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2024-02-25 07:10:46 +00:00
(* Boolean formula *)
Inductive boolf: Type :=
| Atom: bool -> boolf
| Neg: boolf -> boolf
| And: boolf -> boolf -> boolf
| Or: boolf -> boolf -> boolf
| Impl: boolf -> boolf -> boolf.
Notation "" := (Atom true) (at level 10).
Notation "" := (Atom false) (at level 10).
Notation "'¬' b" := (Neg b) (at level 10).
Infix "" := And (at level 15).
Infix "" := Or (at level 20).
Infix "" := Impl (at level 25).
Example f1 := (( ) ) (¬ ).
Inductive kont {V:Type}: Type :=
| Letk: kont -> kont -> kont.
Arguments kont: clear implicits.
Inductive kont {V:Type}: Type :=
| KAtom: bool -> kont
| KNeg: kont -> kont
| KAnd: (V -> kont) -> (V -> kont) -> kont
| KOr: (V -> kont) -> (V -> kont) -> kont
| KImpl: (V -> kont) -> (V -> kont) -> kont.
Arguments kont: clear implicits.
Fixpoint compile {V:Type} (f:boolf): kont V :=
match f with
| Atom b => KAtom b
| Neg f => KNeg (compile f)
| And f1 f2 => KAnd (fun k => compile f1) (fun k => compile f2)
| Or f1 f2 => KOr (fun k => compile f1) (fun k => compile f2)
| Impl f1 f2 => KImpl (fun k => compile f1) (fun k => compile f2)
Check compile (V:=unit) f1.
Compute compile (V:=unit) f1.
(* *)
Inductive cnf: Type :=
| CTru | CFls: cnf
| CNeg: cnf -> cnf
| CCons: cnf -> cnf -> cnf.
Fixpoint cnfy (f:boolf): cnf :=
match f with
| Tru => CTru
| Fls => CFls
| Neg b => CNeg (cnfy b)
| And Fls _ => CFls
| And _ Fls => CFls
| And Tru f2 => cnfy f2
| And f1 Tru => cnfy f1
| And f1 f2 =>
| Or f1 f2 =>
| Impl f1 f2 => CCons (CNeg (cnfy f1)) (cnfy f2)