INSMOD" "n" && \
./set_bb_option "CONFIG_LSMOD" "n" && \
./set_bb_option "CONFIG_MODPROBE" "n" && \
./set_bb_option "CONFIG_RMMOD" "n" && \
./set_bb_option "CONFIG_WGET" "n"
cd build/all/busybox && \
cp .config bedrock-config
$(SLASHBR)/libexec/busybox: vendor/busybox/.success_retrieving_source build/all/busybox/bedrock-config $(COMPLETED)/builddir $(COMPLETED)/musl
rm -rf $(VENDOR)/busybox
cp -r vendor/busybox/ $(VENDOR)/busybox
cp build/all/busybox/bedrock-config $(VENDOR)/busybox/.config
# fix various busybox-linux-musl issues
cd $(SUPPORT)/include/netinet/ && \
awk '{p=1}/^struct ethhdr/,/^}/{print "//"$$0; p=0}p==1' if_ether.h > if_ether.h.new && \
mv if_ether.h.new if_ether.h
cd $(SUPPORT)/include/linux/ && \
echo '' > in.h
cd $(SUPPORT)/include/linux/ && \
echo '' > in6.h
cp $(SUPPORT)/include/linux/if_slip.h $(SUPPORT)/include/net/
# http://git.musl-libc.org/cgit/musl/commit/?id=5a105f19b5aae79dd302899e634b6b18b3dcd0d6
# This will be needed with musl at or after 1.2.0 and busybox preceding 1.32
cd $(VENDOR)/busybox && \
if [ "${ARCH_BIT_DEPTH}" = "32" ]; then \
for file in libbb/time.c runit/runsv.c coreutils/date.c; do \
sed -e 's/__NR_clock_gettime\>/__NR_clock_gettime32/g' $${file} > .time-tmp && \
mv .time-tmp $${file}; \
done; \
cd $(VENDOR)/busybox && \
$(MAKE) CC=$(MUSLCC) && \
cp busybox $(SLASHBR)/libexec/busybox
busybox: $(SLASHBR)/libexec/busybox
rm -rf vendor/curl
mkdir -p vendor/curl
git clone --depth=1 \
-b `git ls-remote --tags 'https://github.com/curl/curl.git' | \
awk -F/ '{print $$NF}' | \
grep '^curl-[0-9_]*$$' | \
sort -t '_' -k1,1n -k2,2n -k3,3n -k4,4n -k5,5n | \
tail -n1` 'https://github.com/curl/curl.git' \
touch vendor/curl/.success_retrieving_source
$(SLASHBR)/libexec/curl: vendor/curl/.success_retrieving_source $(COMPLETED)/builddir $(COMPLETED)/musl $(COMPLETED)/openssl
rm -rf $(VENDOR)/curl
cp -r vendor/curl $(VENDOR)
cd $(VENDOR)/curl && autoreconf -fi && \
CC=$(MUSLCC) CFLAGS="-I$(SUPPORT)/include -L$(SUPPORT)/lib" ./configure --with-openssl --enable-static --disable-shared --enable-https --enable-ipv6 && \
$(MAKE) CC=$(MUSLCC) CFLAGS="-I$(SUPPORT)/include -L$(SUPPORT)/lib" && \
cp src/curl $(SLASHBR)/libexec/curl
curl: $(SLASHBR)/libexec/curl
git clone --depth=1 \
-b `git ls-remote --tags 'https://git.savannah.nongnu.org/git/attr.git' | \
awk -F/ '{print $$NF}' | \
sed 's/^v//g' | \
grep '^[0-9.]*$$' | \
sort -t . -k1,1n -k2,2n -k3,3n -k4,4n -k5,5n | \
tail -n1 | \
sed 's/^/v/'` 'https://git.savannah.nongnu.org/git/attr.git' \
touch vendor/libattr/.success_retrieving_source
$(COMPLETED)/libattr: vendor/libattr/.success_retrieving_source $(COMPLETED)/builddir $(COMPLETED)/musl
rm -rf $(VENDOR)/libattr
cp -r vendor/libattr/ $(VENDOR)
# Sometimes autogen does not take the first time despite returning 0. Thus, try a few times.
cd $(VENDOR)/libattr && \
./autogen.sh && \
CC=$(MUSLCC) ./configure --enable-static --disable-shared ; \
make clean && \
make CC=$(MUSLCC) getfattr setfattr && \
cp getfattr $(SLASHBR)/libexec/getfattr && \
cp setfattr $(SLASHBR)/libexec/setfattr
touch $(COMPLETED)/libattr
$(SLASHBR)/libexec/getfattr: $(COMPLETED)/libattr
$(SLASHBR)/libexec/setfattr: $(COMPLETED)/libattr
getfattr: $(COMPLETED)/libattr
setfattr: $(COMPLETED)/libattr
$(SLASHBR)/libexec/setcap: $(COMPLETED)/libcap
cp $(SUPPORT)/sbin/setcap $(SLASHBR)/libexec/setcap
setcap: $(SLASHBR)/libexec/setcap
mkdir -p vendor/netselect
git clone --depth=1 'https://github.com/apenwarr/netselect.git' vendor/netselect
touch vendor/netselect/.success_retrieving_source
$(SLASHBR)/libexec/netselect: vendor/netselect/.success_retrieving_source $(COMPLETED)/builddir $(COMPLETED)/musl
rm -rf $(VENDOR)/netselect
cp -r vendor/netselect/ $(VENDOR)
# netselect uses non-standard types which musl does not recognize.
if ! grep -q '^#include "fix_types.h"' $(VENDOR)/netselect/netselect.c; then \
echo '#define u_char unsigned char' > $(VENDOR)/netselect/fix_types.h && \
echo '#define u_short unsigned short' >> $(VENDOR)/netselect/fix_types.h && \
echo '#define u_long unsigned long' >> $(VENDOR)/netselect/fix_types.h && \
echo '#include "fix_types.h"' > $(VENDOR)/netselect/netselect_fixed.c && \
cat $(VENDOR)/netselect/netselect.c >> $(VENDOR)/netselect/netselect_fixed.c && \
mv $(VENDOR)/netselect/netselect_fixed.c $(VENDOR)/netselect/netselect.c; fi
# patch netselect to avoid dropping domain in output
# users may prefer the domain to a raw IP, and some services (e.g.
# cloudflare) refuse to operate when contacted with raw IP.
if grep -q '^\s*if\s*(result.multi)$$' $(VENDOR)/netselect/netselect.c; then \
sed 's/^\s*if\s*(result.multi)$$/if(0)/' \
$(VENDOR)/netselect/netselect.c > $(VENDOR)/netselect/netselect_fixed.c && \
mv $(VENDOR)/netselect/netselect_fixed.c $(VENDOR)/netselect/netselect.c; fi
cd $(VENDOR)/netselect/ && \
make CC=$(MUSLCC) LDFLAGS='-static' && \
cp netselect $(SLASHBR)/libexec/netselect
netselect: $(SLASHBR)/libexec/netselect
rm -rf vendor/lvm2/
mkdir -p vendor/lvm2
# no `--depth 1` because this repo does not support it
git clone \
-b `git ls-remote --tags 'https://sourceware.org/git/lvm2.git' | \
awk -F/ '{print $$NF}' | \
grep '^v[0-9_]*$$' | \
sed 's/^v//g' | \
sort -t _ -k1,1n -k2,2n -k3,3n -k4,4n -k5,5n | \
tail -n1 | \
sed 's/^/v/'` 'https://sourceware.org/git/lvm2.git' \
cd vendor/lvm2 && patch -p0 -i ../../patches/lvm2/mallinfo.patch
cd vendor/lvm2 && patch -p0 -i ../../patches/lvm2/fix-stdio.patch
# hack to fix bad imports looking for LOCK_EX
echo '#include <sys/file.h>' >> vendor/lvm2/lib/misc/lib.h
touch vendor/lvm2/.success_retrieving_source
$(COMPLETED)/lvm2: vendor/lvm2/.success_retrieving_source $(COMPLETED)/musl $(COMPLETED)/libaio $(COMPLETED)/util-linux
rm -rf $(VENDOR)/lvm2
cp -r vendor/lvm2 $(VENDOR)
cd $(VENDOR)/lvm2 && \
CC=$(MUSLCC) CFLAGS="-I$(SUPPORT)/include -L$(SUPPORT)/lib -fPIC" ./configure --build=$(shell $(MUSLCC) -dumpmachine) --disable-udev-systemd-background-jobs --disable-blkid_wiping --disable-selinux --enable-static_link && \
$(MAKE) tools SHELL=bash CC=$(MUSLCC) CFLAGS="-I$(SUPPORT)/include -L$(SUPPORT)/lib -L$(VENDOR)/lvm2/libdm/ioctl -fPIC" interfacebuilddir=$(VENDOR)/lvm2/libdm/ioctl
cd $(VENDOR)/lvm2/libdm/dm-tools && \
$(MAKE) SHELL=bash CC=$(MUSLCC) CFLAGS="-I$(SUPPORT)/include -L$(SUPPORT)/lib -L$(VENDOR)/lvm2/libdm/ioctl -fPIC" interfacebuilddir=$(VENDOR)/lvm2/libdm/ioctl
cp $(VENDOR)/lvm2/tools/lvm.static $(SLASHBR)/libexec/lvm
cp $(VENDOR)/lvm2/libdm/dm-tools/dmsetup.static $(SLASHBR)/libexec/dmsetup
touch $(COMPLETED)/lvm2
$(SLASHBR)/libexec/lvm: $(COMPLETED)/lvm2
$(SLASHBR)/libexec/dmsetup: $(COMPLETED)/lvm2
lvm2: $(SLASHBR)/libexec/dmsetup $(SLASHBR)/libexec/lvm
rm -rf vendor/zstd/
mkdir -p vendor/zstd
git clone --depth 1 \
-b `git ls-remote --tags 'https://github.com/facebook/zstd.git' | \
awk -F/ '{print $$NF}' | \
sed -e 's/^v//g' | \
grep '^[0-9.]*$$' | \
sort -t . -k1,1n -k2,2n -k3,3n -k4,4n -k5,5n | \
tail -n1 | \
sed -e 's/^/v/'` 'https://github.com/facebook/zstd.git' \
touch vendor/zstd/.success_retrieving_source
$(COMPLETED)/zstd: vendor/zstd/.success_retrieving_source $(COMPLETED)/musl
rm -rf $(VENDOR)/zstd
cp -r vendor/zstd $(VENDOR)
cd $(VENDOR)/zstd && \
$(MAKE) CC=$(MUSLCC) zstd lib prefix=$(SUPPORT) install && \
cp zstd $(SLASHBR)/libexec/zstd
touch $(COMPLETED)/zstd
$(SLASHBR)/libexec/zstd: $(COMPLETED)/zstd
zstd: $(COMPLETED)/zstd
rm -rf vendor/zlib/
mkdir -p vendor/zlib
cd vendor/zlib && wget -O- 'http://zlib.net/zlib-1.2.12.tar.gz' | gunzip | tar xf -
mv vendor/zlib/*/* vendor/zlib/
touch vendor/zlib/.success_retrieving_source
$(COMPLETED)/zlib: vendor/zlib/.success_retrieving_source $(COMPLETED)/musl
rm -rf $(VENDOR)/zlib
cp -r vendor/zlib $(VENDOR)
cd $(VENDOR)/zlib && \
./configure --prefix=$(SUPPORT) --static && \
$(MAKE) CC=$(MUSLCC) install prefix=$(SUPPORT)
touch $(COMPLETED)/zlib
zlib: $(COMPLETED)/zlib
rm -rf vendor/xz/
mkdir -p vendor/xz
git clone \
-b `git ls-remote --tags 'https://git.tukaani.org/xz.git' | \
awk -F/ '{print $$NF}' | \
sed -e 's/^v//g' | \
grep '^[0-9.]*$$' | \
sort -t . -k1,1n -k2,2n -k3,3n -k4,4n -k5,5n | \
tail -n1 | \
sed -e 's/^/v/'` 'https://git.tukaani.org/xz.git' \
touch vendor/xz/.success_retrieving_source
$(COMPLETED)/xz: vendor/xz/.success_retrieving_source $(COMPLETED)/musl
rm -rf $(VENDOR)/xz
cp -r vendor/xz $(VENDOR)
cd $(VENDOR)/xz && \
./autogen.sh --no-po4a
cd $(VENDOR)/xz && \
CFLAGS="-static" LDFLAGS="-static" ./configure --prefix=$(SUPPORT) --enable-static --disable-shared
cd $(VENDOR)/xz && $(MAKE) CC=$(MUSLCC) install prefix=$(SUPPORT)
rm $(SUPPORT)/lib/liblzma.la
touch $(COMPLETED)/xz
xz: $(COMPLETED)/xz
# Build our own kmod suite, rather than using busybox's, for .ko.zst support.
rm -rf vendor/kmod/
mkdir -p vendor/kmod
git clone --depth 1 \
-b `git ls-remote --tags 'https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/utils/kernel/kmod/kmod.git' | \
awk -F/ '{print $$NF}' | \
sed -e 's/^v//g' | \
grep '^[0-9.]*$$' | \
sort -t . -k1,1n -k2,2n -k3,3n -k4,4n -k5,5n | \
tail -n1 | \
sed -e 's/^/v/'` 'https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/utils/kernel/kmod/kmod.git' \
touch vendor/kmod/.success_retrieving_source
$(SLASHBR)/libexec/kmod: vendor/kmod/.success_retrieving_source $(COMPLETED)/musl $(COMPLETED)/zstd $(COMPLETED)/zlib $(COMPLETED)/xz
rm -rf $(VENDOR)/kmod
cp -r vendor/kmod $(VENDOR)
cd $(VENDOR)/kmod && \
./autogen.sh --with-xz --with-zlib --with-zstd --prefix=$(SUPPORT) --includedir=$(SUPPORT)/include --libdir=$(SUPPORT)/lib --bindir=$(SUPPORT)/bin \
./configure --with-xz --with-zlib --with-zstd --prefix=$(SUPPORT) --includedir=$(SUPPORT)/include --libdir=$(SUPPORT)/lib --bindir=$(SUPPORT)/bin \
$(MAKE) CC=$(MUSLCC) LDFLAGS="-L$(SUPPORT)/lib" PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$(SUPPORT)/lib/pkgconfig tools/kmod
cp $(VENDOR)/kmod/tools/kmod $(SLASHBR)/libexec/kmod
kmod: $(SLASHBR)/libexec/kmod
$(SLASHBR)/bin/strat: $(COMPLETED)/builddir $(COMPLETED)/musl $(COMPLETED)/libcap
rm -rf $(SRC)/strat
cp -r src/strat/ $(SRC)
cd $(SRC)/strat && \
$(MAKE) CC=$(MUSLCC) && \
cp ./strat $(SLASHBR)/bin/strat
strat: $(SLASHBR)/bin/strat
$(SLASHBR)/libexec/manage_tty_lock: $(COMPLETED)/builddir $(COMPLETED)/musl
rm -rf $(SRC)/manage_tty_lock
cp -r src/manage_tty_lock/ $(SRC)
cd $(SRC)/manage_tty_lock && \
$(MAKE) CC=$(MUSLCC) && \
cp manage_tty_lock $(SLASHBR)/libexec/manage_tty_lock
manage_tty_lock: $(SLASHBR)/libexec/manage_tty_lock
$(SLASHBR)/libexec/keyboard_is_present: $(COMPLETED)/builddir $(COMPLETED)/musl
rm -rf $(SRC)/keyboard_is_present
cp -r src/keyboard_is_present/ $(SRC)
cd $(SRC)/keyboard_is_present && \
$(MAKE) CC=$(MUSLCC) && \
cp keyboard_is_present $(SLASHBR)/libexec/keyboard_is_present
keyboard_is_present: $(SLASHBR)/libexec/keyboard_is_present
$(SLASHBR)/libexec/plymouth-quit: $(COMPLETED)/builddir $(COMPLETED)/musl
rm -rf $(SRC)/plymouth-quit
cp -r src/plymouth-quit/ $(SRC)
cd $(SRC)/plymouth-quit && \
$(MAKE) CC=$(MUSLCC) && \
cp plymouth-quit $(SLASHBR)/libexec/plymouth-quit
plymouth-quit: $(SLASHBR)/libexec/plymouth-quit
$(SLASHBR)/libexec/bouncer: $(COMPLETED)/builddir $(COMPLETED)/musl
rm -rf $(SRC)/bouncer
cp -r src/bouncer/ $(SRC)
cd $(SRC)/bouncer && \
$(MAKE) CC=$(MUSLCC) && \
cp ./bouncer $(SLASHBR)/libexec/bouncer
bouncer: $(SLASHBR)/libexec/bouncer
$(SLASHBR)/libexec/etcfs: $(COMPLETED)/builddir \
$(COMPLETED)/musl \
rm -rf $(SRC)/etcfs
cp -r src/etcfs/ $(SRC)
cd $(SRC)/etcfs && \
make CC=$(MUSLCC) CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS)" && \
cp ./etcfs $(SLASHBR)/libexec/etcfs
etcfs: $(SLASHBR)/libexec/etcfs
$(SLASHBR)/libexec/crossfs: $(COMPLETED)/builddir \
$(COMPLETED)/musl \
$(COMPLETED)/libfuse \
rm -rf $(SRC)/crossfs
cp -r src/crossfs/ $(SRC)
cd $(SRC)/crossfs && \
make CC=$(MUSLCC) CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS)" && \
cp ./crossfs $(SLASHBR)/libexec/crossfs
crossfs: $(SLASHBR)/libexec/crossfs
# Use populated $(SLASHBR) to create the installer/updater script
$(BUILD)/userland.tar: \
$(COMPLETED)/builddir \
$(SLASHBR)/bin/strat \
$(SLASHBR)/libexec/bouncer \
$(SLASHBR)/libexec/busybox \
$(SLASHBR)/libexec/crossfs \
$(SLASHBR)/libexec/curl \
$(SLASHBR)/libexec/dmsetup \
$(SLASHBR)/libexec/etcfs \
$(SLASHBR)/libexec/getfattr \
$(SLASHBR)/libexec/keyboard_is_present \
$(SLASHBR)/libexec/kmod \
$(SLASHBR)/libexec/lvm \
$(SLASHBR)/libexec/manage_tty_lock \
$(SLASHBR)/libexec/netselect \
$(SLASHBR)/libexec/plymouth-quit \
$(SLASHBR)/libexec/setcap \
$(SLASHBR)/libexec/setfattr \
# remove symlinks which may have been created in a previous interrupted run
rm -f $(SLASHBR)/libexec/brl-strat
rm -f $(SLASHBR)/strata/init
rm -f $(SLASHBR)/strata/local
# ensure static
for bin in $(SLASHBR)/bin/* $(SLASHBR)/libexec/*; do \
if ldd "$$bin" >/dev/null 2>&1; then \
echo "error: $$bin is dynamically linked"; exit 1; \
fi; \
# ensure correct binary format
for bin in $(SLASHBR)/bin/* $(SLASHBR)/libexec/*; do \
if file "$$bin" | grep -q "sh script"; then \
continue ; \
elif file "$$bin" | grep -qi "$(FILE_ARCH_NAME)"; then \
continue ; \
fi; \
echo "ERROR: \`file $$bin\` does not contain $(FILE_ARCH_NAME)"; \
exit 1; \
# strip binaries
for bin in $(SLASHBR)/bin/* $(SLASHBR)/libexec/*; do \
if [ -r "$$bin" ] && ! [ -h "$$bin" ] && head -c4 "$$bin" | grep -q "ELF"; then \
strip "$$bin"; \
fi \
# ensure permissions
find $(SLASHBR) -exec chmod a-s {} \;
find $(SLASHBR) -type d -exec chmod 0755 {} \;
find $(SLASHBR) -type f -exec chmod 0644 {} \;
find $(SLASHBR)/bin/ -type f -exec chmod 0755 {} \;
find $(SLASHBR)/libexec/ -type f -exec chmod 0755 {} \;
chmod 700 $(SLASHBR)/gnupg-keys
chmod 600 $(SLASHBR)/gnupg-keys/*
chmod 755 $(SLASHBR)/share/resolvconf/00bedrock
chmod 755 $(BUILD)/sbin/init
# create symlinks
ln -s ../bin/strat $(SLASHBR)/libexec/brl-strat
ln -s /bedrock/run/init-alias $(SLASHBR)/strata/init
ln -s ../cross/.local-alias $(SLASHBR)/strata/local
# create a tarball
# qemu does not play nicely with fakeroot. In case we are using qemu
# strata to build non-native arches, try to grab native fakeroot.
cd $(BUILD) && if [ -e /bedrock/cross/bin/fakeroot ]; then \
/bedrock/cross/bin/fakeroot tar cf userland.tar-new bedrock/ sbin/init; \
else \
fakeroot tar cf userland.tar-new bedrock/ sbin/init; \
cd $(BUILD) && mv userland.tar-new userland.tar
tarball: $(BUILD)/userland.tar
$(BUILD)/unsigned-installer.sh: $(BUILD)/userland.tar src/installer/installer.sh src/slash-bedrock/share/common-code
( \
cat src/installer/installer.sh | awk '/^[.] \/bedrock\/share\/common-code/{exit}1'; \
cat src/slash-bedrock/share/common-code | sed 's/BEDROCK-RELEASE/$(RELEASE)/' | grep -v 'pipefail'; \
cat src/installer/installer.sh | awk 'x{print}/^[.] \/bedrock\/share\/common-code/{x=1}' | sed \
-e 's/^TARBALL_SHA1SUM=.*/TARBALL_SHA1SUM="$(shell cat $(BUILD)/userland.tar | sha1sum - | cut -d' ' -f1)"/' \
; \
echo "-----BEGIN TARBALL-----"; \
cat $(BUILD)/userland.tar | gzip; \
echo ""; \
echo "-----END TARBALL-----"; \
) > $(BUILD)/unsigned-installer.sh-new
mv $(BUILD)/unsigned-installer.sh-new $(BUILD)/unsigned-installer.sh
$(INSTALLER): $(BUILD)/unsigned-installer.sh
if [ "$(SKIPSIGN)" = true ]; then \
cp $(BUILD)/unsigned-installer.sh $(INSTALLER)-new; \
elif [ -z "$(GPGID)" ]; then \
echo 'Either SKIPSIGN or GPGID must be set.'; \
echo 'To create an unsigned script, run:'; \
echo ' make SKIPSIGN=true'; \
echo 'Or to create a script with an embedded signature, run:'; \
echo ' make GPGID=<gpg-id-with-which-to-sign>'; \
exit 1; \
elif ! gpg --version >/dev/null 2>&1; then \
echo 'gpg not found in $$PATH, but required to sign build.'; \
echo 'Use `make SKIPSIGN=true` to opt out of signing'; \
exit 1; \
else \
rm -f $(BUILD)/signed-installer.sh; \
cp $(BUILD)/unsigned-installer.sh $(BUILD)/signed-installer.sh; \
gpg --output - --armor --detach-sign $(BUILD)/unsigned-installer.sh >> $(BUILD)/signed-installer.sh; \
mv $(BUILD)/signed-installer.sh $(INSTALLER); \
chmod +x $(INSTALLER)
@ printf "\e[32m\n%s\n%s\n%s\n\e[39m\n" \
"$$(echo "=== Completed creating $(INSTALLER) ===" | sed 's/./=/g')" \
"$$(echo "=== Completed creating $(INSTALLER) ===")" \
"$$(echo "=== Completed creating $(INSTALLER) ===" | sed 's/./=/g')"
# Code quality enforcement
# Standardizes code formatting
# requires:
# - shfmt (https://github.com/mvdan/sh)
# - indent (GNU)
# style shell scripts
for file in $$(find src/ -type f); do \
if head -n1 "$$file" | grep -q '^#!.*busybox sh$$'; then \
shfmt -p -w "$$file"; \
fi; \
if head -n1 "$$file" | grep -q '^#!.*bash$$'; then \
shfmt -ln bash -w "$$file"; \
fi; \
if head -n1 "$$file" | grep -q -e '^#!.*zsh$$' -e '^#compdef' "$$file"; then \
shfmt -ln bash -w "$$file"; \
fi; \
# style C code
for file in $$(find src/ -type f -name "*.[ch]"); do \
indent $(INDENT_FLAGS) "$$file" || exit 1; \
rm -f "$$file~"; \
@ printf "\e[32m\n%s\n%s\n%s\n\e[39m\n" \
"$$(echo "=== Completed formatting code base ===" | sed 's/./=/g')" \
"$$(echo "=== Completed formatting code base ===")" \
"$$(echo "=== Completed formatting code base ===" | sed 's/./=/g')"
# Run various static checkers against the codebase.
# Generally, one should strive to get these all to pass submit
# something to Bedrock Linux. However, the code base is not expected
# to pass all of these at all times, as as different versions of the
# static checkers may cover different things. Don't fret if this
# returns some warnings.
# Unlike the rest of the build system, this links dynamically against
# the system libraries rather than statically against custom-built
# ones. This removes the need to do things like teach static analysis
# tools about musl-gcc. It comes at the cost of non-portable resulting
# binaries, but we don't care about the resulting binaries themselves,
# just the code being analyzed.
# Libraries you'll need to install:
# - uthash
# - libfuse3
# - libcap
# - libattr
# Static analysis tools which need to be installed:
# - shellcheck
# - cppcheck
# - clang
# - gcc
# - scan-build (usually distributed with clang)
# - shfmt (https://github.com/mvdan/sh)
# - indent (GNU)
# check against shellcheck
# - SC1008: unrecognized shebang, because shellcheck does not know about
# `#!/bedrock/libexec/busybox sh`
# - SC2059: don't use variables in printf format string. Following
# this recommendation with ANSI color variables did not work for some
# reason. Excluding the check for the time being.
# - SC2039, SC3012: `[ \< ]` and `[ \> ]` are non-POSIX. However, they do work
# with busybox.
# - SC3045, SC3040, SC3043: busybox-ism is okay
# - SC1090: Can't follow dynamic sources. That's fine, we know where
# they are and are including them in the list to be checked.
export EXCLUDE="SC1008,SC2059,SC2039,SC1090,SC3012,SC3045,SC3040,SC3043"; \
for file in $$(find src/ -type f); do \
if head -n1 "$$file" | grep -q '^#!.*busybox sh$$'; then \
echo "checking shell file $$file"; \
shellcheck -x -s sh --exclude="$${EXCLUDE}" "$$file" || exit 1; \
! cat "$$file" | shfmt -p -d | grep '.' || exit 1; \
elif head -n1 "$$file" | grep -q '^#!.*bash$$'; then \
echo "checking bash file $$file"; \
shellcheck -x -s bash --exclude="$${EXCLUDE}" "$$file" || exit 1; \
! cat "$$file" | shfmt -ln bash -d | grep '.' || exit 1; \
elif head -n1 "$$file" | grep -q -e '^#!.*zsh$$' -e '^#compdef' "$$file"; then \
echo "checking zsh file $$file"; \
shellcheck -x -s bash --exclude="$${EXCLUDE}" "$$file" || exit 1; \
! cat "$$file" | shfmt -ln bash -d | grep '.' || exit 1; \
fi; \
# check against cppcheck
for file in $$(find src/ -type f -name "*.[ch]"); do \
cppcheck --error-exitcode=1 "$$file" || exit 1; \
# check against various compiler warnings
for compiler in clang gcc; do \
for dir in src/*/Makefile; do \
$(MAKE) -C "$${dir%Makefile}" clean || exit 1; \
$(MAKE) -C "$${dir%Makefile}" CC=$$compiler CFLAGS="$(WERROR_FLAGS)" || exit 1; \
$(MAKE) -C "$${dir%Makefile}" clean || exit 1; \
done \
# check C code formatting
for file in $$(find src/ -type f -name "*.[ch]"); do \
echo "checking formatting of $$file"; \
! cat "$$file" | indent $(INDENT_FLAGS) | diff -- "$$file" - | grep '.' || exit 1; \
@ printf "\e[32m\n%s\n%s\n%s\n\e[39m\n" \
"$$(echo "=== All static analysis checks pass ===" | sed 's/./=/g')" \
"$$(echo "=== All static analysis checks pass ===")" \
"$$(echo "=== All static analysis checks pass ===" | sed 's/./=/g')"
# Release build environment setup
[ $$(id -u) = 0 ]
if ! /bedrock/libexec/getfattr -d /bedrock/strata/brl-build-cross-void 2>/dev/null | grep -q user.bedrock.show_boot; then \
brl remove -d brl-build-cross-void 2>/dev/null || true; \
brl fetch -s -n brl-build-cross-void void; \
brl show -b brl-build-cross-void; \
strat -r brl-build-cross-void xbps-install -y \
cross-aarch64-linux-musl \
cross-mips-linux-musl \
cross-mipsel-linux-musl \
cross-powerpc-linux-musl \
cross-powerpc64-linux-musl \
for target in \
aarch64-linux-musl \
mips-linux-musl \
mipsel-linux-musl \
powerpc-linux-musl \
powerpc64-linux-musl \
powerpc64le-linux-musl \
; do \
for tool in gcc ld ar; do \
if ! [ -x "/bedrock/strata/brl-build-cross-void/usr/local/bin/brl-$${target}-$${tool}" ] && \
[ -x /bedrock/strata/brl-build-cross-void/usr/bin/$${target}-$${tool} ]; then \
printf '#!/bedrock/libexec/busybox sh\nexec /bedrock/bin/strat -r brl-build-cross-void /usr/bin/'"$${target}-$${tool}"' "$${@}"\n' > \
"/bedrock/strata/brl-build-cross-void/usr/local/bin/brl-$${target}-$${tool}"; \
chmod a+rx "/bedrock/strata/brl-build-cross-void/usr/local/bin/brl-$${target}-$${tool}"; \
fi; \
done; \
[ $$(id -u) = 0 ]
if ! /bedrock/libexec/getfattr -d /bedrock/strata/brl-build-cross-debian 2>/dev/null | grep -q user.bedrock.show_boot; then \
brl remove -d brl-build-cross-debian 2>/dev/null || true; \
brl fetch -s -n brl-build-cross-debian debian; \
brl show -b brl-build-cross-debian; \
strat -r brl-build-cross-debian apt -y install \
gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf binutils-arm-linux-gnueabihf \
gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi binutils-arm-linux-gnueabi \
gcc-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 binutils-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 \
gcc-s390x-linux-gnu binutils-s390x-linux-gnu
for target in arm-linux-gnueabihf \
arm-linux-gnueabi \
mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 \
s390x-linux-gnu \
; do \
for tool in gcc ld ar; do \
if ! [ -x "/bedrock/strata/brl-build-cross-debian/usr/local/bin/brl-$${target}-$${tool}" ] && \
[ -x /bedrock/strata/brl-build-cross-debian/usr/bin/$${target}-$${tool} ]; then \
printf '#!/bedrock/libexec/busybox sh\nexec /bedrock/bin/strat -r brl-build-cross-debian /usr/bin/'"$${target}-$${tool}"' "$${@}"\n' > \
"/bedrock/strata/brl-build-cross-debian/usr/local/bin/brl-$${target}-$${tool}"; \
chmod a+rx "/bedrock/strata/brl-build-cross-debian/usr/local/bin/brl-$${target}-$${tool}"; \
fi; \
done; \
release-build-environment-aarch64 release-build-environment-armv7hl release-build-environment-armv7l release-build-environment-i686 release-build-environment-mips release-build-environment-mipsel release-build-environment-mips64el release-build-environment-ppc64le release-build-environment-s390x release-build-environment-x86_64 release-build-environment-loongarch64:
[ $$(id -u) = 0 ]
if ! /bedrock/libexec/getfattr -d /bedrock/strata/brl-build-$(subst release-build-environment-,,$@) 2>/dev/null | grep -q user.bedrock.show_boot; then \
brl remove -d "brl-build-$(subst release-build-environment-,,$@)" 2>/dev/null || true; \
brl fetch -n "brl-build-$(subst release-build-environment-,,$@)" -a "$(subst release-build-environment-,,$@)" -s debian; \
brl show -b "brl-build-$(subst release-build-environment-,,$@)"; \
strat -r "brl-build-$(subst release-build-environment-,,$@)" apt -y install autoconf autopoint automake bison build-essential fakeroot gpg libtool meson ninja-build pkg-config rsync udev; \
release-build-environment-i486 release-build-environment-ppc release-build-environment-ppc64:
[ $$(id -u) = 0 ]
if ! /bedrock/libexec/getfattr -d /bedrock/strata/brl-build-$(subst release-build-environment-,,$@) 2>/dev/null | grep -q user.bedrock.show_boot; then \
brl remove -d "brl-build-$(subst release-build-environment-,,$@)" 2>/dev/null || true; \
brl fetch -n "brl-build-$(subst release-build-environment-,,$@)" -a "$(subst release-build-environment-,,$@)" -s gentoo; \
brl show -b "brl-build-$(subst release-build-environment-,,$@)"; \
# qemu does not seem to support various namespace/sandboxing technologies
# https://bugs.launchpad.net/qemu/+bug/1829459
if ! grep -q 'FEATURES="-pid-sandbox -network-sandbox -ipc-sandbox"' /bedrock/strata/brl-build-$(subst release-build-environment-,,$@)/etc/portage/make.conf; then \
echo 'FEATURES="-pid-sandbox -network-sandbox -ipc-sandbox"' >> /bedrock/strata/brl-build-$(subst release-build-environment-,,$@)/etc/portage/make.conf; \
for pkg in dev-util/meson dev-util/ninja fakeroot; do \
if ! grep -q "$${pkg}" /bedrock/strata/brl-build-$(subst release-build-environment-,,$@)/var/lib/portage/world; then \
strat -r brl-build-$(subst release-build-environment-,,$@) emerge "$${pkg}"; \
fi; \
strat -r brl-build-$(subst release-build-environment-,,$@) libtool --finish /usr/lib; \
# i386 and i486 both need -latomic
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35884832/compile-error-undefined-reference-to-atomic-fetch-add-4/47498167#47498167
if echo $@ | grep -q -e i386 -e i486 && ! grep -q -- "-latomic" /bedrock/strata/brl-build-$(subst release-build-environment-,,$@)/etc/portage/make.conf; then \
sed "s/COMMON_FLAGS=\"/COMMON_FLAGS=\"-latomic /g" /bedrock/strata/brl-build-$(subst release-build-environment-,,$@)/etc/portage/make.conf > /bedrock/strata/brl-build-$(subst release-build-environment-,,$@)/etc/portage/make.conf-new && \
mv /bedrock/strata/brl-build-$(subst release-build-environment-,,$@)/etc/portage/make.conf-new /bedrock/strata/brl-build-$(subst release-build-environment-,,$@)/etc/portage/make.conf; \
# No supported distro has these natively, but gentoo can be fetched as i486 then have gcc recompiled
release-build-environment-i386 release-build-environment-i586:
[ $$(id -u) = 0 ]
if ! /bedrock/libexec/getfattr -d /bedrock/strata/brl-build-$(subst release-build-environment-,,$@) 2>/dev/null | grep -q user.bedrock.show_boot; then \
brl remove -d "brl-build-$(subst release-build-environment-,,$@)" 2>/dev/null || true; \
brl fetch -n "brl-build-$(subst release-build-environment-,,$@)" -a "i486" -s gentoo; \
brl show -b "brl-build-$(subst release-build-environment-,,$@)"; \
# qemu does not seem to support various namespace/sandboxing technologies
# https://bugs.launchpad.net/qemu/+bug/1829459
if ! grep -q 'FEATURES="-pid-sandbox -network-sandbox -ipc-sandbox"' /bedrock/strata/brl-build-$(subst release-build-environment-,,$@)/etc/portage/make.conf; then \
echo 'FEATURES="-pid-sandbox -network-sandbox -ipc-sandbox"' >> /bedrock/strata/brl-build-$(subst release-build-environment-,,$@)/etc/portage/make.conf; \
# i386 and i486 both need -latomic
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35884832/compile-error-undefined-reference-to-atomic-fetch-add-4/47498167#47498167
if echo $@ | grep -q -e i386 -e i486 && ! grep -q -- "-latomic" /bedrock/strata/brl-build-$(subst release-build-environment-,,$@)/etc/portage/make.conf; then \
sed "s/COMMON_FLAGS=\"/COMMON_FLAGS=\"-latomic /g" /bedrock/strata/brl-build-$(subst release-build-environment-,,$@)/etc/portage/make.conf > /bedrock/strata/brl-build-$(subst release-build-environment-,,$@)/etc/portage/make.conf-new && \
mv /bedrock/strata/brl-build-$(subst release-build-environment-,,$@)/etc/portage/make.conf-new /bedrock/strata/brl-build-$(subst release-build-environment-,,$@)/etc/portage/make.conf; \
# Recompile to target architecture
if grep -q "i486" /bedrock/strata/brl-build-$(subst release-build-environment-,,$@)/etc/portage/make.conf; then \
sed "s/i486/$(subst release-build-environment-,,$@)/g" /bedrock/strata/brl-build-$(subst release-build-environment-,,$@)/etc/portage/make.conf > /bedrock/strata/brl-build-$(subst release-build-environment-,,$@)/etc/portage/make.conf-new && \
mv /bedrock/strata/brl-build-$(subst release-build-environment-,,$@)/etc/portage/make.conf-new /bedrock/strata/brl-build-$(subst release-build-environment-,,$@)/etc/portage/make.conf; \
if ! grep -q 'CHOST_x86="$(subst release-build-environment-,,$@)-pc-linux-gnu"' /bedrock/strata/brl-build-$(subst release-build-environment-,,$@)/etc/portage/make.conf; then \
sed 's/^CHOST_x86=.*//g' /bedrock/strata/brl-build-$(subst release-build-environment-,,$@)/etc/portage/make.conf > /bedrock/strata/brl-build-$(subst release-build-environment-,,$@)/etc/portage/make.conf-new && \
echo "CHOST_x86=\"$(subst release-build-environment-,,$@)-pc-linux-gnu"\" >> /bedrock/strata/brl-build-$(subst release-build-environment-,,$@)/etc/portage/make.conf-new && \
mv /bedrock/strata/brl-build-$(subst release-build-environment-,,$@)/etc/portage/make.conf-new /bedrock/strata/brl-build-$(subst release-build-environment-,,$@)/etc/portage/make.conf; \
if ! strat -r brl-build-$(subst release-build-environment-,,$@) binutils-config -c | grep -q "^$(subst release-build-environment-,,$@)-"; then \
strat -r brl-build-$(subst release-build-environment-,,$@) emerge --oneshot sys-devel/binutils; \
if ! strat -r brl-build-$(subst release-build-environment-,,$@) gcc-config -c | grep -q "^$(subst release-build-environment-,,$@)-"; then \
strat -r brl-build-$(subst release-build-environment-,,$@) emerge --oneshot sys-devel/gcc; \
# Normally next one would recompile glibc, libtool, and @world.
# However, Gentoo doesn't like this for whatever reason. Happily,
# since we are using these tools to build against a self-contained libc
# stack recompiling things like glibc, libtool, and @world are not
# necessary. Instead, just hack in an ld.so.cache update to use this compiler.
if grep -q "i486-pc-linux-gnu/[0-9.]*/libgcc_s.so.1" /bedrock/strata/brl-build-$(subst release-build-environment-,,$@)/etc/ld.so.cache; then \
sed "s,i486\(-pc-linux-gnu/[0-9.]*/libgcc_s.so.1\),$(subst release-build-environment-,,$@)\\1,g" \
/bedrock/strata/brl-build-$(subst release-build-environment-,,$@)/etc/ld.so.cache > \
/bedrock/strata/brl-build-$(subst release-build-environment-,,$@)/etc/ld.so.cache-new && \
mv /bedrock/strata/brl-build-$(subst release-build-environment-,,$@)/etc/ld.so.cache-new \
/bedrock/strata/brl-build-$(subst release-build-environment-,,$@)/etc/ld.so.cache; \
# Install required build tools
for pkg in dev-util/meson dev-util/ninja fakeroot; do \
if ! grep -q "$${pkg}" /bedrock/strata/brl-build-$(subst release-build-environment-,,$@)/var/lib/portage/world; then \
strat -r brl-build-$(subst release-build-environment-,,$@) emerge "$${pkg}"; \
fi; \
release-build-environment: \
release-build-environment-cross-void \
release-build-environment-cross-debian \
release-build-environment-aarch64 \
release-build-environment-armv7hl \
release-build-environment-armv7l \
release-build-environment-loongarch64 \
release-build-environment-i386 \
release-build-environment-i486 \
release-build-environment-i586 \
release-build-environment-i686 \
release-build-environment-mips \
release-build-environment-mips64el \
release-build-environment-mipsel \
release-build-environment-ppc \
release-build-environment-ppc64 \
release-build-environment-ppc64le \
release-build-environment-s390x \
# This build system handles non-native CPU ISAs builds by leveraging
# qemu to run build scripts and makefiles that may not be cross-compile
# friendly while running performance sensitive components such as the
# compiler with the native ISA configured to cross compile.
# This recipe fetches and sets up one stratum per ISA to run the
# scripts and makefiles (brl-build-<arch>) and two which provide
# cross-compile tools (brl-build-cross-debian and
# brl-build-cross-void).
# These strata are hidden from everything but boot-time-enable to avoid
# polluting the PATH.
@ printf "\e[32m\n%s\n%s\n%s\n\e[39m\n" \
"$$(echo "=== Completed Build Strata Setup ===" | sed 's/./=/g')" \
"$$(echo "=== Completed Build Strata Setup ===")" \
"$$(echo "=== Completed Build Strata Setup ===" | sed 's/./=/g')"
# Make job coordination gets confused across `strat`, and thus a job count must
# be explicitly set for each item here. This limits parallelization
# opportunities. If your system has more cores than then number of installers
# being built, set SUBJOBS to the per-ISA invocation of make its own job count.
# For example, if you have a 24 thread CPU, you can run:
# make -j8 SUBJOBS=3 GPGID=... release
# to make eight installers at a time with a max of three jobs for each.
# At the time of writing, there are five items which can be compiled natively
# on x86_64 which take a relatively negligible amount of time, and ten items
# that have to be run through qemu and compose the majority of the build time.
# Consider optimizing the job distribution with this in mind. For example, a
# 24 thread CPU may get better build times if slightly over registered to
# make -j10 SUBJOBS=3 GPGID=... release
# than with the more natural 8-by-3 split.
# Some resources are arch-agnostic and shared across implementations. Make
# everything dependent on those so they only run once.
release-aarch64: fetch_vendor_sources build/all/busybox/bedrock-config
strat -r brl-build-aarch64 make -j$(SUBJOBS) GPGID='$(GPGID)' \
AR='/bedrock/strata/brl-build-cross-void/usr/local/bin/brl-aarch64-linux-musl-ar' \
CC='/bedrock/strata/brl-build-cross-void/usr/local/bin/brl-aarch64-linux-musl-gcc' \
LD='/bedrock/strata/brl-build-cross-void/usr/local/bin/brl-aarch64-linux-musl-ld' \
release-armv7hl: fetch_vendor_sources build/all/busybox/bedrock-config
strat -r brl-build-armv7hl make -j$(SUBJOBS) GPGID='$(GPGID)' \
AR='/bedrock/strata/brl-build-cross-debian/usr/local/bin/brl-arm-linux-gnueabihf-ar' \
CC='/bedrock/strata/brl-build-cross-debian/usr/local/bin/brl-arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc' \
LD='/bedrock/strata/brl-build-cross-debian/usr/local/bin/brl-arm-linux-gnueabihf-ld' \
release-armv7l: fetch_vendor_sources build/all/busybox/bedrock-config
strat -r brl-build-armv7l make -j$(SUBJOBS) GPGID='$(GPGID)' \
AR='/bedrock/strata/brl-build-cross-debian/usr/local/bin/brl-arm-linux-gnueabi-ar' \
CC='/bedrock/strata/brl-build-cross-debian/usr/local/bin/brl-arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc' \
LD='/bedrock/strata/brl-build-cross-debian/usr/local/bin/brl-arm-linux-gnueabi-ld' \
release-i386: fetch_vendor_sources build/all/busybox/bedrock-config
strat -r brl-build-i386 make -j$(SUBJOBS) GPGID='$(GPGID)' \
release-i486: fetch_vendor_sources build/all/busybox/bedrock-config
strat -r brl-build-i486 make -j$(SUBJOBS) GPGID='$(GPGID)' \
release-i586: fetch_vendor_sources build/all/busybox/bedrock-config
strat -r brl-build-i586 make -j$(SUBJOBS) GPGID='$(GPGID)' \
release-i686: fetch_vendor_sources build/all/busybox/bedrock-config
strat -r brl-build-i686 make -j$(SUBJOBS) GPGID='$(GPGID)' \
release-mips: fetch_vendor_sources build/all/busybox/bedrock-config
strat -r brl-build-mips make -j$(SUBJOBS) GPGID='$(GPGID)' \
AR='/bedrock/strata/brl-build-cross-void/usr/local/bin/brl-mips-linux-musl-ar' \
CC='/bedrock/strata/brl-build-cross-void/usr/local/bin/brl-mips-linux-musl-gcc' \
LD='/bedrock/strata/brl-build-cross-void/usr/local/bin/brl-mips-linux-musl-ld' \
release-mipsel: fetch_vendor_sources build/all/busybox/bedrock-config
strat -r brl-build-mipsel make -j$(SUBJOBS) GPGID='$(GPGID)' \
AR='/bedrock/strata/brl-build-cross-void/usr/local/bin/brl-mipsel-linux-musl-ar' \
CC='/bedrock/strata/brl-build-cross-void/usr/local/bin/brl-mipsel-linux-musl-gcc' \
LD='/bedrock/strata/brl-build-cross-void/usr/local/bin/brl-mipsel-linux-musl-ld' \
release-mips64el: fetch_vendor_sources build/all/busybox/bedrock-config
strat -r brl-build-mips64el make -j$(SUBJOBS) GPGID='$(GPGID)' \
AR='/bedrock/strata/brl-build-cross-debian/usr/local/bin/brl-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64-ar' \
CC='/bedrock/strata/brl-build-cross-debian/usr/local/bin/brl-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64-gcc' \
LD='/bedrock/strata/brl-build-cross-debian/usr/local/bin/brl-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64-ld' \
release-ppc: fetch_vendor_sources build/all/busybox/bedrock-config
strat -r brl-build-ppc make -j$(SUBJOBS) GPGID='$(GPGID)' \
AR='/bedrock/strata/brl-build-cross-void/usr/local/bin/brl-powerpc-linux-musl-ar' \
CC='/bedrock/strata/brl-build-cross-void/usr/local/bin/brl-powerpc-linux-musl-gcc' \
LD='/bedrock/strata/brl-build-cross-void/usr/local/bin/brl-powerpc-linux-musl-gcc' \
release-ppc64: fetch_vendor_sources build/all/busybox/bedrock-config
strat -r brl-build-ppc64 make -j$(SUBJOBS) GPGID='$(GPGID)' \
AR='/bedrock/strata/brl-build-cross-void/usr/local/bin/brl-powerpc64-linux-musl-ar' \
CC='/bedrock/strata/brl-build-cross-void/usr/local/bin/brl-powerpc64-linux-musl-gcc' \
LD='/bedrock/strata/brl-build-cross-void/usr/local/bin/brl-powerpc64-linux-musl-gcc' \
release-ppc64le: fetch_vendor_sources build/all/busybox/bedrock-config
strat -r brl-build-ppc64le make -j$(SUBJOBS) GPGID='$(GPGID)' \
AR='/bedrock/strata/brl-build-cross-void/usr/local/bin/brl-powerpc64le-linux-musl-ar' \
CC='/bedrock/strata/brl-build-cross-void/usr/local/bin/brl-powerpc64le-linux-musl-gcc' \
LD='/bedrock/strata/brl-build-cross-void/usr/local/bin/brl-powerpc64le-linux-musl-ld' \
release-s390x: fetch_vendor_sources build/all/busybox/bedrock-config
strat -r brl-build-s390x make -j$(SUBJOBS) GPGID='$(GPGID)' \
AR='/bedrock/strata/brl-build-cross-debian/usr/local/bin/brl-s390x-linux-gnu-ar' \
CC='/bedrock/strata/brl-build-cross-debian/usr/local/bin/brl-s390x-linux-gnu-gcc' \
LD='/bedrock/strata/brl-build-cross-debian/usr/local/bin/brl-s390x-linux-gnu-ld' \
release-x86_64: fetch_vendor_sources build/all/busybox/bedrock-config
strat -r brl-build-loongarch64 make -j$(SUBJOBS) GPGID='$(GPGID)' \
release-x86_64: fetch_vendor_sources build/all/busybox/bedrock-config
strat -r brl-build-x86_64 make -j$(SUBJOBS) GPGID='$(GPGID)' \
release: \
release-aarch64 \
release-armv7hl \
release-armv7l \
release-i386 \
release-i486 \
release-i586 \
release-i686 \
release-mips \
release-mips64el \
release-mipsel \
release-ppc \
release-ppc64 \
release-ppc64le \
release-s390x \
[ -e ./bedrock-linux-$(BEDROCK_VERSION)-aarch64.sh ]
[ -e ./bedrock-linux-$(BEDROCK_VERSION)-armv7hl.sh ]
[ -e ./bedrock-linux-$(BEDROCK_VERSION)-armv7l.sh ]
[ -e ./bedrock-linux-$(BEDROCK_VERSION)-i386.sh ]
[ -e ./bedrock-linux-$(BEDROCK_VERSION)-i486.sh ]
[ -e ./bedrock-linux-$(BEDROCK_VERSION)-i586.sh ]
[ -e ./bedrock-linux-$(BEDROCK_VERSION)-i686.sh ]
[ -e ./bedrock-linux-$(BEDROCK_VERSION)-mips.sh ]
[ -e ./bedrock-linux-$(BEDROCK_VERSION)-mips64el.sh ]
[ -e ./bedrock-linux-$(BEDROCK_VERSION)-mipsel.sh ]
[ -e ./bedrock-linux-$(BEDROCK_VERSION)-ppc.sh ]
[ -e ./bedrock-linux-$(BEDROCK_VERSION)-ppc64.sh ]
[ -e ./bedrock-linux-$(BEDROCK_VERSION)-loongarch64.sh ]
[ -e ./bedrock-linux-$(BEDROCK_VERSION)-ppc64le.sh ]
[ -e ./bedrock-linux-$(BEDROCK_VERSION)-s390x.sh ]
[ -e ./bedrock-linux-$(BEDROCK_VERSION)-x86_64.sh ]
@ printf "\e[32m\n%s\n%s\n%s\n\e[39m\n" \
"$$(echo "=== Completed Bedrock Linux $(BEDROCK_VERSION) release build ===" | sed 's/./=/g')" \
"$$(echo "=== Completed Bedrock Linux $(BEDROCK_VERSION) release build ===")" \
"$$(echo "=== Completed Bedrock Linux $(BEDROCK_VERSION) release build ===" | sed 's/./=/g')"