
24 lines
769 B

struct Config config = {
/* font, separate different fonts with comma */
.font ="FiraCode Nerd Font:style=Light:size=10:antialias=true:autohint=true","Chiron Sans HK Light:style=Light:size=10","JoyPixels:style=Regular",
/* colors */
.background_color = "#282a36",
.foreground_color = "#f8f8f2",
.selbackground_color = "#ff5555",
.selforeground_color = "#282a36",
.separator_color = "#bbbbbb",
.border_color = "#bbbbbb",
/* sizes in pixels */
.border_pixels = 0, /* menu border */
.separator_pixels = NULL, /* line between items */
.diameter_pixels = 500,
/* the values below cannot be set via X resources */
/* sizes from 0 to 1 */
.separatorbeg = 0.2, /* beginning of the separator */
.separatorend = 1, /* end of the separator */