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2024-01-02 07:43:01 +00:00
-- Inspired by
import Clash.Prelude
import qualified Prelude
import qualified Data.List
data Re a
= Eps
| Char (a -> Bool)
| Cat (Re a) (Re a)
| Alt (Re a) (Re a)
| Star (Re a)
-- ============================================================
lshift :: [a] -> [Either a b]
lshift = Left
rshift :: [b] -> [Either a b]
rshift = Right
data Nfa a = Nfa {
start :: [a]
, final :: [a]
, tfun :: a -> Maybe Char -> a -> Bool
eps :: Nfa ()
eps = Nfa {
start = [()]
, final = [()]
, tfun = \ s c d -> case (c, s, d) of
(Nothing, (), ()) -> True
otherwise -> False
-- () to () possible but not by consuming `c'
char :: (Char -> Bool) -> Nfa Bool
char f = Nfa {
start = [False]
, final = [True]
, tfun = \ s c d -> case (c, s, d) of
(Just c, False, True) -> f c
(Nothing, False, False) -> True
(Nothing, True, True) -> True
otherwise -> False
cat :: (Eq a, Eq b) => Nfa a -> Nfa b -> Nfa (Either a b)
cat a1 a2 = Nfa {
start = lshift (start a1)
, final = rshift (final a2)
, tfun = \ s c d -> case (c, s, d) of
(Just c', Left s, Left d) -> (tfun a1) s c d
(Just c', Right s, Right d) -> (tfun a2) s c d
-- The epsilon transition
(Nothing, Left s, Right d) ->
if Prelude.elem s (final a1) && Prelude.elem d (start a2) then True
else False
otherwise -> False
-- if ∃st ∈ (start a1) and st ∈ (final a1) then
-- (start a1) ++
-- else
-- start a1
alt :: Nfa a -> Nfa b -> Nfa (Either a b)
alt a1 a2 = Nfa {
start = (Data.List.++) (lshift (start a1)) (rshift (start a2))
, final = (Data.List.++) (lshift (final a1)) (rshift (final a2))
, tfun = \ s c d -> case (c, s, d) of
(_, Left s, Left d) -> (tfun a1) s c d
(_, Right s, Right d) -> (tfun a2) s c d
otherwise -> False
star :: Eq a => Nfa a -> Nfa a
star au = Nfa {
start = start au
, final = (Data.List.++) (start au) (final au)
, tfun = \ s c d -> case (c, s, d) of
(Nothing, _, _) ->
if Prelude.elem s (final au) && Prelude.elem d (start au) then True
else False
otherwise -> (tfun au) s c d
-- re2nfa :: Re a -> Nfa st
-- re2nfa r = case r of
-- Eps -> eps
-- Char f -> char f
-- Cat r1 r2 -> cat (re2nfa r1) (re2nfa r2)
-- Alt r1 r2 -> alt (re2nfa r1) (re2nfa r2)
-- Star rr -> star (re2nfa rr)