
129 lines
4.6 KiB

#!/bedrock/libexec/busybox sh
# Arch Linux bootstrap support
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# Copyright (c) 2016-2019 Daniel Thau <danthau@bedrocklinux.org>
# shellcheck source=src/slash-bedrock/libexec/brl-fetch
. /bedrock/share/common-code
trap 'fetch_abort "Unexpected error occurred."' EXIT
check_supported() {
speed_test_url() {
echo "core/os/${distro_arch}/core.db.tar.gz"
list_mirrors() {
# All mirrors:
# mirror_list_url='https://www.archlinux.org/mirrorlist/all/'
# Server-side filtered list of mirrors:
download -q "${mirror_list_url}" - |
awk -F "[ $]" ' /^#Server/ {print$3} '
brl_arch_to_distro() {
case "${1}" in
"x86_64") echo "x86_64" ;;
*) abort "brl does not know how to translate arch \"${1}\" to ${distro} format" ;;
list_architectures() {
echo "x86_64"
default_release() {
echo "rolling"
list_releases() {
echo "rolling"
setup_pacman() {
# Remove auto architecture detection, as it will confuse things like
# i686 on an x86_64 box and armv7hl on a aarch64 box.
# Also remove CheckSpace, which sometimes gets confused by Bedrock's
# mount setup.
sed 's/^Architecture[ \t]*=.*$//' "${1}/etc/pacman.conf" |
awk -v"a=${distro_arch}" '{print} $0 == "[options]" {print "Architecture = "a}' |
sed 's/^[ \t]*CheckSpace/# &/' \
mv "${1}/etc/pacman.conf-new" "${1}/etc/pacman.conf"
LC_ALL=C chroot "${1}" /usr/bin/update-ca-trust
LC_ALL=C chroot "${1}" /usr/bin/pacman-key --init
LC_ALL=C chroot "${1}" /usr/bin/pacman-key --populate archlinux
if ! grep -q "^Server" "${1}/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist"; then
echo "### Set by Bedrock Linux when acquiring this stratum" >>"${1}/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist"
echo "Server = ${target_mirror}/\$repo/os/\$arch" >>"$1/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist"
fetch() {
step "Downloading package information database"
download "${target_mirror}/core/os/${distro_arch}/core.db.tar.gz" "${bootstrap_dir}/core.db.tar.gz"
download "${target_mirror}/extra/os/${distro_arch}/extra.db.tar.gz" "${bootstrap_dir}/extra.db.tar.gz"
download "${target_mirror}/community/os/${distro_arch}/community.db.tar.gz" "${bootstrap_dir}/community.db.tar.gz"
step "Decompressing package information database"
mkdir -p "${bootstrap_dir}/pacmandb/core" "${bootstrap_dir}/pacmandb/extra" "${bootstrap_dir}/pacmandb/community"
tar -xv -f "${bootstrap_dir}/core.db.tar.gz" -C "${bootstrap_dir}/pacmandb/core/"
tar -xv -f "${bootstrap_dir}/extra.db.tar.gz" -C "${bootstrap_dir}/pacmandb/extra/"
tar -xv -f "${bootstrap_dir}/community.db.tar.gz" -C "${bootstrap_dir}/pacmandb/community/"
) | awk 'NR%100==0' | progress_unknown
step "Converting distro package information database to brl format"
pacmandb_to_brldb "${bootstrap_dir}/pacmandb" "${bootstrap_dir}/brldb"
step "Calculating required bootstrap packages"
brldb_calculate_required_packages "${bootstrap_dir}/brldb" "${bootstrap_dir}/required_packages" "${bootstrap_deps}"
step "Downloading bootstrap packages"
# brldb contains repo/filename
# files are at mirror/repo/os/arch/filename
checksum_downloads "${cache}/packages/" "$(awk -v"a=${distro_arch}" -v"m=${target_mirror}" '{sub("/", "/os/"a"/"); print m"/"$0}' "${bootstrap_dir}/required_packages")"
step "Extracting bootstrap packages"
bootstrap_packages="$(awk -v"d=${cache}/packages/" '{sub(/^.*\//,d);print $1}' "${bootstrap_dir}/required_packages")"
# shellcheck disable=SC2086
extract_pacman_pkgs "${bootstrap_dir}" ${bootstrap_packages}
step "Running bootstrap software"
# pacstrap mounts devtmpfs (which is shared with the host system) and
# chowns files in it based on /etc/passwd and /etc/group. Ensure
# system copies of files are used to avoid problematic file ownership
# change in /dev.
mkdir -p "${target_dir}/etc"
cp -a "/etc/passwd" "${target_dir}/etc/passwd"
cp -a "/etc/group" "${target_dir}/etc/group"
setup_chroot "${bootstrap_dir}"
setup_ssl "${bootstrap_dir}"
setup_pacman "${bootstrap_dir}"
share_cache "packages" "${bootstrap_dir}/target-root/var/cache/pacman/pkg/"
LC_ALL=C chroot "${bootstrap_dir}" pacstrap "/target-root" base
step "Configuring"
setup_chroot "${target_dir}"
setup_pacman "${target_dir}"
cp "${cache}/packages/"* "${target_dir}/var/cache/pacman/"
if LC_ALL=C chroot "${target_dir}" pacman -Q linux >/dev/null 2>&1; then
LC_ALL=C chroot "${target_dir}" pacman --noconfirm -R linux