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2023-06-26 11:42:11 +00:00
-- {-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-}
-- Brzozowski derivatives
-- | Type of regexes
data Re a
= Nil
| Eps
| Chr a
| Cat (Re a) (Re a)
| Alt (Re a) (Re a)
| Star (Re a)
instance Show a => Show (Re a) where
show r =
case r of
Nil -> "Nil"
Eps -> "Eps"
Chr c -> "C " ++ (show c)
Cat r1 r2 -> (show r1) ++ "; " ++ (show r2)
Alt r1 r2 -> (show r1) ++ "| " ++ (show r2)
Star r -> (show r) ++ "* "
-- | Check if ε can be derived from a regex
εderiv :: Eq a => Re a -> Bool
εderiv r =
case r of
Nil -> False
Eps -> True
Chr _ -> False
Cat r1 r2 -> (εderiv r1) && (εderiv r2)
Alt r1 r2 -> (εderiv r1) || (εderiv r2)
Star _ -> True
-- | Find Brzozowski derivative of a regex with respect to a letter
deriv :: Eq a => a -> Re a -> Re a
deriv a r =
case r of
Nil -> Nil
Eps -> Nil
Chr c ->
if c==a then Eps
else Nil
Cat r1 r2 ->
if εderiv r1 then deriv a r2
else Cat (deriv a r1) r2
Alt r1 r2 -> Alt (deriv a r1) (deriv a r2)
Star rr -> Cat (deriv a rr) (Star rr)
-- | See if a string matches a regex
-- exact match only
match :: Eq a => [a] -> Re a -> Bool
match [] r =
if εderiv r then True
else False
match (x:xs) r =
let newr = deriv x r in
case newr of
Nil -> False
_ -> match xs newr
-- λ> match "" (Star (Chr 'a'))
-- True
-- λ> match "aaaaa" (Star (Chr 'a'))
-- True
-- λ> match "aaaaab" (Star (Chr 'a'))
-- False
-- Couldn't figure out how to make unicode work
(/\) = Cat
(\/) = Alt
-- (@) = Chr
(|=) :: Eq a => [a] -> Re a -> Bool
(|=) = match
-- lower precedence for smaller numbers
-- infixr 7 @
infixr 6 /\
infixr 5 \/
infixr 4 |=
-- ↑0;(↑1│↑0);↑1
-- egr1 = Cat (Chr 0) (Cat (Alt (Chr 1) (Chr 2)) (Chr 3))
egr1 = (Chr 0) /\ ((Chr 1) \/ (Chr 2)) /\ (Chr 3)
-- egr1 = (@ 0) /\ ((Chr 1) \/ (Chr 2)) /\ (Chr 3)
-- λ> match [0,2,3] egr1
-- True
-- λ> match [0,1,3] egr1
-- True
-- λ> match [0,1,2,3] egr1
-- False
-- λ> [0,2,3] |= egr1
-- True